16- The Kiss of Death

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Draco's POV

Dani was a mess. She fell asleep again. Nott, Riddle and I decided to stay the night. She had a single room with a couch and two large chairs, so having people over wasn't an issue. She looked sick. Whatever was happening internally was affecting her externally. I checked her forehead for fever. She was cold. She had three boys  fawning over her. I could never act on my feeling any more but of course my love for her was always there. Even I could tell Riddle was obsessed with her. Nott was in denial about Riddle. There was clearly something going on between them. I saw how she looked at him.

"Why are you here Riddle?" Nott spat. "Here we go.." I rolled my eyes, I knew what was coming. Nott shot me a dirty look.
Riddle sat back on the chair. He spread his legs out like owned the place. "Because I please to. It's none of your concern Nott. Maybe if you took care of your girlfriend she wouldn't be half dead in her room." He said coldly. His face twisted in disgust as he looked at Nott from head to toe. He wasn't wrong. Although Dani was secretive and becoming a death eater made her distance herself from Nott.

I had seen her and Riddle talk a lot. Being a death eater wasn't something Nott's ideals would understand. He knew Dani like everyone else, which was not at all. He knew the idea of her. A good girl, who is a wild party animal, from a rich family and doesn't have a care in the world. He thought he was dating a pretty, rich witch from the good side of London. Nott's perfect little picture would be ruined if he knew the truth. He couldn't handle it. He would see her as dirty and wrong. She was none of that.

"I am here now aren't I? How was I suppose to know she was hurt?" Nott said feeling guilty. I could see his eyes looked at Dani's sleeping body filled with regret. Riddle had his ways to get under people's skin. Even at death eater meetings, he would always get under mine. Like that time he told me what my father said about me to my mother. How I was such a disappointment. He used the perfect words to make start bickering with my father after the meeting.

Dani sighed in her sleep. Our attention turned to her.

"Would you two shut it?" I spat. The snapped their head to my direction angrily.
I raised my hands in defeat. I was not going to get punched because of my own stupidity.

"You know Riddle maybe I was right not to like you all along." Nott said in a low voice. He had a look on his face. A look he got when he was about to beat someone up. Great here we go again. Riddle smirked smugly. His scarred nose and large smile made him look like the Cheshire Cat. Fucking evil.

"Well your girlfriend seems to think otherwise of me." He winked. Nott a face got red. He marched towards Riddle. Riddle pulled out his wand. Nott walked into his wand. He pushed his neck closer. "Do it Riddle, and she'll never look at you again." Nott whispered with a sadistic grin on his face. Had he gone completely mad? I wouldn't put it past Riddle to kill Nott because he disrespected him. Both were mad. Mad men.

I jumped in between them. "You all should calm the bloody hell down. She is hurt and you're bickering pieces of shite aren't helping." I curled my lip upwards in disgust. They stopped and sat at opposite ends. Had I just stopped a massacre?

Dani's POV

I opened my eyes. I heard soft snores in my room. I felt better but weak. I had to pee. My bladder felt like it would explode. My eyes were used to the dark. I saw Draco sleeping on my couch. His drool was coating my grey, silk pillow. Nott was on the chair snoring and Riddle was rubbing his eye. I got up slowly and silently to go to the bathroom.

I looked myself in the mirror, the moonlight made me see my complexion without opening the lights. I looked like I'd been run over by a truck. Multiple times, but somehow managed to look pretty. I made my way back to my bed. I felt like I was floating and dizzy. I got inside the sheets. "Hey." I felt a minty breath near my face. I gasped and he covered my mouth to keep me quiet. Riddle. He was under the sheets.

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