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Kinns pov

This guy is so annoying, what kind of nonsense is he's speaking

I slammed my hands on the table
"Get to the point" I screamed

But he went back to speaking nonsense again
To my dismay right before I was gonna shoot him, pol came rushing in looking frantic

I looked at him worry
"What is it, is it Porsche"

He looked at me scared "khun there was an attack at yoks bar and the minor manor"

I widen my eyes and shook him rapidly
"Whos behind this, where's Porsche, where's my brother's"

He nervously shook his head "khun, no one knows who he is, he's unrecognizable"

I know he is beating around the bush, "whats the status on everyone else"

"The minor bodyguards are down at the moment and yoks bar looks destroyed"

I know what pol was doing, and I need him to stop, I need to know what happened to tankhun and kim and Porsche and pete and heck even my cousins

I sighed

"Pol your job is on the line if you don't tell me what happened to my family" I threatened

He looks at me sadly "khun kan died in the attack, khun vegas, pete, Porsche and khun no are all being transported to the hospital, no major injuries for vegas, pete and Porsche but- "

I looked at him waiting and then I shouted "BUT.... BUT WHAT, WHAT HAPPENED TO MY HIA AND WHERE'S KIM AND MACAU" I said angrily

He looked at me in sympathy "they got taken khun, no one can find them or track them but it has only been 6 hours since the attack on both places we'll keep looking"

I looked at him in shock, my tough nong actually got taken this can't be happened

"A-and hia" I question trying to keep my voice stable

He looks at me sadly "he was thrown across the room khun and hit his head on the wall hard, there was blood coming out, I don't know the update, but last I checked he was unconscious while pete and Porsche were waking up in pain" he explained

I felt like everything shattered, Porsche's injured, kim is taken and hia -,

I stopped my thought process, and dismissed pol

Before he left, pol gave me the address to the hospital
I called out to him

"Do me a favor, and get the other bodyguards ready, and go on a rescue search now" I ordered, he nodded then left and I quickly ran to the hospital

I got to the hospital and I wanted to call out for Porsche but my mouth didn't let me, instead I was crying out for my hia

I couldn't keep my posture anymore and drop to the floor, repeating hia

He can't leave, I need him, I failed him, I promise to protect him after his kidnapping situation and now I failed him and kim

I felt someone wrapped their arms around me," its ok, tankhun will get better"

I looked to see tem, hia's boyfriend, and he lets me sob in his arms

"You didn't fail tankhun alright, you just didn't know, you were out of the loop" he said comforting me

"But who was the attacker, was he an enemy" I questioned

"Vegas said he didn't know who he was, didn't recognize him as his father's enemy"

I perked up "Vegas!, he's awake"

He nodded "do you want me to take you to him"

I hesitated a little before nodding and then the next thing I knew i was infront of his hospital room

I went in preparing the worse and I was right, vegas looked horrible like always but he seems fine

He smirked "look who was worried about me all of the sudden"

Tem cleared his throat "Vegas, he didn't know about the attack 6 hours go, he only just found out"

Vegas dropped his smirk "wait really!?"

I nodded "I heard Macau got taken, don't worry our mens are searching for him and kim right now"

"Kim too!?" He yelled shocked
"Geez what do they want with us"

"Um vegas, Porsche, pete and hia were also there at the time of the scene"

"Wait what!?... pete.... where's pete I need to see him" he ordered

"He's in the same room as Porsche across the hall, both have few injuries nothing big" tem explained

"Can I see him" Vegas glared

Tem nodded "get up slowly, I'll help"

Then tem took us to the other  room where Porsche and pete are

When we got in, we flinched, they looked bruised, I slowly walked over to Porsche and held his hand and vegas did the same to pete

I started having tears in my eyes again

Then tem called out to us "boys im gonna go check on tankhun, be right back"

We nodded as he left, then I felt Porsche move

"Kinn" he said raspy

I kiss his forehead "you're ok Porsche, im happy you're ok"

"W- where's khun-"

"Kim got taken along with Macau, they are searching for him right now" I said trying not to cry about that right now

"A-and tankhun"

I sighed "I don't know, they won't tell me anything yet"

He looks at me sadly and patted my head "its ok, they'll be fine"

"But what if they're not" I cried into his arms

He said nothing but comforted me

I look to the side and see pete and vegas smiling at eachother
I know that they are trying not to think about macau but they just can't help but worry about him

Then tem walked in with a somber face

Me and vegas stood up as Porsche spoke out
"Whats wrong ai'tem"

"Just two things" he said sadly

"One is chay's gone, Porsche the house was ransacked and the door bursted open, im guessing its the same person who took kim and Macau"

I heard Porsche take in a sharp breath

"Who's chay" I asked

"My nong, my little brother" Porsche said

I look at him sincerely "we'll find him Porsche"

"Whats the other thing tem" pete asked

He looks at me and vegas sadly..... no don't tell me

"Tankhun entered a coma, apparently he took a very hard hit to the wall, they don't know when he'll wake up" he sadly said looking at the floor

No, please no, I can't lose both of you

I just stood still frozen as my fears come into light

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