suprise news

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6 months later

"They just keep going at it like rabbits" Macau cried to chay who just laughed at him

"You think you have it easy, what about me, i still live with hia at the major manor, you won't believe the amount of times I saw him and p'kinn going at it" chay said terrified

Macau gave him a look

"On the second thought vegaspete is the couple with the most kinks" chay grimaced

Macau groans and face planted on the sofa

"Ahem hello people I was kidnapped with" kim said making an entrance

Chay rolls his eyes "why did you call us here"

He shrugged "they said too"

"Whos they"

"We they" vegas said coming into the lounge room of the compound with pete following close behind

Soon after kinn and Porsche entered with ruffled clothes much to the disgust of chay

Following them was time and tae, which chay sat up straight and looked at them concerned

"Uncle time, is everything alright at home" he asked

Time chuckled "you gotta stop asking that whenever I show up unannounced, I am also kinns friend remember"

Chay nervously chuckled "right forgot"

"I see you're now accepting the family you just met hm" tae smirked

"Starting to, yea"

Finally the last to show up was tankhun and tem

"Alright alright I'm here whats the big deal" Tankhun said dramatically

Vegas and Pete looked at eachother speaking with their eyes before pete spoke up

"We have a couple of things to share" pete said while nervously glancing at macau who looked confused

"Vegas we just invited you back here, I swear if you plan to move further away" Tankhun started to threatened

"No no hia its not that just listen to pete"

Pete nodded "ok so one, as we all know macau is still a minor barley turning 16"

Everyone nodded Following along

Vegas grabbed Pete's hands for support and spoke "the night of the attack, pa was working on his will, not knowing what he was gonna die a few hours later, in his will he um" Vegas stopped and look at pete who nodded to keep going

"He gave me guardianship of macau" he quickly said to which everyone looks in shock

"after everything that happened and with a few little paperworks, as of  today we have officially adopted macau" Vegas smiles

Macau tearfully stuttered "hia is that true"

Vegas nodded "yea it is, you are my son now"

Macau smiles then went to hug Vegas then hugged pete

"Thank you phi for loving my hia and for adopting me" Macau said as he layed his head on Pete's stomach

Pete patted his head "of course, you were always like my child when I start dating wegath"

Macau smiled up at him and then suddenly looked confused and back away
"I felt a movement"

Pete and vegas looks at eachother and grins as the others looked towards macau confused

"Maybe his stomach growled" Porsche said

Macau shook his head "no it was almost as if someone just kicked me"

"Cau thats impossible" kim said shaking his head

"Hang on, did pete always dress like this whenever off duty" chay asked as pete was wearing baggy clothes

Tankhun shook his head "no he always wore his uniform because they're comfortable, which is unbelievable"

Everyone looked at pete as he started to laugh

Then he grabbed macau's hand and put it on his stomach "can you still feel it"

Macau frowns as he tries then gasped and back off when he did
"Whoa it happened again, hia is he ok whats going on"

Vegas just grins "what do you think is going on"

Macau pouts as he thought "I don't know"

Then they all heard chay gasp "no really, how!? Is it that possible" he lit up in excitement much to the concern of his pa and uncle

Then they all look at pete again who nodded "yea its possible, and im one of them"

"One of who" Porsche asked

"Well since you are all stupid and can't take a hint, I'll say it, Pete's pregnant" Vegas dramatically said

Everyone looks on in shock

"Really" Porsche said in excitement

"I'm gonna be a big bro" Macau excitedly said

Pete nodded "yep, im 5 months so in 4 months there will be a new addition to the family" he grins

Macau smiles as he hugs pete again

"Oi cau don't hug your phi too hard" Vegas joked

Everyone got up and started saying congratulations to pete

"So do you know if it's a boy or girl" time asked

Pete nodded but before he could speak Tankhun interrupted him
"Wait wait, who bet its a boy"

"Hia it has to be, there hasn't been a girl in the family for years" kim said as he joined the boy side with kinn in tow

"Prim might have been the second born but after me it was all boy, so team boy" time said

"I'm gonna be team girl, who knows" tae shrugged

"I'll join the team you're in tankhun" tem grins

"Okay stop because there is no teams" pete said

Porsche looks at him confused "what do you mean"

Vegas grins "its triplets, 1 girl 2 boys"

For the millionth time Everyone looks at the couple in shocked

Then macau turns towards chay eyes wide,  "see i told you, like rabbits and now they are having a litter"

Chay just nodded agreeing

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