Chapter Eight - Dreams and Reality

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It has been a gruelling 48 hours for Phayu, Sku and Pai.  Rains temperature kept rising and falling.  Phayu would not leave Rain's side.  He kept hovering around even when his uncle told him to go away.

Sky was fascinated by these two men, they are alphas but they are not acting like alpha's in Sky and Rain's past.  Yes, they are clearly strong but they did not flaunt it, both were kind and considerate.  He was shocked to see Pai interact with the delivery people, he was always polite and manners were as natural to them as breathing. He did not see any level of entitlement or a hint of superiority, their uncle was clearly a Beta wolf, but they greeted him with respect and he clearly had affection for them.  

Pai took the lead to look after Phayu and Sky while they looked after Rain, he ran around getting food, making calls and making sure that the took breaks for showers and a change of clothes.  Sky noticed that he was looking more and more tired but he would not rest.  

As for Phayu, he continued to watch over Rain and try and make him as comfortable as possible.  He had never seen some take so much care in wiping someone down.  He murmured comforting words to Rain when he moaned due to his discomfort.  

On Sunday morning, they had just finished talking about the possibilities of Rain being admitted, when Phayu suddenly jumped, he walked over to Rain and pick up his hand, tears started to fall.

"Phayu, what's wrong?" Pai asked, 

"Its Rain, he is letting Boss near him, he is letting him in" Phayu smiled at Sky, "He is letting Boss heal him from the inside"

"Boss?" Sky asked Pai, "Its the name of Boss's Wolf" Pai explained.  "Holy Shit" was all Sky could say.

On Sunday evening, Dr Tor was back and checked Rain, he smiled at the and said, "Panic over - the fever has broken".   There was a collective sign of relief from the younger ones.  Pai and Sky sat down on the sofa.  Pai was rubbing his head and Sky rubbed his face, both actions showed the stress that they had both been under.  "OK, this drip can go" Dr Tor said, "Let me just let me get rid this, Phayu!! please move".

Phayu took a small step back, his uncle signed, "Good enough, I suppose" 

The IV was removed from Rains hand and Phayu quickly swooped in to put a plaster over the place that the needle had been. "Thank you Nurse Phayu" their uncle said dryly, clearly he had had enough of his nephews over protective behaviour.  

Pai had to duck behind Sky to stop laughing, and Sky used a magazine to cover his amusement at the Dr's comment.  Phayu did not pay his uncle any response to show that he had heard the comment, he continued to fuss over Rain. 

"Ok, now let him wake up in his own time, and then he can't rush he recovery, he will need a week to recover.  Here is a note to give to this college for his absence"  Their uncle gathered everything up and looked at Sky, "I hope to see you again" he winked and walked out.  

Pai announced to the small group, "Ok now we can rest, you young man" he turned to Sky "Back to mine, you are having a shower and getting in a real bed to sleep", Sky opened his mouth to argue but it turned into a yawn.  "Look my place is just next door, you will have the bed to yourself and you will sleep - tomorrow we have energy to look after Rain.  Phayu will call me if Rain wakes up during the night, OK people?".  They all agreed and Pai and Sky went to his apartment to sleep.

Phayu had a quick shower and changed his clothes in to sleepwear.  He walked back into his bedroom to find Rain having a dream, he was jerking and every now and again let out a small moan.  Phayu ran to the bed and tried to calm Rain.  He got into the bed and pulled Rain in his lap, he wrapped the quilt around them and then slowly patted Rains back and held him with his other arm.  He then started to slowly rock in time with the back pats and started to softly sing to him. 

"Do you know how good things are? And do you know how happy I am?  Do you know how much my old life has changed? Do you know that before I met you, do you know how I used to be?  Do you know just how much of an influence meeting you had? 

You, you're everything that made my life memorable.  Ever since i met you.  Thank you, heaven, for letting us meet, Thanks The Man Upstairs that brought you to me.  

Thanks all those fateful events because they led me to...Meet you, my darling".

Phayu had his eyes closed and head resting on Rains head, breathing in his sweet smell, this was heaven to Phayu.  He leaned back in bed and continued to hum, Rain had settled into the crook of his neck.  This was how Phayu fell asleep.

Rain's Dreams

I was in a classroom and I am was trapped by the alpha, what was his name again? Right, Phayu.  He was getting too close, I am frightened, suddenly he trapped me.  The heat! my skin burring, and his scent was making my head fuzzy, or was that my headache? What is happing?, Why do I feel like I lived this before?

Those eyes, they are changing, I can't look away.  He has pressed our bodies together and I am losing the will to fight him, Please help, Sky, Help me.  I feel his lips on mine, it feels nice and I end up open my mouth.  We are kissing, really kissing.  I have not done this before. I feel myself falling more under his control, but I done want to stop.

I feel his lips and tongue on my throat , now I can feel his body grinding into me.  I can't help the sounds escaping my mouth.  I have to get out of this, or I am going to give in, Hell I may give in right here in the classroom.  "My Rain", those words are almost like cold water, No I don't want to be anyone's Rain, I don't want be be controlled, I am not a thing!

I knee him as hard as I can in his 'Special Place!', I watch him fall to the ground and he looks up at me in pain, a small part of me feels bad.  But then fear kicks in, what have I done? He is going to beat the crap out of me, I have disrespected an alpha! Run Rain!

I run through the tables, the door is locked and I am thumbing to unlock the door, I can see Phayu start to recover and stand up! Oh God, please open, the door fly's open and I run as fast as I can, down the corridor and threw the entrance.  The cold air hit me, my head its so dizzy and my body is on fire.  I have to run, I have to get home.  I start to run but the blackness is coming in, my legs are heavy and I slow down.  No keep going, but I have no strength, it is being drained, I fall to my knees and the roll into the cold wet grass.  I'm so dizzy and welcome the darkness.

"Rain! Rain!" I hear a shout, I open my eyes its him.  He looks worried but his tone is gentle.  No, its not my heat, I am sick.  No I don't want the hospital.  Please leave me alone, I take the tablets and have the shower, just let me sleep.

What's this? Sky's voice? Am I home? No a new voice, telling me I will feel a scratch.  Blackness again, blissful. 

Voices again, I know one is sky, the other is Phayu and another voice I don't know.  Please go away.  Stop touching me.  

'Noel, Noel! Where are you?#' I cry in my head

'I am here' a tired voice says.  In my minds eye I see my wolf lying down under a tree. My wolf has beautiful white and grey fur.  I run towards him, but I stop just behind my wolf I can see a shadow of another one.  He had black fur and bright green eyes.  

'Don't be scared, Rain' Noel tells me, 'This is our mate, Boss, he has been trying to help me get better'.  I look at this big wolf and I am scared, but I trust Noel.  I sit next to him and snuggle into his fur, 'I am so sick' I complain to him.

'I know Rain, but Boss and his owner are trying to help us, you need to stop fighting and let them help' Noel tells me.  I gulp as the black wolf approaches me, he lay's down and crawls slowly over to me.  I reach out and touch his fur, its so fluffy!!! I smile and start to pet him.  He moves closer and puts his head on my knee.  I sigh and lean into Noel and continue to stroke Boss, I close my eyes and let Boss heal us with his golden light.  

I feel safe.  I open my eyes a little.  I am in Phayu's arms, his is patting my back and swaying from side to side.  I look up and see that his eyes are closed and his is singing to me.  Its so comforting,  I am wrapped up in a quilt with him, he then leans back, still holding me, he starts to hum the song.  I smile, I am going to rest just for a little bit more.  I am in a whole new world, and don't want to leave it.  I sign and snuggle in, closing my eyes once more.

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