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     The neon signs illuminated the room in vibrant colors selling their potent drinks and the chatter of people filled the small bar all making it feel cozy. The clinking of glasses could be heard as the bartender made some new mix. They looked at the regulars as they sat together at the counter. They knew the group well, along with their regular orders. Cara Melly, the human warlock, took a Glace Glacier, Wolf their usual sole titan was drinking a Thorn. The trouble makers of the group Leo-3 and Selina, unsurprisingly both hunters, drank an Ace of Spades and Double Down respectively. Selina and Wolf were chatting along about a pair of gloves, while Cara and Leo joked about some cursed thrall. A normal Thursday night.

     A man approached the counter, his helmet still in his hand, tapping the counter while waiting on his drink. Leo guffawed at something said and slapped his hand on the counter a few times. Cara's smile twitched slightly; the laugh came off too strong for the small pun she delivered. It was then that Leo-3 excused himself. Cara gave a small nod and went back to sipping her drink, as Leo left. She gave her drink a small stir with her straw, mixing the deep blue liquid with the, now melted ice. She knew exactly what all the tapping meant, there was no way she wouldn't pick up on it after all this time. He was given a mission to complete and she didn't like it one bit.

     He had a bad habit of trying to dance around the work he was doing, investigations that led him across the system. Cara released a tired breath and moved to pay the bartender. Glimmer made light clinks on the wooden counter, like little bells trying to ring out in the noisy room. Passing the others in her team and giving a knowing pat to Wolf, signaling her departure.

     There they were sitting in a frigid cave on Europa, perplexed by the leaves that fluttered through the vex portal. Cara sent a glare as best she could through her helmet, as Leo walked around the geometric lights as they rippled back and forth. She took one deep breath counted to 7 and then breathed out her nose. She started pacing, hands held behind her back, humming an unknown tune. The portal clearly connected to something, somewhere with emerald green leaves. Earth? Maybe but it would be strange to hide a portal to just Earth.

     Their little thinking session was finally broken by a singular bullet. The loud crisp bang rang throughout the snug natural structure. Everyone jolted and turned to where the sound originated from. The portal

     No words were shared as everyone jumped straight into action, throwing caution to the wind and filing into the portal one by one. 

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