Chapter Sixteen - First Holiday

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Phayu had been up for ages, he was holding a sleeping Rain in his arms.  He had not taken his eyes of his cute face.  Last night had been amazing, Phayu had never felt so connected to a person in his life.  Rain gave himself over to him, despite his inexperience he had been quick to learn.  He listened to Phayu and did everything he was told, it blew Phayu's mind.

He smiled and brushed Rain's hair away from his face.  "I love you, Rain" He whispered, "Someday I will tell you when your awake".  He kissed his little button nose, and then lent over to grab his phone.  He saw a number of missed calls and messages from Pai.  

Phayu called his cousin back, Pai answered by shouting down the phone and Phayu was worried that he would wake Rain, so he crept out of bed and this caused Rain to moan, so he tucked him in and left the bedroom.  He then spoke to Pai and let him know what had happened and the new plan.

He finished the call and walked back in to the bedroom.  He slowly crawled up the bed and then began to wake Rain by kissing Rain's cheeks, "Please five more minutes" Rain mumbled.  Phayu smiled and whispered, "I was thinking of making pancakes for breakfast".

Rain opened an eye and asked, "with bacon?", this earned him another kiss, "of course, and fresh orange juice " he promised.  Rain stretched and then grimaced, so Phayu asked, "Are you sore? Want me to run you a bath?"  This made Rain smile, he nodded. 

So while Rain had his bath, Phayu got their breakfast ready, he set the small table up on the balcony.  Rain came out, "What is all this" he eyes were sparkling, "Breakfast" Phayu answered.

Over breakfast Phayu told him that they were going to still go the hotel with Pai and Sky.  Rain jumped into his arms to hug him, "are we joining them today?" he asked, "We will leave anytime your ready to leave".  Rain jumped off his lap and ran back inside, "My case is already packed, lets go!"  Phayu laughed as he collected their used tableware.  With in 30 minutes they were packed and on their way.  Phayu had called ahead and let them know.

Phayu parked the car and then got their suitcase out of the boot of the car.  They were met at the entrance by Sky and Pai.  Sky hugged Rain and walked him into the hotel, "Pai, take Phayu and the cases to the room, we will be at the beach" Called Sky over his shoulder.  Pai grinned and did Sky bidding, he almost had to drag Phayu with him, "Chill dude, they need to talk away from us" Pai said, "Plus I want to talk to you"

Sky had gotten them a drink each, and they sat down on a swing chair together, "So Rain, Pai told me what happened, are you really ok?" Sky asked.  Rain smiled and nodded his head, "You know what? I am, I won't lie I was freaked out at first but then Noel came to me and explained everything.  I felt better about everything after that"

Rain looked over at the sea as he slowly swung on the seat with Sky, "I was always so afraid of handing over myself to someone, all because of my Dad and the pack elders.  But now" he turned and smiled at Sky, "I am so happy.   Its strange and the best way to explain it is that I have found more of myself, instead of having something taken away" 

Sky looked at Rain, "Something is different about you" he agreed, "is it is all of the sex?" he asked, and burst out laughing at Rain, who hit him and went bright red.  Rain looked down at his drink, "Its not sex" he whispered. Sky looked at him confused, "What do you mean".

Rain laughed though his embarrassment and said, "This is a first! Me explaining something to you!".  Sky put his drink down and gave Rain his full attention. Rain took a deep breath in, "When you are together during their rut, everything is instinct and almost animalistic.  Its deep passion.  I am guessing it would be the same during our heat" 

Rain smiled, he could not wait until his heat to test that theory, "but outside of those events, its so different, there is still passion but a different kind, it sweet and its............" Rain's voice trailed off, he got lost in his memories. "Its what??" Sky asked he was fascinated by the light in Rain's eyes.  

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