14- A Difficult Task

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The Dark Lord shook his head. "Severus tonight we shall make the girl officially one of us. She has proved herself. She will make sure we get what we need. Draco will kill Dumbledore. I have big plans for her." He pulled out his wand and screamed the unforgivable curse to his hostage. The body dropped on the table. Severus nodded. "Yes Dark Lord." He muttered and left.

Dani's POV

At breakfast it was me, Nott, Pansy, Lorenzo, Blaise and Draco. Riddle walked in with Cho and she kissed his cheek leaving him at our table to go to the Ravenclaw side. I felt myself get angry but I didn't show it. I even said good morning to Cho. I had to let it go. It wasn't worth it. It was all a game to Riddle. I had a perfect boyfriend, who respected that I was drunk and didn't take it further. I ate my chocolate bagel in peace.

Everyone was talking about my "badass" moves and how I kicked Astoria's ass. I was not regretting it but I wasn't enjoying the attention either. Astoria sat in the furthest corner away from me. People were talking about me. It was heard even amongst professors but it was unconfirmed so they couldn't punish me.

Riddle sat across from me he briefly looked at me. "Mate you and Cho?" Blaise slightly stood up being all chirpy wiggling is eyebrows at him. Blaise was such a lover for gossip. He would sell his souls to get good gossip.

Riddle smiled. "Yea she's hot, and a good fuck if you ask me." He smirked at Blaise ignoring me fully. When did they fuck exactly? After he.... Tortured me? What was wrong with me? How could I possibly care about this vile person. I was clearly the problem here. My own brain was not functioning properly.

"When did you fuck?" Blaise asked. "Latest or for the first time?" He replied slyly. He just had to be an asshole about it. I thought to myself. In any other case I wouldn't have mentally judged him. Although in this case jealousy got the best of me.

"Both brother." Lorenzo added. As if he was Riddle's friend. Pansy ended up telling me their whole conversation as Theodore showered this morning. I started bouncing my leg up and down. I was pissed. He was clearly doing it on purpose. "First time, I fucked her after the party. She came to my room. Like she literally came. And latest just now in my shower." He cocked his head up. The boys snickered and made gross comments.

"Cho is hot mate." Nott added and sheepishly smiled at me. As if his unnecessary friendship with Riddle would evolve. If only he knew Riddle was spanking his girlfriend right before he ate her out. What a fucking idiot. I rolled my eyes at  Nott. Pansy looked at me concerned, making me self aware that  I was stabbing my bagel with my fork.

I removed the fork and gently continued to eat. I contemplated stabbing Riddle with my fork. "What about you love birds? You know I found them all naked and snuggled up in bed." Pansy said straightening her back and grabbing the boys attention. What an amazing friend I had. At this moment I was feeling already better. I put my head on Theo's shoulder.

"Oh stop it Pans." I said pretending to be shy about it but I was loving it. I wanted that asshole to know. I got to fuck too after his room. He wasn't the only one. Pathetic.

Draco was quiet he seemed disconnected. Usually he would have said something. He was pushing his scrambled eggs around with his fork. No one seemed to notice. He looked up at me. There was sadness in his eyes. Like regret. He quickly looked away.

"Oh don't stop. Tell us more." Blaise, the biggest gossiping mess he was urged her. I looked at her giving her approval to continue. She got the memo. Girl code. Nott was enjoying this far more than me. He sat back and let her speak. He wanted everyone to know about us. As if the validation would prevent me from leaving him. Which I wouldn't...as of now at least.

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