Independence Day Part 5

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Just letting you know that the images here are something I whipped up with NovelAI.



The sounds of footsteps could be heard as Darth Vader strode angrily into the theater with Zero, Tempest, Evolto, Aku and two more individuals right behind him.

"YOU WERE WARNED!" He shouted as he stretched his hand.

(0:00 - 0:15)


Causing (VI) Union Heroes/bullies/teachers to fly into the air and start choking.

"About what would happen if you disobeyed our rules!"

Darth Vader continued as he Force choked them, not even breaking a sweat as the 'heroes' and bullies struggled to escape.

"I will tolerate your insolence no longer." Darth Vader ominously said. "It is time, you learned that every action has consequences. And now, it is your turn to learn of the consequences of your actions."



(VI) bullies could not break free no matter how hard they try. And the more they tried, the tighter his hold got.

Slowly suffocating the life out of them.


Tempest glared as his darker personality started leaking through.

"You really are gluttons for punishment."

He continued.


Zero turned his head to the side, ignoring the 'heroes' pleading looks to be saved.

Instead opting to hold Shadow.

Instead opting to hold Shadow

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