7 [homecoming]

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(Next day)

I stood by my locker waiting for Emma like I promised her. I was waiting for her for about 25 minutes, waiting for her to finish up her ASB meeting. I went on my phone and saw that I had one unread message from Max. I smiled as I saw the notification. 

"Boo!" Max came up from behind me.

"Dude! You scared me!"

"I saw you smiling at my message" he smirked.

"Oh yeah, as if you texting anything that would make me smile" I teased him.

The text wasn't anything special. He was just asking if I had five dollars. Still though, a message from a boy you may have feelings for is special.

Suddenly there were two students in front of us putting up a large banner. This for sure means something huge and important is happening soon. Max and I both looked up and tried to read what the sign said.



"its home coming idiots" said Emma.

Homecoming already? It's barely the first week of school. Homecoming is just another lame event for people who are in happy relationships and love to party. Ive never gone to homecoming before, there is no need to. Not a need, not a want. It's just there. People make a huge deal about it with all of the proposals and dress shopping. I look more forward to the football game than the actual dance. 

"When is it? I asked Emma.

"In three weeks, just enough time for us to get our dresses!" Emma added.

"Who said I was going? It's too expensive either way, waste of money" I said.

"You've never gone y/n?" Max asked.


"How come? No guy has ever asked you or what?" Max smiled.

"Guys have asked before but I've rejected them. Besides, there is no point in even going. Its just a lame dance"

Emma gasped, "Lame dance?! No it is not, it is the one event of the year where we can just have fun and forget about this hell of a school y/n! You gotta be joking!".

"Im just being honest, and if a guy asks me this year, which I doubt, I would simply say no".

"What if I asked ya, would you go?" said Max.

I could feel my heart start to race. My cheeks were turning warm.

"Depends how far you go into asking me" I gave him a smile.

"So that's a yes!"

"I said depends Russo. How about you, have you ever gone?"

"Nah, don't got the time for it with all these wiz-" Max cut off. "Nah".

"Max was asked last year but he rejected the poor girl" Emma laughed.

"I apologized after! I'm not rude Emma" Max added.

Alex came up to the three of us running with excitement, "Oh my god, homecoming! My favorite day of the year!"

"You like to go Alex?" I asked.

"Yes! Every year I go just to pull a prank on the homecoming queen and king! This year I'm planning on cheating the votes so Peter Clark and Nataly Flores get the win, they are the nerdiest of the nerd here. It would be so funny having two nerds win." she explained.

"You do you Alex, as long as you don't cause something for Laritate to cancel it" Emma said.

All this homecoming talk has me imagining Max asking me. Half of me wants to just ignore this thought and the other half wants it to actually happen. 


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