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*another short filter chapter and its gonna be cute lol*

Tankhun's pov

I smiled as I held kinn and vegas in my arms as they took a nap

They look like they had rough nights

Pete, Porsche, and tem left to go get some lunch so its just the three of us for a while

Then I heard kinn waking up and he smiles looking up at me
"What are you thinking about hia"

I smiled at him "just thinking nong"

"I'm happy you're ok, now we just need to find the boys" kinn said

I nodded "and I will help, when I feel better"

Then vegas grunted "stop talking you're loud" he said sleepily

I chuckled

"Aw nongs had rough nights"

They both nodded

Then I laughed a little more

"Hia, what are you laughing about" kinn asked

"Just the times when you two would literally fight your younger brothers just to get my attention" I smiled fondly

Vegas looks up confused "wait i did that, when!?"

"Yea hia, tell us the story" kinn said also confused

I chuckled "ok nongs, let's see Macau was just born and him and vegas spend the night at the major compound since all our parents went out of town"

"Wait even our mae left" kinn asked

"Sadly yes"

I smiled as I remember the memory

"I remember it like it was yesterday" older tankhun started

Then the scene shifted to tankhun in the living room looking over baby macau who was cooing and kim who was drawing

"Ku look" toddler kim yells showing the drawing

Younger tankhun smiles at him "that looks nice kim kim well done"

Toddler Kim beams as he goes back to drawing

Meanwhile two younger boys were looking at the scene glaring

"He was my brother first" younger kinn said crossing his arms

Younger vegas nodded copying him

"Wait is that all I did, just copying him" older vegas asked

"Haha I was your role model" kinn mocks

"Kinn" Tankhun warns as vegas made a mocking face to kinn when tankhun wasn't looking

Let's return to the scene

"Is no fair" younger kinn pouted

Then baby macau babbles leading younger tankhun to talk to him

Then toddler kim interrupted by hugging younger tankhun

Younger kinn pouted some more then went to younger tankhun

"Hia i want hugs" younger kinn said
But toddler kim held on to younger tankhun

Then kinn glares at kim as he left

"New idea" he told vegas as he grinned at him and vegas looked at him confused

Then a loud thud was hear followed by a wailing ow!

"Did you try to injure me kinn" Vegas exclaimed

Kinn shrugged "i was just a kid"

Vegas angerly mutters

Tankhun chuckled as he goes back to the story

Tankhun quickly got up to run to the source but as if on cue, baby macau started wailing

" of course macau would do that, he knows how to be an attention stealer from the start" Vegas jokes

"Kim calm macau down, while I see whats wrong"
Younger tankhun said as he went to the source of the thud

"Vegas are you alright, where are you hurt" tankhun looks over him

"I'm fine hia but kinn hurt me" he glares at kinn

Younger tankhun sigh "kinn why would you do that"

Kinn shrugged "it was the only way to get your attention"

Tankhun smiles "is that what it is, you want my attention"

Kinn nodded

"Well you got it alright"

Kinn beams

"Common why Don't we all form a cuddle pile and watch movies" tankhun offers as the boys cheers

"And that was the night I'll never forget" I finished narrating

"Well dam kinn didn't have to hurt me, no wonder I'm like this" Vegas dramatically said

I rolled my eyes

Kinn looks at me "hia let's do a cuddle pile again after we get our nongs back"

I nodded "yea we need to, because they sure need it" I chuckled

Kinn yawned "thanks for the story hia" he said as he went back to sleep

"Yea thanks hia" Vegas sleepily said

I frozed at his words then smiled and patted their heads "anytime nongs"

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