Chapter Two - Get Set

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Prapai dragged Phayu to the park that morning.  "Dude" complained Phayu "Its to hot to be out here"

"Relax, Phayu" his cousin Prapai said to him, "I have a good feeling that today I will find my mate"  Phayu smiled at this cousin, he knew how much his cousin wanted to find his mate.

Hell he did too.  They were the only two in their family and friend group that did not have mates yet.  In fact, neither of them had any romantic interest in anyone, sure one night stands but nothing deep. They both had loving parents and they both wanted to recreate what their parents have, Love.

He watched as Prapai was chatting to some girls, the girls made it clear that they interested in both the cousins.  Phayu was tall, long hair which he like to tie back, broad shoulders, hawk looking eyes and a small beauty mark need his mouth.  Prapai had the same build but with short hair, honey coloured eyes that had a mischief look in them, he had nice full lips that always had a smile on them.  Phayu was stand offish where Prapai was more open.  

Phayu walked away and was looking at the other couples in the park, when suddenly he smelled the sweetest smell, it smelled like cherries and honey.  At first it was faint and hard to pin point.  he called his cousin, "Pai, can you smell that?"  Prapai tried but could not pick up the same scent,  He watched as Phayu was looking round and smelling the air trying to locate the source.  

"I thought this was supposed to be my lucky day" he good naturally grumbled.  He tried to help by looking around trying to see if he could find a person who looked like the scent Phayu was describing, "Pai this is driving me made" Phayu said franticly smelling the air.

The wind changed direction and the scent came across very strong, he turned his head and looked cross the park and saw the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.  He had dyed blonde hair and small build, very tiny waist.  He was looking down at himself almost in confusion and then he looked up, their eyes met, they were adorable eyes big and doe like, Phayu could not make out the rest of his face, but his wolf, Boss, screamed 'Mate', and I knew he was the source of the sweet scent.  "Its him" Phayu said, this made Prapai turn round and look in the direction of the boy.

All of the sudden, the boy took off running but not towards Phayu like he expected.  No he ran like the hounds of hell were after him in the opposite direction. 

"Oi" Phayu yelled, confused, "Pai, he is running away".  Both Alpha's started to chase after him, but the boy had a good head start.  

"God, you boy is fast" Pai said.  There was a fork in the road and Phayu had to stop, he then stopped, turned his head and saw him in the distance, "There" he pointed.  Again they chased the boy, when he disappeared in to thin air.

"He is interesting, don't you think Pai?" I ask my cousin, I am not sure why but this chase is exciting me.  "he is something" Pai panted, "I think he chose this street to hide because of the smells, its confusing".  Phayu agreed, What a clever mate I have.

We slowed down and walked further up the street, Pai turned round and shouted, "Oi! your mate tricked us!" he sounded outraged, he pointed down the street where we just came from.  There was my little blonde mate weaving though the crowed, he looked like he was on the phone. 

I laugh, "This is fun!" and chase him down the street again.  

We think we lose sight of him, but then I get a blast of his scent and look up.  He now has a mask on, so even through this is the closest I have been to him I still can't make out his face.  He seems to be talking to the boy next to him.  The feel unbelievable bout of jealous towards that person and it makes me shout at them.  The both turn and look down.

Pai looks up and next to my cousins mate is another boy, as soon as their eyes meet - Pai feels the pull and then the delicious smell of strawberries and musk fills his nose.  'Mate' my wolf Fort jumps with joy.  The boy feels the bond too.  His face is covered by a mask and his hair is covered by his hat, but his beautiful dark eyes widen.  He then pushes the other boy and they both run.

"What the fuck!" Pai shouted looking at Phayu.  Without a word they chase them though the station.  

They think they can smell them near a train, but then Phayu thinks he smells the boys scent closer.  Phayu walks towards the bench and then smiles.  Ah, decoy.  They had thrown the boys hoodie on the bench, looking closer you can see that it is a university hoodie.  Phayu hears the ring of train doors closing.

"Oi, they are on that train" Pai said.  It only took a couple of steps, but we are standing the other side of the window.  We watch them give each other a high five as they know there is no way we can get on that train now.  Pai's mate realised that we were there and jumped. Phayu looked into his mates eyes and Pai was looking in to his mates eyes.  The train jerked and slowly moved. 

Phayu's boy must of gotten brave because he cheeky waved at him.  Phayu showed him that he had his hoodie, and to bring the point home that this game was not over, Phayu pointed to the university logo.  Both boys looked shocked.  We walked with the train as it slowly left the platform.

Pai's boy face palmed his face and Phayu's mate just looked at Phayu with his eyes showing that he was not as brave as he was a moment ago.  

They walked back the car, Phau could not smelling his boys top 'God the smell is addictive' Phayu thought.

"So this is no where near over" said Pai, "Lets go back to mine and work out a game plan, lets let them win this one".  Phayu just smiled, he cant wait to get his hands on his mate and smell his scent on his skin.

"Lets not tell our parents yet" Phayu said, "they will interfere"

Pai agreed.

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