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Porsche pov

"They must of thrown us off the trails after getting to kim, I can't find were they went" arm said as we all looked a the monitors

I sigh "look like this is another overnight thing"

"We been searching for them for the last few weeks" pete said exhausted

"The first week doesn't count, we were hospitalized"

Pete nodded "I know" 

"Are vegas and kinn still in the hospital with tankhun" I asked even though I already knew the answer

Arm nodded

I looked at pete "should we go then"

He nodded "let's go, tankhun wanted me to buy him something food, said something about the hospital food being disgusting and I respectfully agree" he shuddered

I chuckled as we made our way out

When we got to the room we saw that they were not alone

Just in case me and pete held on to our waist where our guns were

"Who are you" I asked

"Dont worry Porsche, this is Time's family, although I don't know why they are here" he said reassuring me but confused at the same time

The older man stepped forward and spoke "hello Porsche, I believe you used to know my daughter" he said gesturing behind him

I widen my eyes

"Porsche whats going on" kinn asked

Prim spoke "dont worry about me, im just here wondering how did you manage to screw up with chay"

That got me out of my thoughts

"How do you know chay" I questioned

Then I heard time sighed "really!? You knocked up my sister then denied that she gave birth to your child" he went in defended her

We all gasped and the room went in silence

"Wowww this went fast" another guy said
"Hi I'm ton, im the eldest of 5, we left the twins at home because we wanted to come out of the shadows and confront you"

"Confront him about what" pete asked

"Go ahead Porsche tell them, tell them the key thing you missed whenever you talked about chay" prim glared

I stuttered "I don't know what you mean, chay is my little brother isn't he ?" I questioned

They looked at eachother and then back at me

"You mean to tell us you didn't see chay out your doorstep"

I shook my head

"Huh, his parents must've brought him in then" time wondered

"Can someone tell us whats going on" Vegas shouted frustrated

"My name is prim, an old fling of Porsche and the actual mother of chay"

We all held our breath

The room was so silence you can hear the pin drop

"Long story short, due to my old motives and her not ready to have a baby yet, we gave him full custody to you and stayed away" the old man said

"And we stayed away for a good while until p'time told us how you started working as a bodyguard to the mafia family, which is another reason why I gave him to you and you mange to lose chay" prim explained

I glared at her "hey don't you dare say that, we all lost our nongs" I said pointing at me, kinn tankhun and vegas

They looked around shocked "really" prim questioned

The people I mentioned nodded their heads

Tankhun sighed and suddenly spoke "I just want my nongs back"

Tem looks at him and held his hand
"I'll get them back for you just heal and don't leave the hospital" tem looks at him sincerely

Tankhun smiles at him

"And we'll help if we can" time said

Kinn stood up and held onto me "I think we'll need it"

I glared "but after this entire thing you are not getting custody of chay"

"But are you going to tell him the truth" ton questioned

"Its fine if prim doesn't get custody back, we just want to make sure that he's ok" time said

"But I suggest you tell him the truth" prim commanded

I looked at all of them, not knowing what to say

How will chay handle all this

Kinn looks at me and gave me an assuring smile

I smiled back

Then a phone rang

Vegas answered it

"Vegas have I taught you nothing, never answer an unknown caller" Tankhun scolded

"Hang on hia, listen to this" he said

Then a gruffly voice was heard "you have 50 hours to give me the money or else say goodbye to your precious nongs, tick tok" then an evil laugh was heard followed by screams

The room went silent again and we all looked at eachother

"We need to trace the call then we'll have our location" the older man said

We all agreed

And we only have one thought in mind

Chay, kim and macau we are coming

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