Pop goes the Goblin

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Chapter 1

     Warm air rushed over them, and green leaves fluttered around as each guardian made their landing in the foreign area. Cara, the last to enter the portal, looked around for the source of the shot. She looked over at the group that was gathered around the ruins. The mixed group contained 8 colorful people staring a her fireteam. The blonde girl gave a small wave that was quickly returned by Leo. Their brief interaction with the group was quickly interrupted by the mechanical whirling of the Vex. Selina was the first to action as she launched her throwing knife into the radiolarian chamber, spilling its content onto the forest floor.

     As a minotaur came closer to the group, Cara let off an arrow, breaking his shield and spreading its poison. Fizzing of purple poison filled the robot, as strange as it was. As it ate away at the living organism in the fluid, the spread to the other two goblins surrounding the minotaur, killing the trio with a sole arrow. The remaining two were quickly picked off by the boys of the team. After a quick check around them, they realized that they had cleared the area of the robotic problem. Yet there sat another one, waiting to be cleaned up. A scorpion like creature struggled against some ice that encased its tail.

"Quick! We need to run!" the girl in the red cape called out. Followed by the entire group, though when the foreign team hesitated, she swiftly turned and signaled for them to unite.

     Glances where share between the City's guardian before they went after the strangers. That was till they made it to a cliff. With the scorpion like monstrosity still on their heels, a large bird making itself a problem, the dark-haired boy called out the name Nora to distract it. Within the confusion of the battle Cara and Leo fought alongside the girls to slay the bird while Wolf and Selina shot at the shelled creature.

     It was chaotic until Ruby, the hooded girl, decapitated the blackbird. Now staring down at the group from the top of the cliff. As they all made their way to the top of the cliff, the awkward blond boy tried his best to make small talk to the new group.

"So...I'm Jaune, Jaune Arc" He introduced, doing his best to keep pace with the groups climb up the slope despite his lack of stamina.

"Cara Melly" She replied giving a small smile despite it being hidden behind her helmet. After that, everyone went around giving their names. The bubbly, ginger girl was Nora, Pyrrha was the one with fiery red hair, Ren had the pink eyes and streak.

"So... why the helmets? I mean they do look really cool and all! I just haven't seen any other students with them on...now that I think about it, I didn't see you guys at the cliff during launch either'"

"You're right Jaune, this is my first time seeing them as well" Pyrrha commented, her face showing her distrust in the new group's sudden appearance.

"Well..." the titan was cut off by the loud landing of an airship, effectively bringing silence to the parties. They all moved to board until the opening door revealed the students Headmaster and Teacher, one of which made quick pace to the foreign entities among those enrolled at the school. Though before she could even open her mouth, the tall male cut her off.

"I think its best we all have a little chat, don't you agree?" 


Author's note:

Thanks for sticking around ( or showing interest if you are new), I'm trying some new stuff so let me know how its working. 

P.S: I'm also posting on AO3 

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