Camila cabello was sat in class bored out of her mind, she looks across the room spotting her friend.

"PST! Dinah!" She whisper yells, everyone heard and she knew it the teacher looked right at her

"Yeh?!" Dinah whisper yells back

"Are you coming over later?"

"Probably, gotta check with my mom first though"

"Yeh, just let me know, text me!"

"Okay! We should probably get back to work though" Dinah said

"Yes you should Dinah Jane, Camila Cabello!" The teacher said making them both jump.

"Sorry" they said at the same time

"Okay! Now if you turn to page 78-" the teacher gets cut off by the principal

"Sorry sir, have you seen Lauren Jauregui?" The principal asked looking around the class room

"No, she hasn't been in for a while ma'am" the teacher said

"Right, it's been 3 months" the principal mumbled

"Is anyone here friends with Lauren?" She asked the class, no one said a word

"Camila don't you see her around some times?" Dinah asked her friend across the room

"I mean yeh, I think she lives in my area but I don't exactly know where" Camila said, the principal nods

"Okay, if you see her ask her why she hasn't been in school please and tell me" the teacher said, Camila nods.

The principal leaves and the class continues.

Soon it was break and Dinah and Camila were talking while waiting in line for food.

"Have you seen Lauren recently?" Dinah asked Camila

"No, actually. I used to see her all the time with this boy, but I haven't seen her for like...3 months" Camila said confused, Dinah shrugs.

"Maybe she moved or something, or maybe that guy is her boyfriend and they ran away together" Dinah said, Camila chuckles.

"Maybe" she mumbled, still trying to think if she's seen Lauren more recently, but she can't think of a time.

"Well, she's gotta get to school soon or they will probably go to her house or something" Dinah said pulling Camila out of her thoughts.

"Yeh, I mean it is a little weird she came to school all the time, she never missed a class either that's why she's in our advanced classes" Camila said, Dinah thinks for a moment then nods.

"Yeh, it is a bit weird, I hope she's okay, she seems nice" Dinah said, Camila nods

"She is, we sit together in some classes we talk a bit and she is nice. I hope she's okay too" Camila said, Dinah nods.

Soon it was the end of school and Camila was walking home, on her way she stopped at the little shopping centre around her area because she mom asked her to her some groceries.

As she was grabbing a couple things she saw a familiar face, this time is was dirty and almost drained.

"Lauren?" Camila asked walking closer, Lauren jumps and looks at her

"Are you okay?" Camila asked, she saw Lauren's jacket pockets stuffed with food and drinks

"Who are you?" Lauren asked, she seemed scared she was looking around as if she was looking for ways to escape.

"I'm Camila, we go to school together, we sit next to each other in a few classes, i let you copy my homework and also sometimes cheated off me on tests" Camila said, Lauren looks at her again and nods.

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