I sighed as I sat down at the kitchen island. "Well, since you came here during your lunch break feel free to eat whatever you want." I said as I motioned toward the fridge and he helped himself. Eventually he grabbed some leftover pizza and sat across from me.

"I know Emily asked me to check on you, but I really do you care about you. So how are you holding up?" He asked sincerely.

"I'm okay, really. My shoulder isn't throbbing but my ribs are still kind of tight. I just hate that I'm practically benched for the next two months even more." I sighed. "And I love Emily more than life itself, but she's been a bit..." I paused trying to find the words.

"Overbearing?" Luke asked with a chuckle.

"Yes! Just yesterday she offered to brush my teeth for me because she thought I was 'moving my shoulder too much'." I said with a small laugh.

"Oh god." Luke laughed and then turned serious. "I know she's being extremely overprotective, but she really does love you, even if that means annoying you." He added.

"I know." I said. "But I'm used to taking care of myself, you know? So, I just feel kind of overwhelmed I guess." I sighed.

"Just talk to her about. I'm sure she'll back off." Luke said.

I raised an eyebrow and he just laughed. "Yeah, scratch that. But still talk to her."

"I will. Thanks Luke."

Luke stayed over for another thirty minutes before heading back to work. I took my antibiotics after receiving a text message from Emily reminding me to do so. Eventually I made my way back up the stairs and finished my book. I sighed when I looked at the clock and saw that it was only 4pm. Luckily I was starting to feel tired so I just decided to nap until Emily comes home.


I woke up as I felt the bed shift under me. "Emily?" I murmured sleepily as my eyes fluttered open.

"Hey, sweetheart." She said quietly as she brushed my hair out my face and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Dinners in the kitchen whenever you're ready to get up."

"Okay." I mumbled as I sat up, and immediately my shoulder and ribs were throbbing from being still for too long. I tried to hide the pain in my face but Emily easily saw through me.

"Did you take the pain meds before you went to sleep like you were supposed to?"

"No. But I'm fine, I don't need them." I mumbled as I tried to stand up but immediately felt light headed.

"You're obviously not fine. Why didn't you take them?" She asked as she stabled my balance by holding onto my torso.

"Because I don't need them. I'm fine Emily. Seriously." I said as I tried to get out of her hold but the sudden movement caused my shoulder to jerk and I tried to hold back a scream as pain shot throughout my body.

"I can literally see you in pain. Please just take the meds, I hate seeing you hurt."

"I said I don't want the meds. So just drop it please." I argued back.

Emily frowned and looked at me. "I don't understand why this is such a big deal. Is- is this about your mother? Taking pain meds a couple times isn't going to start an addiction-"

"EMILY! Thats not what this is about! Why are you making this such a big deal?! "

"Y/n, I'm not and I'm not judging you if that's the case. I completely understand, I mean, it's a valid fear to have. If you want I can call Spence and-"

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