Chapter Fifteen - Our Turn Soon

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"P'Pai. I am worried about Rain" Sky said, they had taken Rain to Phayu as he had requested.  But now he was double guessing.  He only knew about the theory about Heat and Ruts, and his only reason to learn about them was to use them to avoid them.  Sky almost pitied his younger self, he was so confident he could find away for him and Rain, to avoid being owned.  

Looking at Pai who was driving them to the hotel, he had come to the realisation that the alphas of his past and the alphas in is life now are very different.  He loved his 'in-laws' as they addressed themselves.  Dad and Pop were very strong and powerful alphas, on top of that they were mafia a family.  But they still head on to some core beliefs and that is what made them better than this old pack.  The love that he had received form all of Pai's family was genuine and the love they had for the son was undeniable.  

"N'Sky, you have to believe in N'Rain" Pai said, he glanced over at Sky, "I believe this is happening as per the Moon Goddess will" 

"You believe in all that?" Sky asked in surprise, "Of course, how can I explain having you by my side?" Pai replied laughing, "I am not that lucky, she must of had a hand in me finding you"

Sky laughed at his comments, "You are crazy" he smiled as he looked out of the window, "Hell Yes! Crazy for you!" was his response.  Sky pretended to throw up. 

They arrived at the hotel, and went to their rooms, they were next to each other. They unpacked and explored the area together.  Sky allowed Pai to hold his hand, even to hug him from time to time.

"Sky, lets swim in the sea" Pai shouted, Sky had to laugh even though he was older,  P'Pai acted like an excited puppy.  Sky loved seeing him that way, so he agreed to play in the sea with him.  Sky had never allowed himself to enjoy the company of other, but P'Pai had smashed all his walls down and because of that he laughed so freely.  

Pai looked at Sky splashing him while laughing, he could not help but grin at Sky, his boy was so cute.  Automatically he reached for Sky, it was so natural for both of them as they moved closer and Pai put his arms around Sky's waist.  Sky lifted his head and Pai lowered his so their lips could meet.  Sky put his arms around Pai's neck, and opened his mouth, their kiss was deep and sweet.  Sky could not believe that he was standing in the sea, kissing this handsome man.  

Pai could barely contain his excitement, Sky was allowing him to kiss him again.  He would never get bored of this feeling.  When their kiss broke he refused to let Sky go.  "P'Pai! Let go" and embarrassed Sky asked, "No, don't wanna!" Pai pouted.  Sky struggled and they ended up losing their footing and falling under the water.  When they broke the surface they both laughed. 

"Come on, lets get washed up" Pai said picking Sky up.  They went back to their rooms and had a shower.  They went out later for dinner.  Pai tried to call Phayu a couple of times but there was no answer.  "Sorry Sky, he is not answering" he apologised, "Same here for Rain" 

Pai could see that Sky was worried.  "Look it is getting late, if we can't reach them by tomorrow we will go back" Pai offered. Sky smiled and as they walked back, they held hands.

The next morning Pai was running on the beach, when his phone rang, it was Phayu.

"Phayu! Are you ok, is Rain ok?" Pai rapidly fired questions to his cousin.  

"Hold on" Phayu whispered, Pai sat down on the beach and listened as he heard a soft moan, then the rustle of a duvet and finally a door opening and softly closing. "Sorry, But Rain is still sleeping" Phayu said in his normal voice.  "Is everything ok?" asked Pai, "We tried to call but....." his voice trailed off.  He heard Phayu laugh, "Its been a rollercoaster" he said to Pai, he then went on to explain the last 24 hours. 

Pai was stunned, "So you took Rain's virginity, then your wolves decided to mark each other and you rut was cut short by Boss?" Pai recapped what he had just heard. "I can't believe it" Pai said, "I mean you planned to have Rain sent away, so nothing like that could happen, but now.." again Pai voice faded away.

"I know" Phayu said softy "I can't quite believe it myself, its like a beautiful dream".  Pai looked at his phone, he had never heard his cousin use that soft tone before.  

", when Rain wakes up, I am going to bring him to the hotel, and lets have the trip I originally planned" continued Phayu.  "What did you say?" Pai asked.  Phayu signed, I want to bring Rain to the hotel.  As much as I want to keep him to myself , with everything that has happened he also needs his best friend.  So now my rut is over sooner than either of us thought, lets have the trip that we originally planned" Phayu repeated, "But we have to swap room, I need to sleep with Rain"

"Sure you do" Pai said dryly, "Pai" warned Phayu, "Could you please update Sky and I will call you when we are on our way" Phayu ended the call before his cousin could reply.  

Oh God this was going to be an interesting conversation with Sky! 

Sky was already at the breakfast table, Pai smiled as he knew that Sky would beat him here and have a full plate already.  Once they had their food, Pai cleared his throat and said, "Well, I managed to speak to Phayu this morning" he started to say.

"Is Rain ok?" Sky interrupted him, "Well, yes" Pai looked uncomfortable.  Sky began to imagine the worse, "Oh God, something went wrong, didn't it? I knew I should have not left him" Sky began to fret. Pai covered his hand, "No, no, its nothing like that, its just that the impossible happened and I am not sure how to brake it to you"

Sky took a deep breath in, "Just tell me the truth" he said.   So Pai did, word for word he repeated the conversation from earlier. 

"Phayu marked Rain?" Sky said slowly, "and Rain marked Phayu" He looked again at Pai.  Pai just nodded. "It seems that we do not decided the when and where, its our wolves" Pai repeated what Phayu had told him, "Is that written down anywhere"

Sky thought about it, "Well, yes and no" he said, "The old texts always refer to the body and wolves spirt as one person, so I guess its down to perception of how you read it?" 

"Another thing is that we need to swap rooms, those two still need to be with one another" Pai said, "Judging by my dad's, after the rut's alphas are normally clinging to their mates" He explained.  "But if you are uncomfortable, I will try and get another room for you" 

Sky shook his head, "I trust your, P'Pai.  I mean we have slept in the same bed before and you have not tried anything"  Pai Smiled, "But what about my wolf?  It may want to jump your wolf!" he teased Sky, "It may be our turn now!" He giggled at the look he was getting from Sky.

"Stop being stupid" Sky signed, "Lets get the room ready and wait for the call"

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