33-Expecto Patronum

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Draco's POV
Dani took off her hoodie and was in a sports bra. She looked good as the sweat glistened on her body. A body I had in my arms and was ripped away because of circumstances.

I shook my head. I didn't want to think of her in a sexual manner. "I can't believe we buried a body. We are like blood sisters." She grinned. Pointing her fingers at us. She made a heart shape with her hands. I rolled my eyes. "I hope I'm not your brother." Nott smirked. "This is getting to incestuous even for my tastes." Riddle walked in grumpy. "Well now it's a party!" I raised my eyebrows. He looked tired. Like really tired. Nott handed him the bottle he took it and gulped down the small remaining alcohol. He held his head looking at Dani.

He sat across from Dani. She wouldn't look at him. Something was wrong with her, but also with him. He just kept staring at her.
"Penny for your thought?" I asked him. He briefly glared at me and pulled out a cigarette. "I take that as a no." I took a deep breath.
"What's wrong with you?" I nodded in Dani's direction. She shrugged. "I just killed two people, and well buried one of them. I'm allowed some misery."

"Well misery loves company." Nott snorted. She laughed. "Since we are all here. Let's talk about the plan. I kill Dumbledore soon. Dani you'll have to distract the golden trio. Nott you set the curse as been told and well Riddle I don't know his your father." I said trying to make a plan. Dani stretched out on the couch. "How about we talk about Yule Ball. Who's your date Draco?" She smiled playfully. I rolled my eyes. Typical Dani. "I was taking Astoria, because Granger is going with her friends. Although now Pansy has no date." I smirked evilly. "Oh I made sure of it." She giggled. The two goons stayed quiet. "What about you?" I asked her. She laid back. "Hmm. Nott and Riddle are talking me." She mused. "Oh that's new information." Nott added annoyed. "That's presumptuous of you." Riddle spat as he chain smoked his cigarettes.

"Well if you don't want to I'll just have to go with Blaise. He wouldn't mind." She crossed her arms like the brat she was. I laughed at them. "Wow." I muttered.

"Do you even have a dress?" I spat. Her eyes went wide. "I-I didn't think of that." She whispered.

Dani's POV
The boys stayed over and we all passed out in the living room by the fire. I was too nervous to sleep in. So I woke up early and decided to make breakfast before we headed back out to Hogwarts. I made a tomato and fried omelette, and of course espressos. I even made coffee for the house elves. They were shocked. It seemed like common decency to make coffee for the staff since I basically had them cover a murder.

"So Miss what shall we tell if authorities ask?"  The older female, named Estel.
I bit the inner of my cheek. "Um I guess she went missing?" I shrugged. She nodded and the two others agreed. "In regards to the Berkshire boy, we said we never saw him interact with you." Blim added. He was the more mature one, yet miserably quiet usually. "Again thank you." I said. They all nodded.

Riddle walked in sleepy and shirtless, the elves scattered. His body was that of a God. I tried not to look at him. Especially the way he made my insides feel.  "Good morning." He mused and grabbed some American coffee. He kept looking at me strangely.

"Mm for me?" He pointed at the omelette on the stove still warm. "Yea knock yourself out. We have about..." I looked at the silver wall clock. "Three hours to get to the train station. So eat up. I'm going to go shower." I said and got up to avoid anything. "Without me?" Nott followed in. "Please stop." Draco yelled from inside. "Yes. By my self." I cringed.

Riddle's POV
If this wasn't the most uncomfortable train ride back. Well not for me. Nott on the other hand was in a compartment with me and the girl he so obsessively wanted. Well Malfoy was in here too but who cared.

Dani had her headphones on. She kept ignoring me. Strangely enough I was curious about the whispers that woke me up. No one was around. I looked at her. Did we share any features? Maybe it was just a dream. I shook my head. I couldn't care less if we were related. It was just sex, I kept telling myself.

"Bloody hell." Malfoy looked outside the window. I rolled my eyes, what was this idiot looking at now.

