Chapter Eighteen - Sad Stories

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Rain and Sky were in his dorm room, they were resting after finishing their module exam.  They were feeling good about where they were at their lives, that was until two Alpha's burst through the door, grabbed them and then squeezed the life out of them both.  Rain was used to Phayu being clingy, but this was next level and Sky was used to Pai asking before touching him, he had never just grabbed him like this.

"P'Pai?" Sky asked, "You OK?", Pai held on to him and just shook his head.  Rain and Sky looked at each other.  Finally Phayu pulled away from Rain and he looked at him in the eyes, he was so proud of his brave boy.  "Phayu? what's wrong?" Rain asked.

"We need to talk to you about a meeting we just had" Phayu said, "We need to be open and truthful with you both".  

They sat the omegas down and then went on to explain what had happened in the meeting and what they had been told apart their past.  Sky went white and Rain put his head down.

"Look, I feel like once again we are rushing you two to open up to us" Pai said, he was holding Sky's hand, "If there was no danger, then Uncle Kim would never have told us.  He was keeping your past locked up, until you was ready".

Sky and Rain where silent for a long time, they both were trying to figure out being confront by their past.  Sky reached for Rain's hand and squeezed it, "OK, I will tell you my story"

He looked at Rain who's head was still down.  

"You understand that our pack was not a good place to be if you were not an alpha, you were less than human at times.   Once you were in the pack you were made to feel like you could not leave, like my dad.  My Dad is a good man, he is a beta, and one hell of a warrior.  He met my mother and fell in love, but he knew that she was not his mate.  He thinks that my mother drugged him as he woke up in her home, and she had marked him".

Rain finally looked up, and gave Sky a small smile, Pai thought it looked like Rain was giving him permission to say something.

 "Back then, they did not have the technology to reverse a forced mark so he had to stay.  In my mum's pack they all but stripped him of his warrior status because he was not an alpha.  Then I came alone, and my mum just threw me at him, she said that I was just a useless omega, the only thing that made it a little bearable was that I was male."

Pai and Phayu really struggled to listen to Sky's  story, Pai could feel Fort getting angry.

"Omegas and their parents had one wing of the pack house, Rain and his mother lived next door and we grew up together.  One day we were playing and an alpha who was visiting decided that he liked me.  I did not understand at the time, I was only 8 years old, but he would not leave me alone.  He was forever touching me and trying to kiss me.  Even as cubs, our packs did not protect us.  Once when he tried to force me to kiss him me, I fought as hard as I could.  Rain punched him in the end and we ran"

Sky looked at Pai, he was like stone but his eyes were giving his love and support.  Sky took a deep breath in.

"Rain was punished by his father for daring to strike an alpha, and my mum saw an opportunity to strengthen her power.  The young alpha was called Gun and his father was a politician of high rank in the council.  He approached my mum and asked for me for his son.  She agreed, I was 8 years old and he was 16 years old.  I still remember the look he gave me as we stood in the hall, it was not normal for a 16 year old to look like that.  My dad tried to protect me, but he was all but locked in the room with me.  My dad and Rain's mum were the insiders that helped bring the pack down.  Rain was also being sold the same day and they could not allow that to happen.  I remember the day that the council came and burst in.  Rain and I were grabbed and forced into a car, speeding though the back lanes until we came to a warehouse.  Inside where our buyers., but they did not know that this was a trap set up by the rescue team.  I was pulled away by Gun, he was going to mark me before Peat had made himself known.  I remember a man punching him so hard that he knocked him out.  Then Rain and I were put in a car and returned to our parents.  The rest you know"

The room was silent.  Pai had tears running down his face, he just held out his hand.  Sky looked at it for a while and then smiled and reached his own hand out and took it.  Rain let go of Skys hand and stood up to look out of the window.  He hugged himself and took a deep breath in getting ready to tell his story.

"My dad was going to be the next alpha, he was just as cruel as my grandfather.  Like Sky's dad my mum was a product of forced marking.  My dad was on holiday in Korea and he saw here studying under a tree.  He told my Grandad that she was the one he wanted, so my grandad tried to approach her family, but they refused.  So he kidnapped her as she was just an beta, his words, and she would just do as her told.  My dad forced marked her and then.." His voice trailed off.  He was quite for a while.

He turned and looked them with tears in his eyes, "he raped her, and kept raping her until she became pregnant"  Rain turned away.  He could not stand the pity, his mother could not stand the pity.

"She could of hated me because I was the product of her ordeal, but she did not.  She loved me and told me that I was the light of her life.  My dad never went near her again after I was born, he did not want to chance a useless omega.  My dad hated us and would find any excuse to beat me and my mother.  He was a monster".

Phayu got up, and back hugged Rain but he did not utter a single word.  "One day when I was 8 years old, we were summon to the hall.  I was being sold, some old alpha had taken a fancy to me,  I was pretty I was told.  I remember talking back and telling them that I would never go with that Pedo.  I was beaten by both my Grandfather and dad for that.  A few days later the council came and as you know we were taken to the warehouse, I managed to pick up a glass shard and stabbed that Pedo as he tried to take me.  I remember him putting his hands round my throat.  I almost blacked out, but I remember a gun shot and I was taken to a car, a few minutes Sky was brought to the car and the rest you know.

There was a heavy atmosphere in the room.  "I am so sorry Rain, that you went though that" Phayu was hugging him like he would never let go, "Its ok, P'Phayu, I am safe now"

"Can you come and stay with us until this matter is settled?" Pai asked.  Rain and Sky looked at each other, they nodded at the same time.

They gathered up there stuff that they would need and then went with their mates.

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