52- Father of mine

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Dani's POV
Things were looking up kinda. I guess I felt relief. I wasn't lying anymore. At least to the people that mattered most to me.

I sat and waited in DADA. I wanted the class to finish so I could talk to my father. We hadn't spoke in the past week. It was impossible to find him alone, he always avoided it. Even in death eater meetings he completely ignored me and left earlier.

The class was almost emptied and he made his way out. "Professor!" I yelled and stepped in front of him. "Can I help you Miss Silverclaw?" He said boring into my eyes. "Yes you can. It is urgent I... umm... I need to understand the details of this part in the book. I said flipping through pages frantically and waiting for the rest of the students to exit. "Another time." He said and tried to move forward. I opened the book and showed him my marked up page. He frowned at my note in red marker.

Walk away and I tell the whole school!

He stopped in his tracks. "It is very disappointing to ruin books." He
Muttered. Everyone was gone. Finally I got his full and undivided attention.

I took a deep breath. "Will you talk to me? You know I didn't choose to be your kid!" I crossed my arms frustrated. I sounded desperate. I felt so empty after all these years. In all honesty I never felt Regulus as a real father figure. I forced myself and hoped he'd be it.

In reality he was always cruel and I was a pawn to him. Not that he knew the truth, because if he did my fate would be much worse than it already was.

My mother was a whore, a mean woman. I am all for women's sexual freedom but when she got so messy she didn't even know who the father was, then is when she became ugly in my eyes. Not to mention her shenanigans with my boyfriend at the time.

She was heartless, we never even had anything in common. A fridged bitch. Yet all I ever wanted was a family. Someone who cared for me. More than just about, what would people think, or be presentable, or don't bring shame to this family.

Even now my true father didn't give a shit about me. Emptiness all over again. A feeling so strong yet so familiar.

"Dani..." he paused. He used my first name. Maybe this was progress? Or was it all an attempt to make me leave and forget about him?

His eyes softened from his usual scowl.
"If anyone were to find out they would use it to their advantage. Your mother had told me about you. I knew. Yet I couldn't interfere. At least never up front..." he trailed off with a look of regret. Maybe regret for me finding out. Of course my mother knew. My mother was one step ahead of me. I was foolish to think even in her dying breath she would say the truth.

"But- but if you knew why let me endure all this!" I raised my voice frustrated.
He shook his head. "I kept you safe away from it all. Your mother insisted you come to London. I insisted you attend Hogwarts so I could keep a close eye on you. I never wanted you to become a death eater. It is one of the reasons I joined before you came. I knew the days were coming." He mumbled.

"So now what?" I put my hands on my hips. "There is nothing now. I know what you did to your mother. Who do you think sent your cousin to clean up your mess? Me." He shook his head.

I furrowed my brows. "All this for what? And now you want my gratitude? Is that it? How wonderful you've been?" I hissed. Tears pooling in my eyes. I stepped backwards.

"I killed her. You didn't even bat an eyelid. All this could've been avoided. All the pain and suffering! You gave me those pills for what? To see the truth? It only made me psycho! Couldn't you have just told me? What kind of father are you? I never expected this!" I waved around, so frustrated I could explode. My own mother dead by her only child. I was wrong to say I don't have anything in common with my mother because I do. I am as ugly as she was on the inside.

"What do you expect fatherly love?" He squinted his eyes. I let out a loud, cruel laugh. "You think that's what I want? You think I'm a hurt little girl? Really? Maybe all I want is honesty and someone to trust! Maybe I was better off with Regulus! Even Voldemort would've been more interesting as a father than you! You let me think he was my father that I fucked my brother! Do you see what lies cause?" I see the hurt in his eyes for a mere second but I don't stick around. I grab my bag and bolt.

Mattheo's POV

My father pacing in the living room of the Malfoy manor. "We'll say it!" I demand in a low voice. He snaps his head towards me and walks inches away from my face. "You have to get rid of the girl. You know how much she loves you. Use it." He hissed. I can smell his breath and it's not pleasant. "Why would that even be a thing?" I cross my arms. I might be his son but I am not afraid of him. He is my father after all. They fail to see who Tom Riddle is. People see his exterior and what he has done and think he is heartless. Sure he is a sociopath but he has his reasons.

"She hold you back. She has power we need. She is linked to Potter. Kill her and he dies. Simple. Don't be foolish boy." He whispers. He looks off to the fireplace. How on earth did I get the lotto on a father. "Don't you dare think of those disgraceful thoughts. If you must fuck her do so and be done with her. You have plenty of toys at you disposal. Danielle Silverclaw is not the one." He yells.

"I won't do it." I state. He grabs my shirt and throws me on the ground. "You have a week boy."  He hissed. "Or what? You'll kill your only son?" I taunt him.

"Who said I had only one." He said and walks away. This bloody bastard. He deserves to die. This father I call mine should die in the pit he was made. Hell wont even have him.

I need to protect Dani. The one person who truly cares about me. She has a part of my soul and I hers.

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