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"Beautiful, right?"

My body grew still, my legs rooted to the spot I was standing in. I had heard him speak several times but there was something about his voice tonight. It flowed from his mouth like honey, coming off so sleek. It was richly deep but still managed to hold a certain amount of softness in it. I have never heard a guy sound so sexy. The baritone sound flowed into my ears, sinking into its walls and melting into a pool of butter. It left this inexplicable pleasure surging through me.

I tried to swallow my spit but nothing was coming up because my throat had completely gone dry. So, I blinked, trying to grasp the rest of my senses that were still lurking around, spinning around to face his frame that was leaning against the rails, his arms folded across his chest. The spot he stood seemed darker and the bulb attached to the wall couldn't cover every inch of the vast space. 

As though he could read my mind, he took a step forward, and another and another until he closed in on me. I sucked in some breath, and my eyes, on their accord and against my will, strayed to his eyes. They were bloodshot, the lifelessness in them shattering me into a thousand pieces. I didn't need to take a second glance to know that he was so tired. I could tell from the way his shoulders were slumping, even though he was tucking his hands in his pocket. 

He was still in the outfit he was wearing in the afternoon, the slight difference being the fact that his sleeves were rolled to his elbow and his top buttons were undone. Fuck, I didn't need to see that. Then, he blinked. His lazy eyes swept over my frame and I could swear I had the worst kind of memory because since I left home, it didn't even occur to me that I was clad in satin shorts and a thin-strapped top that was barely covering my belly button.

Oh, and let's not forget the fact that you are practically naked underneath the top.

Jesus Christ, I didn't need your help painting the perfect picture! 

Fuck, it made so much sense why Meg asked me if I was going out dressed like this and then, the girls. God, I was just so carried away. I didn't even think twice before hopping on my bike. My cheeks completely Judased my ass and chose to rat me out at that moment. I blinked, looking away from him.

"Uh…I didn't…I didn't get the chance to change." Maybe it sounded better in my head because by the time those words tumbled out of my mouth, my voice sounded so small and I was a stuttering mess.

"You look beautiful,"

His voice was soft with affection and I didn't miss how he spoke with a strong conviction that convinced me that he meant what he said. I wasn't even expecting that and it caught me off guard, leaving me unsure of what to say.

"I didn't think you would come." His tone conveyed his shock perfectly. I didn't miss the surprise those words held, yet they seemed to reek of exhaustion. 

"Why?" I queried him, keeping my voice soft. I tilted my head to the side, a subtle way of urging him to answer my question but when he didn't, I retreated, prancing forward to take a seat on the concrete bench. I half-expected him to come to take a seat beside me but he seemed pretty insistent on stretching his legs, so I let him.

"I put up quite the show earlier and you looked like you were mad at me." He voiced out his worries, remorse dripping off his tone. I couldn't resist the urge to chuckle.

"So, that's why you won't sit down? Fine, stand there and let's stargaze. By the time your legs start aching, you will sit down." My tone came out a little stern, housing a hint of admonishment to it.

I heard him sigh behind me, a soft sound that was accompanied by his footsteps, which as they drew closer, made my heartbeat pick up a faster pace. He slid into the seat next to me, his soft scent cocooning me. A deafening silence ensued between us but I didn't make the move to break it. I just had my eyes fixed ahead, staring into nothingness while I waited for his voice to cut through the loud silence.

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