Chapter Eight // Gardening With a Goddess

Start from the beginning

"That sounds on brand."

We chuckled gently before Persephone lifted the mug again, "Alright. Time to drink. This will make you drowsy, but I'd rather you be up and moving without pain than dragging yourself around like one of my husband's undead poker-playing partners."

I snorted as I carefully took the mug from her, murmuring, "Gracias..."

The drink tasted like spiced cider, and the second it hit my stomach, a warmth spread through all my limbs, and I felt like I was melting.

"What is this?" I asked as I finished up the drink under Persephone's watchful eyes.

"It's cider made from fruit from my garden..." Persephone took the mug from me as my eyes started to droop. "All the fruits are grown for a purpose–and this fruit combo is to bring comfort, healing, and dreamless sleep." I looked at her, furrowing my brows, and she said, "I know about your paralysis episodes–Hestia told me."

I bobbed my head groggily, "I appreciate that."

", get some sleep. You should be okay when you wake up..."

I was a little nervous to fall asleep, but I couldn't help it.

A warm summer breeze washed over my face, rustling my hair, and the hammock started to rock–sending me right off to sleep.


When I woke up again, my limbs were way more relaxed than before–and I sat up with no problem.

My shoulders popped as I stretched and Persephone's voice found my ears without fail, "Ah! Perfect timing! Come help me pick some oranges!"

I just then realized where I was.

The hammock I was sitting in was hanging between two branches of a willow. Its gentle limbs were blowing in a warm summer breeze, but the tree itself protected me from getting severely sunburnt.

Standing, I moved out of the willow's borders and my eyes widened.

I was standing in the middle of a garden–the biggest, most beautiful garden I have ever seen.

There were fruits on the right half of the garden–orange trees, grape vines, apple trees, and many more bushes and plants with glowing foods hanging from their boughs. On the left was a forest of any kind of flower I could ever imagine. Poppies, marigolds, snowdrops, roses, tulips, lilies–all in every color, plus some I can't even describe.

It was beautiful, and the air was intoxicating.

And despite the beauty–reality seemed to hit and my stomach dropped, "Mt. St. Helens. Percy. Oh my gods...Lady Perseph—"

"Seph, please," She said as she moved to stand with me.

I choked on some air before I continued, "Seph, what happened to—"

The goddess put a sunhat on my head before placing her hands on my face and saying, "Your brother is safe. So is your friend, Annabeth."

"What about—"

"I do not know about Grover and Tyson."

I stared up at her–trying to see if she was lying to me, but I could tell she wasn't.

I wanted to argue, but her presence was calming, and I released a breath before nodding, "Okay."

"Good!" Persephone tapped my nose. "Now, come pick oranges with me."

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