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Mattheo's POV
I held her by her throat. A mischievous smile grew on her face. She needed to be taught a lesson. I fucking balls deep one, and tied to my bed.

"Let me get on my knees for you please." She licked her lips. I smirked. Of course she'd come back begging. I loosened my grip. "Good girl." I started to unbuckle my pants.

"Crusio!" She yelled. And I fell on my knees. That vile little thing.

Dani's POV
"I get on my knees for no one. Especially one who belittled me." I spat. He deserved it. A low laugh rumbled from his chest. "You are quite something Silverclaw. I gotta admit. It turns me on." He looked up at me. I felt my core tighten. He betrayed me. Showed them all I'm weak. I punched him in the nose. A crack sounded. Blood started running down his teeth from his nostrils. He smiled at me sadistically.

"Don't ever underestimate me." I tapped my wand on his head. His grin widened. "I never did." He said with a glimmer in his eye. The psycho side of him I found exhilarating. "Good." I smirked. He leaned back.

"Well clearly my violent tendencies have grown on you. As well as you've managed to shock your own father." His head motioned towards the burnt down door. I turned quickly, and Severus Snape stood there. His face contorted into shock briefly and then returned to his usual scowl.

"I presume that means, the results are back." He mumbled. I nodded slowly. "Nevertheless you will have some explaining to do to the house keeper. This is quite a mess." He motioned around. I shrugged.

"Do I get any privileges, being a faculty members daughter?" I grinned at him. He rolled his eyes at me. The first time I've ever seen Professor Snape roll his eyes. A chuckle left Riddles mouth. I turned around and narrowed my eyes at him. Seeing him approve of my darker side made my eyes soften on him.

"Miss Silverclaw, you and Mr. Riddle will have detention tomorrow after classes. You will be tasked to clean various places in the castle. Come prepared." He turned and his cape -as I called it- flowed behind him.

That was his reaction to the news of him having a daughter? That was all I got?

"We all cope differently Silverclaw or should I say Snape." Riddle said.

I sat on the ground. All my emotions coming through. "Yet another father who doesn't care." I mumbled looking at my hands.

Riddle scouted next to me. He kissed my cheek, I felt his warm blood on my skin. The metallic smell filled my nostrils. I giggled. "What?" He cocked his eyebrow up. "I really blew up your door." I smiled at myself. Looking around at the bits and pieces of wood and the burnt smell in the air.

His hand rested on my thigh. "You keep amazing me Dani." His deep voice rumbled from his chest.

I turned to look at him. "Do you really want to date me?" I asked. I honestly wanted to know. He kept pestering me, yet he never really asked me. He never truly said it.

"Dating is beneath us." He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"So I take that as a no. What do you want from me Riddle?" I crossed my arms and turned to face him. He grinned his bloody teeth on display.

"Well I don't want to date you. No. I want to own your soul. I want to worship your body and I want you to worship mine. I want all of you." He said very seriously. I looked deep into his abyss of eyes. The darkness always made me feel safe, rather than fearful. Yet it was all missing.

"So you'll own my soul. Yet I won't own yours?" I asked him in all honesty not wanting a unfulfilled relationship.

He shook his head. "You already own my soul." He whispered.

I felt the warm feeling you feel inside you're a kid and it's Christmas Eve waiting for Santa. A giggle escaped my lips.

"You calling me the devil?" I cock an eyebrow. He laughs.

"You sure act like one. But you're more of the antichrist as the muggles say." He nudged me. I laughed at his antics.

"I missed your asshole-ness." I rolled my eyes. "I missed you too." He nuzzled my neck.

I wanted to let go what he did, because all he was a scared boy who grew up with horrible parents. Shit if I knew a thing or two about those. All my life. A lie. He was the only real thing. Him and well Blaise, being oblivious to it all. Draco was true to me but he then was my cousin and then he wasn't. Riddle was my enemy, then my brother then not. Lorenzo wanted to kill me so I killed him and then brought him back. Pansy was my best friend then a backstabbing bitch and then my friend again. My boyfriend, a death eater and a liar. I was a Black my whole life, until I wasn't. Everything was just a lie.

"Wow you two again." Draco said in disgust leaning at the door frame. I didn't even realize he walked in. I rolled my eyes. "What's the problem Malfoy? Jealous, I got your cousin?" Riddle smirked.

Draco crossed his arms. "Well now she's not off the table." He licked his lips. I groaned and stood up. "Do you ever not think of your dicks? Like for a minute!" I raised my hands. "I think of your pussy sometimes too." Riddle trailed his finger on my leg still sitting on the floor. "Sometimes I wonder the fact that you've ran through all of us." Draco mutter. "Almost." I winked. Mattheo's eyes darkened. "Calm your dog, he seems feral." Draco scoffed.

"There when I started to like you. You just go and wreck it." Riddle said in a low tone.

"I need to head out." I shook my head feeling overwhelmed with everything. "See you later, love." Riddle winked, pulling a cigarette out of his pocket. I walked out Draco followed me out.

"Dani. Go clean up things with Nott, decide what you want. Be more specific. Then we have work. He called." He said in a whisper. His eyes searching mine. He was being a genuine friend. I slowly nodded. He was right. I needed to end it. I hated the mess I had created.

I knocked on his door.

"Come in." Mott's sleepy voice said. I turned the handle and walked in. He was in his sweatpants and no shirt. I just looked at his big blue eyes. "I know." He whispered. Knowing I would end it.

"This needs to stop its toxic." Tears welled in my eyes. Because in truth I did love him, I just wasn't in love with him. Seeing his eyes hurt like a little boy loosing his friend. He slowly nodded. "I will always love you Dani. That's just me being honest." He smiled. The tears steamed down my face. "I know." I said in a gasp spilling more tears. He moved closer. "Come here." He said and wrapped his arms around my body. I let loose in his chest crying all the anxiety and pain from these past weeks. "I love you so much Theodore, it hurts. I'm just not in love with you. I'm a piece of shit I know. I'm a bad person. Fuck it hurts so much to hurt you. Because I fucking love you. And I always will." I sobbed in his chest. He just slowly caressed my back. "I know. It's okay. You're not a bad person, your just lost. You lost the ground from under your feet. And it's okay. We grow." He kissed the top of my head.

I pulled back. "When did you become so wise?" I said snot coming out of nose. He laughed and wiped my eyes. "I am not wiping your snot." He laughed and grabbed me the tissue box from his bedside. "Thanks. You use these to jerk off?" I laughed. He pushed my playfully and pulled me back in.

"Promise we will be honest and real friends? Anything you ever need please come to me. I am here for you. Not another lie and if I ever lie again, use the unforgivable curse, I'll take it." He smiled a promise of death. I kissed his cheek. Things seemed to get better. I hoped. The only thing left was talking to my father... and well everything else.

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