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              This story was requested by luhvante                                                            ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

As far as Taehyung could recollect, he had never been the type of person who would take the initiative to wake up early in the morning, wash his body thoroughly, making sure to use a specific lemon scented shampoo, put effort into his clothes and hair and bribe his lazy dog to go out for a walk. Taehyung often wondered if Yeontan was a bulldog in his previous life because that little fellow would not budge at the slightest even if Taehyung wiggled his favourite half-eaten squeaky toy infront of him. Hence, Taehyung had to accept his terrible fate and buy one of those expensive dog treats to lure Yeontan out of his mini bed at half past six in the morning.

As if that was not enough, Taehyung had to deal with one of his most loathed foes; coffee. As much as he hated the bitterness of the warm beverage, he had to depend on the caffeine to regain the energy he would use up the previous night for work. In addition to that, he had to iron his clothes until there was not a single crease in the material.

You must be wondering what sort of incentive did Taehyung receive to endure such torture.

Well, you see, the incentive came in the form of a gorgeous man with the softest doe eyes, brown mop of luscious hair, a set of broad shoulders, a pair of delicate, crooked fingers and a smile so adorable that it made waking up at the crack of dawn worth it for Taehyung. The incentive had the most romantic name Taehyung had heard, Seokjin, which meant precious treasure and Taehyung could not agree any less that the name fit its owner perfectly.

It was that one morning when Taehyung had woken up unusually early because his platonic soulmate decided to ruin his sleep to announce that he got engaged to that coconut headed boyfriend of his. Taehyung was elated to hear the news and in between discussing the wedding plans with Jimin, his sleep said goodbye. Therefore, he dragged his grumpy dog outside to get some morning air. The park near his apartment complex was serene with birds chirping here and there and the occasional fitness-crazed jogger passing by. However the peace was shattered when a white ball of fur bolted past him followed by a flash of pink.

Without a second thought, Taehyung picked up Yeontan and ran after the white dog. He easily caught up with the mischievous ball of fluff and scooped him up with his other arm.

"Your-" Taehyung was about to present the dog to its owner but his words failed to leave his lips one he set eyes on the owner.

"-beautiful," Taehyung said instead of 'dog'.

The man's rosy cheeks had bundled up in a cute smile. They started to stroll together, their dogs playing with each other as their owners talked in the midst of profuse blushing from both parties. Apparently, Jjangu, the devil in white, had been extremely excited to see the patch of daisies and could not contain himself anymore so he dashed off. Taehyung found out that the beautiful being in an oversized pink hoodie, Seokjin, had recently moved into the apartment complex a few buildings away from where Taehyung resided. Their conversation seemed to be never-ending as the both were passionate fans of anime but sadly it was nearly 8 o' clock and Taehyung had to leave for work.

And that was the beginning of Taehyung's morning battles with himself and his dog.

It was the third monthly anniversary of their meeting, although Taehyung doubted if Seokjin kept track of it like him but Taehyung decided to buy flowers for his special friend. Perhaps he could talk about the unconditional affection that developed within him for Seokjin. Their daily meet up at the park with their dogs had led to a bond that was a little hard to comprehend.

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