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Kim's pov

"Finally we are found" I heard Macau say

"Hia!! They both shouted and they ran towards to their hia but mine looked sad for some reason

I got up and ran to them "you found us" I smiled and tried to hug them but I passed through

Gasping I turned around to see my older brothers and cousins crying

"He was too weak hia, he tried to save me" Macau said tearfully

"Kim, no" "we failed you nong" they both wept

"No you didn't, im right here im alive" I tried to call out but they didn't hear

Im not dead, im fine
Im not dead im fine
Im not dead im fine
Im not dead im fine

Then I felt myself shook

I sat up Gasping and looked to see cau and chay looking worried at me

"Are you alright phi, you had a nightmare"

I nodded "im fine Macau just, go take a nap or something"

Macau nodded as he went back to do whatever he was doing

"Its been a week or month phi, I can't tell but you need some rest" chay said

I shook my head "we need to get out of here alive" then I went to go come up with a plan

Kinns pov

I sat besides tankhun as we all watched a movie, just me, him and kim

Then a scary part has to come up and I got scared, then they laughed at me

"Its ok nong  hia is here to protect you" Tankhun said smiling at me

I smiled back

"We ran out of snacks, can we find some more" kim said

Tankhun nodded "last one to the kitchen has to clean up our mess"

I laughed "deal!" Me and kim exclaimed

Then we all ran to the kitchen

As soon as we got there Porsche was baking a cake

He turned and smiles at me "hey birthday boy, you done with work yet"

I looked at him confused


I nodded  "I finished a long time ago, I was just watching a movie with hia and kim"

As soon as I finished explaining, he had a grim look on his face

"Kinn baby, what are you talking about"

"We were just coming down to get more snacks, why are you acting off Porsche" I asked confused

"Babe, we never found the nongs and khun tankhun didn't make it, its been 4 years" he said sadly with a tear

"What no" i said in disbelief then looked around to see my brothers no where in sight

But I can still hear their laughter in the air

I just stayed frozen
Until I was shook awake

I sat up on the bed of my home

Next to me, Porsche was groaning "kinn are you ok" he asked concerned

I nodded "im fine just a nightmare" I faked smiled

Porsche looks at me with sympathy and brings me to his arms "its going to be ok, everything will be alright"

I nodded at his words "thanks Porsche but, I think im gonna sleep in hias room tonight if you don't mind"

He smiles "of course not, go" he gave me a kiss before I left

No one's pov

Safe to say no one, Is having a good dream lately,

macau is having nightmares of that night,

chay is having nightmares about Porsche not finding him,

Porsche got the same as chay but seeing chay get killed in front of him

vegas has nightmares about his nong and pa

tem had nightmares about tankhun not making it

They all can't sleep and they wish that it would all be over soon


In the hospital, where tankhun lies , a hand started to twitch and eyes were open

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