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Finally escaping from the dishes, Bomi and Sunghoon left the cafe in a sprint. If Youngchan saw them leaving, he would most definately find more work for them to do in an attempt to benefit from their free time.

Finally slowing down when they reached the bus stop, Bomi grabbed Sunghoons sleeve to get him to stop, just so she could breathe.

After taking just one look at the boy Infront of her, Bomi felt the sides of her lips curling up into an appreciative smile

The bench was empty since the bus had departed just before the duo reached it.

Out of pure curiosity, Sunghoon looked at the time table to see where the bus would end up.

Pleasantly surprised with the destination, Sunghoon took a seat next to Bomi, who was still huffing, and grabbed her attention.

"Sooo...we haven't had our beach episode yet."

Confused, the girl lifted her head, forgetting all about the lack of air she had.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we haven't gone to the beach yet."

He was right.

"Are you sure you want to-"

They ended up at the beach after a two hour bus ride.

On the bus, the duo had done nothing but sleep on eachother.

Occasionally, they would wake up when the bus hit a rock or when a baby would start to cry, only to locate eachothers shoulders and fall asleep again.

Getting of the vehicle when it stopped, Bomi stretched her legs as Sunghoon yawned.

"What do you want to do first?"

"Is that even a question? Let's swim!"

"But we don't have swimming clothes."

Sunghoon looked at the girl and shook his head disappointedly.

"Wow, I expected more from you. Life is all about living spontaneously, you know?" He grabbed Bomi's hand and started running straight towards the ocean

Bomi protested, but her voice couldn't be heard over the sound of the loud waves

Eventually, the plunged into the bone chilling water, screaming and laughing at eachother.

Bomi attempted to escape when Sunghoon wasn't looking, only to be lifted up by him and thrown deeper in the sea.

"Where do you think you're going, darling?" He smirked playfully before splashing water on the girls face.

Bomi shreiked and tackled Sunghoon, causing him to lose balance and fall into the shallow parts of the water.

Bomi followed him soon after, toppling over him and landing in top of the boy.

Surprised, the two opened their eyes to find their faces inches apart.

Bomi admired Sunghoon as the water splashed softly around his head.

Her eyes made their way to the spot on his face.

"You have a really pretty beauty mark."

Sunghoon wrapped his arms around Bomi's waste, smiling to himself. She noticed his mark. She called it a beauty mark. She noticed him.

After being lost in eachother for what seemed like hours, (really it was seconds), Sunghoon shrieked as his eyes focused behind Bomi.

"It's a wave-!"

Too late, the water enveloped the two bodies, ending the special moment they had been having.

The duo got up, coughing and spluttering, and hanging onto eachother for support as they made their way to the sand.

"There's water up my nose-"

"That was so embarassing. We're lucky no one saw that."

The two collapsed onto the sand and watched the ocean push forward and pull back it's waves.

"I'm hungry."


Bomi followed Sunghoon as they found a food stall that was standing on the side of the road.

Initially, they had wanted to eat seafood at a proper resteraunt. But they had decided against it, since the duo needed to return home before 7pm.

Sunghoon carried the buttered corn and drinks while Bomi carried the bowls of fried chicken

They were honestly lucky that the stand owner was old and nice. Sunghoon had forgotten to take his wallet out of his jeans before they went into the water. The result was him pulling out soggy notes to pay for their food.

The man had just laughed and shook his head knowingly, before taking the money and handing them their food.

"Let's sit by the ocean." Bomi suggested.

That's exactly what they did. Since the wind was blowing, and their clothes were wet, Bomi had also taken it upon herself to buy a towel from the nearest tourist shop, since it was the closets thing that resembled a blanket.

Now sharing the 'blanket', the duo sat close to eachother and munched on their food.

The boy next to her spoke first. "I'm honestly surprised you accepted my apology, Bomi. Are you sure you're not still mad? Because I'm sorry, I really am."

Bomi rolled her eyes jokingly. "You don't have to keep apologising, we've been over this. Just don't do it again."

"But still, you accepted my apology so quickly."

"Of course I did. I know how sincere you were. Also, you're really close to me and I couldn't go a day without talking to you because I lo-" Bomi paused before she let herself continue. Was it too early to be saying that she loved Sunghoon? How would he take it?

"Anyways, just stop apologising."

Sunghoon unsurely nod his head and finished up his food. Checking the watch on his wrist, his eyes widened.

"Bomi, the bus is almost here!"

It was the last bus. If they missed it, Sunghoon and Bomi would be stuck at the beach overnight.

Abandoning all thoughts of finishing her food, Bomi leapt up and ran with Sunghoon once again.

"Maybe-" Bomi started but stopped so that she could catch her breath once they reached the bus stop. "Maybe I shouldn't have become friends with you. I run alot thanks to you."

Sunghoon chuckled and mirrored her actions, lowering his heart rate before the bus arrived.

Getting on, the two were pleased to see that the vehicle was empty. They chose a spot at the back and slept for the entire duration of the ride.


It was around 6.30 when they got home.

"Wait, how did you manage to get the day off?" Bomi questioned Sunghoon as they walked towards their homes.

"I played sick. It was no big deal." Sunghoon shrugged. "I just have to get back home before the members do."

Bomi shook her head. She was used to Sunghoon doing weird things like that at this point.

"I'll go from here then. It was a really fun day, so thankyou." Bomi smiled, quickly pulling Sunghoon in for a hug and then walking the other way, not waiting for his answer.

"Bomi!" He called out, which was somethung that she didn't expect.

Turning around, Bomi raised her eyebrows. What could the boy possibly want?

"I had a great day. And I love you too!"

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