new friends tough times

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Chay pov

The truck came to a screech and we all lunged forward to the front

Groaning we tried to stay awake but then the back of the door opens and the guy ( yall help me idk what to call him lol) harshly grabs all of us and threw us in cells at some short of hidden hideout

I was able to take a quick glance, looks like we were in the forest

I sighed of frustration, no one will find us here

Then I looked at the other two, and looks like the younger one is hurting a lot more than we thought

Curious I went up to them

"Is everything alright" I asked

"Macau is delicate, he is trained yes but never dealt with something like this before" kim explained

I nodded

"What about you, are you still hurt"

To be honest I still feel a little fuzzy time to time and my throat hurts but I didn't want to let them know that

I faked a smile "im fine don't worry just focus on him, looks like he had it harder than us" I said while looking concerned at macau

Kim looks at macau as well "I know, can you help me sit him up against the wall"

I nodded as I went to help

Then the guy slammed the door open and looks at us evilly

Kim glared at him "what do you want with us"

He shook his head "can't a guy just take the wealthiest kids in order to distracted the biggest mafia family"

I looked at him confused for a few reasons

"Hold up, they rich but im not, you literally found me in a run down home" I said confused but yet sarcastically

Kim looks at me then the guy "ya! Why did you take an innocent person, if I wasn't so weak and dizzy I would-"
He stopped talking due to pain but still had a face of frustration

The guy looks at me creepy, "oh so you don't know" he laughed

"Know what STOP IT WITH THE RIDDLES" I yelled at him

But he just laughed and left the room

"Chay what is he talking about" kim asked

I shrugged "I literally have no idea, im clueless"

Then macau gasped awake and shiver in fear

We both ran to him

"Its ok cau, it was Just a nightmare" kim said

"We are still in a Nightmare phi, and we are never getting out" Macau yells

Then he whimpered "I want my hia"

I rubbed his back "I know I want mine as well"

Then we both looked at kim, expecting him to say the same thing but he stayed silent and walked away
"I'll try to get us out of here, don't worry" he said nonchalantly then he looked towards the upper window with bars on it

I looked at macau confused but he just shook his head "its a whole thing , our family its ........ complicated, heck I'll be surprised if they end up teaming up to find us"

I nod i sighed "I think my family might become complicated too, I mean what do you think that guy ment by that" I said leaning on macau's shoulder

Macau sighed "I don't know, do you think you might be adopted or is there something your hia not telling you"

I shook my head "not that I know of"

"Tell me about your parents then"

"They died in a car accident, hia was left to raise me" I explained
"What about yours" I asked

"Both our mae died when we were kids, his pa died via food poisoning, and mine well I actually don't know" Macau said curling up against the wall

"Was he there when you got taken"

He sniffled "yea, and the last thing he did was to finally be a good dad and tried to save me but he got shot in the process, I don't know his status" he said sadly

I patted his back and looked at him in sympathy

"There has to be something we are missing, I mean me and macau i semi get but why you, what do you have to do with what ever happening here" kim said pacing around

"I don't know but a Friend of hia is supposed to get notified about me right now" I said

"They'll find us, I know that, we got the smartest bodyguards" kim said determined

I heard Macau scoffed "those smart bodyguards ended up going down the night we got attacked"

"Okay the major family got the smartest bodyguards"

Macau laughed "I can't even deny"

"OK so what we wait for them or what, we might die before they find us" I said harshly

Kim shook his head "we won't, like I said before we are trained"

"But also weak" I quipped

"Hmm that too"

"Can't we all just sick together and make sure we protect eachother" Macau pled

We nodded

"Yea we can do that" kim said


Sooo how we all doing so far

I now feel bad for killing off kan but should he make like a surprising return 🤔

And um is Porsche really chay's brother, what does the guy really mean 🤔

But seriously tho I need a name for the meany...... something villainy lol

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