Start from the beginning

It started as a stinging sensation from my fingertips, coursing through my veins, then it morphed into something more sizzling, emotions altering every ounce of emotion I had been feeling earlier. It was something else that took over, consuming the entirety of my being. I clenched my shaky fingers, anger simmering through my veins. I puffed out a hot breath through my cheeks, squeezing my eyes shut and imploring myself to seize control of my fucking emotions. I had the power over them! Not the other way around.

I didn't see it coming, the breathy laughter that rolled off my tongue, sounding like harsh wheezing to my ears. My shoulders quaked heavily, going on for as long as I couldn't keep track. I laughed so hard, my lungs closing up against me until I felt tears spilling out of my eyes. That was all it took for me to pause, chuckling softly. 

This? Was a fucking joke.

The biggest joke of the century.

That was all it was and that was all it had to fucking be. And with that thought in mind, I picked up my phone and sauntered over to my dresser, where I did a quick fix of my face, engaging in my skincare routine for the night. Once I was done, I pranced out of the room, shutting the door behind me.

"Oh come on, you two!" 

The frustration laced in Meg's tone had my brows knitting together in worry and confusion, willing me to quicken my steps in descending the staircase to feed myself the awareness of what was going on and the reason Meg sounded like that.

"You bad, bad boy!" Raquel screeched, her voice hoarse like she had been crying. I raced to the living room, horror descending upon me at the sight of the hysteric girl clutching her broken doll to her chest. She was sobbing profusely, hurt about what was done to her doll.

"Raquel! Sweetheart, what's going on?" I asked, approaching her. I crouched to her level and she threw herself in my arms, breaking down in tears. Through my peripheral vision, I could see an unbothered Riven sprawled on the sofa with a bored look on his face.

I needed no soothsayer to tell me that they were at it again but I knew I had to hear from both sides first.

"What's wrong? Talk to me," I urged the crying girl and she hiccuped, pulling away from my arms. Her teary brown eyes made my heart clench in pain, sadness seeping into me.

"I hate him so much! I don't want to be his sister anymore! He's so mean!" She whined to me, fury flashing in her eyes. I squinted my eyes at her, my mouth ajar and my eyes darted to Riven in the process.

"He's a brute!"

"Come on, Raquel. What did I tell you about saying mean things to your brother? People you love in general. It's not a nice thing to do. Whatever it is he did to you, I am sure we can settle it. He is your family." I pacified her, keeping my voice calm and assuring but she looked like she was way past being reasoned with. She shook her head vehemently, clutching her doll to her chest.

"He's a bad family! I hate him!" She countered me, yelling so loudly.


"He hurt Skylar! Look what he did to her! He broke her neck! I don't want to see him anymore. He's not my twin anymore! I hate him. He hurt her. He hurt my baby." She screamed at me and I could have sworn I didn't see that coming. It caught me off guard. She burst into a fresh round of tears afterwards, dropping to the floor and bunching her knees up to her chest.

I heaved a sigh. 

Of course, I understood her.

"Raquel, honey, can I see her?" I asked quietly and she sniffed but didn't respond to me. I moved over to where she crouched, settling on the floor beside her. I tried to pry the doll out of her surprisingly strong grip but she wouldn't give it away easily. It took a while before she let it go and God, Riven did the doll dirty.

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