Chapter Twenty Five - Punishment

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"Let me out now" Phueng demanded, she was in her own cell in the High Council underground.  She was so angry, she was stalking the room muttering.

It had been a few weeks since that fucking family and the council had rounded them up, like dogs.  It has been a shock to see  one of the most powerful Mafia Family protect her son, that useless omega.  


"So you must be Phueng, Sky's so called mother" Porsche said, his voice was low and dangerous.  

Phueng found herself in a strange position as she found herself powerless and she did she did not like it.  It made her reckless, "I am Sky's mother" she confirmed, "I birthed that useless omega, I should of drowned him at birth" she laughed.  

Everyone around her cowered back as they saw the expression on Porsche, he stepped forward and grabbed her throat pulling her up to his face.  "Don't think that because your a woman I won't fuck you up" His eyes were dead, Phueng tried to pull at his hand around her throat as she tried to breath.  Her eyes started to bulge, "You may be under the High Council at this moment in time, but If anything happens to my son-in-law I am coming for you bitch".  With that he threw her on the floor.  Plueng laid there holding her throat, coughing while tears fell down her face. 


The humiliation was still burning in her brain, "I will get out and I will get my revenge" she muttered madly.  She paced like a caged wild animal, being told when to eat and when she could go outside.  What made it was worse is that her guards are lowly betas and omegas, it felt like she was being humiliated on purpose.  She had thrown her dinner at the last guard because he  smirked at her.

A smell hit her, "Jasmine?" she asked out loud. In front of her fog started to appear in front in her, she stepped back and as the fog got larger.  She sat down on her bed, she could feel something in the air, and she was afraid.  She watched as a figure started to form in the mist, slowly it took shape and soon a young woman with long blonde hair stood in her room.  

Phueng was dumb folded, she looked at this woman, "Who are you?" she asked "How did you get in here?" 

The woman just looked at her up and down, "Answer me, bitch!" Phueng screamed, she has had enough of people disrespecting her, she was an alpha!! The woman laughed, "You want respect because your an alpha?" she asked.  Phueng was shocked, how did this thing know what she was thinking.

"How do I know what your thinking?" the woman smiled, "I know everything, I know all about you, and all the evil you have done with the gift I bestowed to you"

Suddenly the woman's eyes turned from light blue to dark purple, "You abused the gift I gave you and now, I will be taking it back"

She let her words sink in, but she could tell that this evil woman was struggling to understand who she was talking too.  Maybe she has left it too long in between visits, "OK, if she is struggling I will be direct" She thought.

"You want to know who I am?" She asked, Plueng nodded she started to feel the power coming from this woman, suddenly she felt afraid.

"I am commonly associated as the deity of the moon, as I am the most uncontrollable and powerful aspect of Nature and of woman.  I am a difficult deity to understand.  I have shown my self in your myths as both young and old being.  I am well versed in the use of magic, which I use to destroy my enemies.  I am a Goddess that can take the form of a wolf.  Now do you know my name?"

Plueng began to shake with fear at her words, finally she knew who was in front of her and she could not believe it.

"You are, Leto,  The Moon Goddess" Plueng whispered.  The Moon Goddess smiled, "Good, you reconise me, now I will be taking my gift back".

She raised her hand and Plueng body glowed and started to form a green white mist.  "No!!! Please no!!" Plueng realised what the gift the moon goddess, she felt her wolf spirt being ripped from her soul.  She screamed and fell to knees.  "NO!  anything but that, please I beg of you"  She was screaming in pain.  The guards outside were trying to get in the room, but the door was stuck.  Plueng screamed echoed down the halls, then they heard a howl of a wolf.  It was pitiful.

In the room, Plueng was lying on the floor and her whole body was convulsing.  She was gasping for breath, her weaken body watched as the Moon Goddess held a little light in her hand. 

"Come with me little one, I will heal you when we return.  We just need to collect your brother" The Moon Goddess looked down at the wolf less woman. "This is your punishment for your many evil deeds.  You have no wolf, you are just a simple human and you will live like this for the rest of your long days".  With that she disappeared and the guards could enter the room. 

Top heard the screaming and he began to panic, he knew that the high council would not torture its prisoners.  But that family, he shivered, their repetition was well versed in these methods.  He remembered Vegas words.

"You hurt my son-in-law, so that means you have hurt my son and then my husband" Vegas told him, "You better hope those door are sturdy, because once I am given the word from either of those three people, your going to wish you were dead.  Nothing will stop me from getting to you".

The screams felt like they were getting louder, Top pushed himself into the corner of the room.  Then a wolf howled and the screaming stopped.  

"Jasmine?" His room filled with the scent, then the fog arrived and then a woman was standing in his room.

She looked at him, "You really are a coward, aren't you?" she asked, "tell me did you hear the screams?"

Top nodded, "Are you from that Family?" he asked, she smiled, "No, I just chose their son for your son"

Top looked at her in confusion, she signed "You are just as clueless as she was" 

"What do you want?" he demanded, "I am here to take my gift back" she replied.

Again the clueless look, 

"You know my name, You would have read about me in your history books and fairy tales.  You would know me as the deity of the moon, I am the most uncontrollable and powerful aspect of Nature. I am a difficult deity to understand.  I am a Goddess that can take the form of a wolf. Now say my name"

Top cried, he knew who was in front of him and he knew that those screams he had just heard will be coming from him soon, "Your name is Leto, Moon Goddess".

"Good, you know me and you know what is coming" She reached out her arm again.

Top felt the pain as his body glowed and it started to form a green white mist. "Goddess, please forgive me, dont take my wolf"  Pain shook his body, he screamed "No!!! Please no!!"  He screamed and then fell to his knees. "Please I beg of you".

He kept screaming in pain. The guards were now rushing to his cell and once again they could not open the door.  They heard a howl of a wolf and then silence.

The Moon Goddess held the two spirts in her hands, "Let's go home my little ones".  Once again, she dissipated into the white fog.

When the guards entered the room Top was lying on the floor, his whole body was convulsing.  Just like Plueng in her cell.

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