I looked outside, it was dementors. They didn't stop us, but the train tracks got icy and we stopped. Everything was cold. Dani removed her head phones. Potter opened our sliding doors. "It's dementors get ready." He looked briefly at me with disgust. "You clearly have it all under control." I muttered. Dani got up. "Be mature for once." She angrily spat and got up following Potter. She pretended to be this good girl but in reality she was a bloody death eater. "Fucking cunt." I muttered. Nott's eyes shoot me a dark glare. I ignored him and sat back.

Harry's POV
Dani followed me out of her compartment. She looked tired. Her under eyes were puffy like she hadn't sleepy in days. I never understood how she of all people hung out with that crowd. In every occasion we hung out she was the sweetest. It wasn't often we hung out but I knew of Hermione who talked more to her. Now she'd been distant. Only ever seen with Slytherin snakes.

"Let me know how I can help. Should we do the Patronus Charm?" Her deep brown eyes wide with anticipation of what to do. "Um, yes. Well let's wait for them to enter." I said nervously. She tucked her honey brown hair behind her ear. She was truly pretty. Her hoodie sleeves where pushed upright, and no mark was visible. She was still one of us. The chilly air filled the train. The windows began to crystallize. It was eerie and quiet. "Get ready." I whispered. "Let's have our backs to each other." She furrowed her brows worried. Her white wand was out and ready.

The air around them had frozen: Dani's breath caught and solidified in her chest. Shapes moved out in the darkness, swirling figures of concentrated blackness, moving in a great wave towards the castles, their faces hooded and their breath rattling.

I saw them their dark shadowy faces. "Expecto Patronum!" I yelled. The blast of light shined in my space. "Expecto Patronum!" Dani's voice broke. She filled with light behind me. They were gone. We collapsed into each others arms hugging. "Oh my Harry, that was... amazing." She smiled showing off her perfect teeth. "Yes indeed." I nodded. Did she have a date to the Yule Ball? I knew Hermione did, and Ron.

"Well that was amazing Harry!" George Weasley opened his slinging door and Fred's head popped next to him. "Yes indeed." Fred added. "Dani?" George smiled. "Yes?" She blushed. I felt awkward. "Do you have a date to the Yule Ball? Or do I have to be a dementor to get your attention?" George smirked. "Definitely a dementor." Fred mused. She put her wand away. I felt torn if jumping in and asking her, but what if she said no?

She looked at me and then George. "Actually I don't." She smiled confidently. George grabbed her hand and kissed the top. "Well now you do my lady."

She giggled at his actions. "What color are we wearing?" He asked. She bit her perfectly plump lips. "Not sure yet. But I do love black or dark green." She winked mentioning her house color. "Oh so does he." Fred added.

Dani's POV

I had a date to the Yule Ball, someone who actually asked me. In a nice way. No games, no rules just a genuine interaction. George was handsome and tall. His wit was a plus. Not to mention the boys had no obligation to take me. Especially since they didn't even agree to it when I mentioned it. George was always the older hotter guy in Hogwarts. Well both the twins were. As awkward as Ron was the twins weren't.

They were troublemakers but in the best of ways. I always had a little crush on George, since I got here, but I never acted on it. He wasn't the type to play games, in a relationship. He was the type to be playful in every other aspect. I liked that about him. I also needed a break from all the negativity and familial relationships popping up all over. I would deal with that once I got to Hogwarts. Well after I bought a dress to be exact.

I got back in my train compartment as the train started moving. "All good? Saved the day with Potter?" Malfoy spat. I rolled my eyes. "Actually yes. And I got a date to the Yule Ball." I said and opened my magazine. "Who?" All three said in union. "Potter?" Riddle said with disgust. "Nope." I popped the p. "Well who?" Nott looked angry. "You'll see at the ball." I smirked. I plugged in my headphones for the rest of the ride. I was in no mood to talk to any of them.

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