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Kim's pov

I groaned as I woke up then there was a bump and my head hit the wall

I flinched in pain and woke up a little more to see someone in more pain infront of me
Looks like they are waking up as well

"Are you ok" I asked

He shook his head then spoke in a raspy voice
"He grabbed me by the neck harsh, then threw me in here

Then we heard a third groan, I looked to the side and saw macau...... wait MACAU!

Limping i tried to get to macau quick but then the truck swerved and I rolled to the other side of the van hitting my head hard on the wall again

Ignoring the pain, I got to Macau, even if our family hate eachother, he's the only one not involved in the mafia business due to vegas

I checked him over and he wakes up, saw me then tackled me in a hug

"Phi, pp-a and h-hia, they're hurting, I don't know if they are ok" he cried into my shoulders
"Pa got shot"

I looked at him wide eyed, looks like he wasn't the only one who's been kidnapped infront of their family

"Shh, its ok cau, we'll get out of here i promise" I tried to assure him but he knows im lying

Then he flinched when I touched his shoulders

"Where did he hurt you"

"He grabbed me hard and held tightly" he said holding his arms in pain

Then a little noise was heard and I remembered we had a third person with us

I tried to see if he's ok but macau held on to me

"Please don't go phi, you're the only family I have right now"
He whimpered

I sighed and kissed his forehead "I have to go check on him real quick alright, I know you're hurt but all 3 of us got hurt, and im pretty sure I have a concussion but im dealing with it" I explained

Macau looks confused when i said all three of us, then I pointed my chin to the other person

Then macau gasped "I thought he was only going for rich mafia kids, thats why we are here"

I gave him a look "what made you think he isn't rich"

"You guys know I can hear you right" he said with a grunt at the end
"And im not rich or mafia, I don't even know what he wants with me"

Carefully but slowly I brought me and macau near him and then I checked for injuries

"You have a lot of bruises and dried blood" I said

He nodded "I wouldn't play the easy way, so when we got to the back of the truck he....... he beat me up"

"Oh thank goodness I thought you were gonna say ra- "

"Cau" I said in a warning tone

"What, it could happen since he's a oh i dont know criminal" Macau said

There was another bump, we all jumped high then hit the floor hard, we all groaned

"Whats your name" Macau ask

"I'm Porschay or chay for short"

"What happened to you" I asked

"He barged into my home, at first I thought he was a loan shark but I didn't recognize him, what about you guys"

"I just finished playing a gig at the bar, it was the first time one of my older brothers could see me play but then everything went wrong and then the next thing I knew, my hia was being flew across the room and I passed out" I explained

"I was alone, im lucky no one got to see me get taken, im lucky hia wasn't there at that moment" he said sadly

"I wasn't lucky, my house was invaded, the bodyguards were down and my hia and pa both tried hard to protect me but got shot and now I think pa dead and its my fault" he cried

"Cau it is not your fault alright, we have no idea who this guy is alright, I don't recognize him as an enemy of our dads, he's not familiar"

Then loud banging was heard
"Shut up in there!!" The guy yelled

Macau then curled up
I rubbed his back
"Do you think we'll get out here soon" he whispered

"Right now we are all weak but I have faith in our brothers, they'll find us" I said comforting them both

But the truth is I need comfort, but I know that im the oldest of them both i need to stay strong

Please be ok hia, and find us as soon as you can, please find us all of you

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