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Macau's pov

What day is it

Is it night, or day

I groaned

I have no idea but at least kim and chay is here to keep me company

I wonder how's hia doing and pa even though I think he's dead about now

I know its been about a few days since we last saw the guy and p'kim been trying to get us out

But as soon as he thought he did, the guy barged in

He glared at kim who was trying to climb to the bar window

The guy grabbed him and threw him across the room
"Try to escape i dare you, or each punishment would be harder than the last"

Kim tried to lie and puts up his hands "I was trying to get some fresh air since its old in here"

I rolled my eyes, really!? Greatest lier ever and you say that, I thought

The guy growls and shoved kim before leaving

"Kim are you alright" chay asked

But kim just groaned in response

"We are never getting out, and even if we can, we wouldn't be able to get far" chay said frustrated

"Why do you think this is happening" I wondered out loud

"I have no idea but I wonder if it has to do with me, I mean why am I here, we literally have no money" chay said

"Can you remember anything from when you were little" I asked

He shook his head "all i remember was being raised up by hia"

I nodded "I was raised by hia too, now I miss him"

He looks at me sadly "I know"

"Mine wouldn't miss me, bet they are only looking for macau" a third voice said

We looked over to see kim curled up against the wall

"What do you mean phi" Chay asked

Kim shook his head "like macau said, its complicated"

Then I jumped when the guy barged in and headed towards kim and grabbed him


But the guy just grinned and took kim out

We looked at eachother

"If we get lucky maybe, kim can escape" I shrugged

"Yea if he's not too weak

Then we heard some noises, and small muffles

We looked at the door in shock

HEY DONT HURT HIM" chay should banging on the door

"CHAY SHUT IT" kim yelled back before shouting in pain

I stood still frozen

Kim never shouts

He never felt tortured

And now he does

Are we ever gonna make it out of here alive
I wondered

Chay sighed "we need to find a way out but we need to be secretive" he said as he started to move around

But i stood still

Why am I acting like a kid, why can't I help, why is it that chay and kim are doing most of the work trying to get us out

Hia would be disappointed, I frowned

"Cau, don't worry we'll get out, I'll make sure of it" chay said trying to make me smile

But I didn't listen

"How chay, im barely helping, I feel like all I do here is sleep and be in pain"

Chay sigh "thats true but thats mostly kims fault for protecting you and not letting you do anything" he joke

I managed to chuckle

"Common regardless of the pain, we should find a way to leave and get back to our family"

I stopped him for a quick second "how do you know your hia is your real family, I mean the guy thinks you belong to a wealthy one"

He shrugged "I don't know but if we make it out alive, then i tend to ask"

Then the door opened again and kim was pushed in

I rushed to him "phi are you ok"

He forced a smile "im fine nong, a little torture doesn't hurt"

I know he's lying but for now I put that aside and sat him against the wall

"OK we all might be in huge pain but we'll find a way out of this" kim said determined as me and chay nodded agreeing with him

MISSING Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora