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Chay's pov

Am I ever gonna leave this place, the hospital food taste disgusting

Then I heard a knock on the door and I looked at it to see a friend of p'kinn coming in

Which one was he again
I wondered

"Chay, we were introduced yesterday but wasn't able to talk much, im your uncle time, im your mae younger brother"

I nodded in realization

"So you might heard of me via kinn right and how I am his friend"

I nodded "yea thats right"

He just looked awkward, I mean who wouldn't be after seeing your nephew after a really long time

Then behind time a group of people came in

"Son, how are you feeling, getting better" my bio mom asked

I nodded "im healing"

She smiles "thats great"

I looked at her curiously "um i dont have to call you mae do I, its just you left me on hia- I mean dad's doorstep sooo"

She chuckled "you can call me prim if you want, it won't hurt me I promise"

I hummed and then looked shyly behind her, which she apparently noticed

"Chay, these two are my dad and papa aka your grandfathers" prim introduced

Then she pointed towards a man in a business suit "that is another one of your uncle, my older brother, ton"
Then she pointed to the chair where two pre-teens are playing something
"Those are my youngest brothers twins ten and tun"

"Ahh" I said as she introduced me to my apparent family

Then I faced the two older men "why was that meanie after me"

They looked at eachother before looking at me

"Because next to the Theerapanyakun, we are the second most powerful family, and since our sons and daughter were homeschooling or out of town, your kidnapper next option was a kin of a kin" one of them explained

I look at him in realization "you're tanet chaimongkhon aren't you, I know you, you visited the school once to talk about your chain of resorts"

He nodded "thats right young one"

I looked at him amazed

"Look you don't have to be family formal with us since you know, you were away from us for so long but if you want you can call us by our names, we don't mind" prim said

I looked at all of them sincerely "I need time still, I can't just call you my family right away you know"

Then uncle time smirked "but didn't you just call Porsche dad hm"

"Uhh well that was a slip of a tongue"

Uncle ton Chuckled shaking his head "you were gonna call him hia first before dad"

I jokingly look offended "well I never"

"I can bet you my inheritance right now that you are calling those two uncles in your head right now" prim chuckled

I blinked as I stared in shock, of how the hell she knew that, I mean she's not wrong but how

I have come to a conclusion

This family is the most sly, cunning  teaser of a family that I ever knew, and I admitly love it

She had the audacity to smirk again "fan of us now huh"

I glared "heyy no fair its one vs 5, or 7 if those two counts" I pointed at the two gaming on a switch

Uncle Time rolled his eyes "so what are you saying little man, you accept us as part of your family now"

I shrugged "maybe but on one condition, I don't want any part of the business"

Grandfather tanet puts up his hands "I was gonna get you a job working as a manager at one of the resorts but alright" he jokes

Then again I do need money for university
I sheeply smiles "is that an offer"

He shrugged "maybee"

Then grandfather daew Chuckled at his playfulness "oi just give the boy some job since he might not want mafia money"

I nodded "I don't want any of yours or the Theerapanyakun money to get through university, I want to earn it myself"

Grandpa tanet nodded "deal, I'll get you a job by this summer"

I smiled

"Well thats the end of our visiting hours, um if you want we can come back, but for now have a good recovery" prim smiles as she started to head out with the others

"Wait mae" I called out

She looks at me in shock

Yea I know what I did and this time it wasn't an accident

I nervously chuckled "I still need to properly meet p'kinn who is apparently hia- ah! I mean dad's boyfriend so can you bring your girlfriend next time so I can meet her" I asked smiling

She smiles and nods "of course I'll let her know, get some good rest nong"

I nodded "will do" then waved them all goodbye as they left

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