Steel, sparks, and clockwork parts

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The atmosphere was heavy. Wary eyes wandered the room. The office they were taken to was situated at the top of the tower. The ticking of the large clock hands and the churning of the gears were the only thing keeping the room from silence. A voice was heard clearing its throat. Eyes snapped over to Leo, who upon seeing everyone looking at him shied away from the attention. The warlock released a tense sigh, and took a bold step forward so that she may speak.

"Let's start with introductions" Cara started "I am Cara Melly, a warlock, and this is my fireteam. Hunters: Leo-3 and Selina, along with our titan Wolf."

"Ozpin" was the response given by the man with pale hair, and with a small gesture to the blonde woman who he identified as Glynda. Another voice spoke up from the hologram on the desk

"I am General Ironwood with the Atlas Military. With names out of the way I suppose is now appropriate time to ask what are you and what were you doing in the Emerald Forest"

Glynda was quick to tack on comments of her own "How were you able to get in there, and what were those machines that came with you?"

"The machines you saw are known as the Vex, they are referred to as cyber-organic. With their great mechanical capabilities, they created a vex portal and yes there are different types of portals, which upon entering caused us to end up here"

She let out a quick huff and took off her helmet, flipping her braided navy hair.

"Now, as for the threat that they pose to you, the Vex are known for converting unprotected worlds into machine ones to suit their own purposes. The good thing about this is that they probably do not have an established presence here, nipping this in the bud would be best for all parties."

"Unprotected? What makes you think we can not handle a couple of nuts and bolts?" Ironwood chuckled, clearly annoyed at the idea that him and his forces were unable to take on the challenge.

"Unprotected in the sense that, you have no experience or knowledge of their hierarchy, technology, and goals. You know very little about your enemy, and that will only lead you to underestimate them."

"Then tell us all you know; we will decide if we need the help of four invaders"

"If it was that simple, they wouldn't be a problem in the first place" This time Wolf chimed in, eyes narrowed as he glared at the general.

"The vex are far from simple" Selina added on.


Nods were shared around the room in agreement after their long conversation. Ozpin's faced shifted into a thoughtful look before he gave a glance to the headmistress of the school. Instantly recognizing the look, she gave a sharp glare in disapproval before releasing a defeated sigh.

"This is going to be an exhausting amount of paperwork and forgery" She finally said.


Leo happily bounced upon the mattress of the bed, glad to no longer be on his feet. His eyes passed over each member of his fireteam. The awoken pair were unpacking and chatting about one of Selina's dates with Flo, and the warlock was talking to her ghost concerning the agreement they made with the headmaster.

They had been enrolled into the school as students so that they may act freely as hunters and huntresses, on the condition that they were open about the vex and would take care of the problem as best as they could. Cara had deemed the deal adequate as they were given free food, shelter, and a small allowance during their stay, though they were still required to attend classes to keep up appearances as students. Ozpin and Glynda had mentioned that this information had to be reported to relevant authorities, however no one else in the school could be made aware of these details unless expressly told by them.

Uniforms had been issued, schedules given and dorm rooms shown. They were to be known as team CLWS or claws, with Cara as their leader once again through unanimous agreement. He was given the name "Leo Stella the third", a man who had been severely injured and heavily augmented with mechanical parts as a result. "Selina Mist" and "Wolf Winter" where to be a species known as "Faunus", which Glynda said would explain the strange skin color. Lastly Cara Melly Ghost was just a human girl who wanted to become hunters like the rest of the team.

Leo gave a content mechanical sigh as he sunk into the standard issue covers of the bed, the sun was making its way below the horizon also tired from the day. They all nestled into their beds to sleep until the sun rises once more.

Classes felt long at times, though they were filled with things he never heard of, it didn't hold his interest. Taping his pen on paper, and leaning his chin on his hand as best he could with the helmet on his head, this one in particular was boring. It was one of the classes the whole team was in together, each member engaging in the lecture in different ways. Cara was furiously taking notes and copying poster in Professor Pots room, black and red ink covering page after page in her note book. Wolf listening to the teachers non stop talking, no readable expression on his face as he sits rigidly on the bench. Lastly Selina whispered away to the student who was sitting next to her. Eyes moving to try and read how the rest of the room felt about the lecture, he noticed the team from the cliff and how the one dressed in white (He didn't catch her name while in the forest) was starting to turn red and shaking in her seat.


Author's Note: 

...I'm back 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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