15- Who's your daddy?

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Dani's POV

"Severus the child, I cannot tell if she will make it." Dumbledore's voice echoed.
"She will. She is strong. Why haven't you told him?" Severus Snape said filled with emotion. "How could I? He would kill her. I cannot tell the truth. Protect her please." A woman begged. "I promise you." Severus promised.

I woke up from a foggy dream. The woman's voice was familiar. It was like I knew her but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I stretched. It was already morning. How long did I sleep for? I glanced at my clock, it was already time for classes and I was late! I rushed to get dressed and made my way down. My hair was messy from yesterday, so I finger combed it on my way to class and my body ached. I felt like someone beat me up. My mark was sore. My whole body felt tingly in a bad way.

I walked in to potions class . "Hello Ms. Silverclaw, nice of you to join us. Come. Since you are late we have a seat available by Mr. Riddle. You can be partners for this semester. " Professor Slughorn smiled peacefully. "Thank you professor." Not again stuck with Riddle. Nott was sitting with Blaise two rows in-front of us. Astoria looked away as soon as I walked in. Good.

"Howdy partner." I said in a southern drawl. I sat down and dropped my bag on the floor. "Good morning cowboy." Riddle laughed at me. The was British people said cowboy was so strange. Professor Slughorn was talking about Amortenia. "Mother-of-pearl sheen, a spiraling steam and the
scent is multi-faceted and varies based on what the person likes." He explained. He walked across the floor. "Mr. Zambini if you would step up please. What do you smell?"
Blaise got up and took a whiff. "Hmm.. pears, sugar, and well this is odd rain?" He questioned himself.

His broad shoulders slumped forward. Luna looked up at him strangely. Blaise sat down confused. Everyone was going around. Giggles were heard throughout the room. Whispers. Gossip. It was like sharing your grade school crush. It was fun to see other people. "Mr. Nott, you're next."

Theodore walked up to the cauldron and inhaled. "Lillies, vanilla, coconut and bergamot." He smiled at himself. He was basically describing my perfume and lotion. I smiled back. Granger sat in front of my with Pansy. They went next. Granger smelt grass? Weird.  Pansy smelt weed. Classic Lorenzo. Or any Slytherin really.

Slughorn looked at his names sheet and looked at my direction. "Ms. Silverclaw and Mr.Riddle you are last. Come up." Professor Slughorn smiled awkwardly. He was an old man but he was so nice, despite being a tough grader. He was just so awkward in general.

I stepped in front of the cauldron. I inhaled. "Mahogany teakwood, mint, cigarettes..." I said without thought. I stopped as I realized who I was smelling. I had to stop. "And lavender with citrus." I said quickly, to cover up myself. Nott smiled at me. He was sure it was for him, thankfully. Riddle smirked at me. I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face. It was like he knew. He stepped forward.

"Let's see.." he inhaled dramatically. "I smell a bad attitude, an attempt to fool other, lies..." he emphasized the words lies dragging out the s. I rolled my eyes at his theatrics. "Rolling eyes..." He smirked and I walked back to my seat annoyed. "....and a great ass-ortment ." He rolled his tongue in his mouth. I felt my cheeks get red, this was embarrassing.

"That's enough Mr. Riddle." Slughorn urged him to sit down. Nott wasn't paying attention after I went. He found no interest in Riddle. Everyone else snickered. How oblivious could Theodore be? Lorenzo briefly looked at me angrily as if it was my fault. I shrugged. Lorenzo leaned in to talk to Nott. Fucking great.

Riddle sat back down next to me.  "I hate you." I said and let out a heavy breath. "That's hot. It turns me on. Especially when you want me, but you have to lie to yourself about it." He sat back amused. UGH! I wanted to punch him so badly.

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