During the one hour Taehyung spent with Seokjin, he learned how caring the man was (courtesy of that one time when Taehyung slipped on dog droppings and scratched his knee badly and Seokjin tore the bottom of his shirt to wrap it around Taehyung's wound and even supported him back to his apartment), how empathetic he was (Seokjin's tops had become a personal tissue for Taehyung whenever the latter got teary-eyed and snotty-nosed) and how ambitious he was (he worked in a small café as a barista in order to gain experience for the café he wanted to open even though the manager of his workplace was a total ass).

Upon arriving at the park, he found Seokjin sitting at one of the benches near the entrance with Jjangu hopping around and barking at the birds that rested on the tree branches. Seokjin seemed to be in deep thought by the look of his furrowed eyebrows and unfocused eyes.

Taehyung silently approached him with a pounding heart, with the small bouquet behind his back, and imagined how cute Seokjin would look once he scared him. However, his devil of a dog leaped on his lap and barked in Taehyung's direction, causing Seokjin to snap out of his train of thoughts and look at Taehyung with those molten chocolate eyes of his. He smiled, but it did not reach his eyes much to Taehyung's surprise, and waved his sweater paw covered hand.

"Hi, hyung. Hi, Jjangu," Taehyung gave his usual greeting as he took a seat next to Seokjin. Jjangu jumped out of Seokjin's lap and began playing with Yeontan who tried to feign disinterest at first but gave in anyways. Taehyung noticed how Seokjin's hands were constantly mobile, brushing strands of hair behind his hair, fumbling with the edge of his knitted blue sweater and rubbing his forearms.

"Are you sick, Voo?" Seokjin asked with a frown, making Taehyung's heart skip a few beats at the pet name. Oh how pleased his ears were every time Seokjin called him Voo in that voice which dripped with the sweetest honey.

"Sick?" However, Taehyung knew that Seokjin was indicating to his blotched red nose. Apparently, he had an allergy to pollen.

"Your nose is red and your eyes were watery. Were you crying? Are you alright?" Seokjin tilted his body a little closer to Taehyung to check his temperature by placing his palm on his forehead first and then against the side of his neck. Taehyung smiled widely at touch, forgetting all about his itchy nose.

"It's just the weather, hyung. Don't worry about it," Taehyung assured the man.

"Oh alright. . ." Seokjin trailed off and watched their dogs sniffing each other (for reasons unknown) in unusual silence.

"You're glowing today, Voo," Seokjin commented suddenly.

"I am?" Taehyung's smile grew.

"Mhmm. Oh, flowers?" Seokjin peeked behind Taehyung (and maybe checked out his ass but it was gone unnoticed by Taehyung) to see the bouquet.

"Are these for someone special?" Seokjin asked, a nervous edge to his voice.

Taehyung bit his lips to contain another smile that threatened to expose his intentions.

"Yeah, hyung. Someone very special."

Taehyung thought he saw Seokjin's eyes droop for a while but it was for a miniscule of a moment so he brushed it off. Seokjin smiled at him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You like them a lot, don't you? You're cheeks are pink," Seokjin commented before pinching Taehyung's cheek, causing the latter's stomach do backflips.

"So much," Taehyung confessed,"To be very honest, I think I'm falling for them slowly."

"I see. . ." Seokjin retreated his hand and looked at his lap, his gaze melancholy.

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