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A quiet day today. The three friends sat in Youngchans cafe during their lunch break, as Sunghoon and Bomi conversed.

"There's this new camera guy, he's really nice to work with." Bomi relayed to Sunghoon. "His name's Yijin, and he's my age."

Sunghoon seemed bitter today, even though he was fine when he first arrived at the cafe.

"What, so you guys exchanged numbers and everything?"

Bomi nod her head as she took a sip of the Vanilla latte that was infront of her.

"Hey, that was mine!"

Bomi's eyes widened as she realised what she had just done. Acting cool, the girl spoke calmly. "It's fine, you can have mine. They're the same things anyways."

"But you already put your mouth on that one. It's an indirect kiss, I want my first kiss to be more special." Sunghoon complained.

Bomi wiped the lid of the cup and put it in Sunghoons hands. "Stop complaining, just drink it."

The conversation topic drifted to their primary school days.

"Bro, one of my friends had a crush on this guy, but she got me to confess for her on the last day of school. They never met again."

Sunghoon didn't seem to be so interested in what the girl was saying. "Bomi, could you maybe not call me bro?"

The girl was confused. She had called him by that name many times before, but he never seemed to have a problem with it. Not until now.

"Yeah ok, sure."

Sunghoon flopped onto the table and grabbed his head.

"Hey, are you not feeling well? You seem kind of weird today."

Sunghoon lifted his head speedily and looked at Bomi.

"I've never had a crush."

Was this the cause of all his problems? Is that why he was acting weirdly?

"That's ok, I've never really had one either." She didn't think Sunghoon was just a crush.

"But I really want a relationship. Someone to love. How do I get there?"

Boni shrugged her shoulders. "You're asking the wrong person. I didn't even think marriage was a possibility for me until a few days ago."

Sunghoons eyes zeroed in on the girl. "Is this about Yijin? Do you like Yijin? I'm sure you can do better than Yijin." He complained.

Bomi shook her head desperatley. "This isn't about Yijin!"

Sunghoon signed and took a long sip of his latte, drowning it all in one go. "I'm being serious. There's people out there that could treat you better than Yijin. And don't you think it'd be better for you to get with a friend? That way you already have a close relationship with them? And they'd treat you so well." Sunghoon states his points and then got up, muttering some excuse about how his break was over.

Bomi watched the boy leave the cafe in a hurry. "He hasn't even met Yijin. Why is he so paranoid?"

Youngchan happened to have overheard their conversation and stood next to Bomi

"Have you ever considered that he's probably just jealous? Scared that another guy will take his place in your life? In love with you?"

Bomi turned around and slapped Youngchans hand, as her cheeks blushed. "Don't get my hopes up. There's no way."

Youngchan tapped his foot on the floor like and angry mother and shook his head.

"Fools. I'm surrounded by fools."


Sunghoon raced back to the company half an hour before his break was over.

Why was he doing this to himself?

Entering the practice room, he was surised to see a man with a camera, looking around confusedly.

"Are you lost?"

The boy, who was startled at Sunghoons sudden presence, smiled and nod his head

"Sorry, I'm new here. I'm looking for the outdoor garden."

Sunghoon snorted. Did this look like an outdoor garden to him?

"I'll help you, my name's Sunghoon."

"I'm Yijin, nice to meet you."

A sudden flare of annoyance could be felt within Sunghoon. So this was Yijin? "The outdoor gardens that way." Sunghoon said, pointing completely in the other direction.

The door opened behind them, and Sunoo entered the room.

"No it's not. The outdoor gardens that way. Sunghoons just playing, right?"

Sunghoon laughed nervously and Sunoo stared him down.

Ofcourse Sunoo had met the new employee.

Yijin nod his head and walked towards the boys. "Thankyou for your help." And with that, the new employee left the room after just managing to avoid Sunghoons wrath.

"What was that about?"

"What was what about?"

Sunoo gestured towards the boy that had only just left the room. "You totally tried to trick him for no good reason."

Sunoo inspected his friend closely. Sunghoon caved under the pressure. "Fine! Bomi works with him. And she wouldn't stop talking about him. And she called me 'bro' but I call her 'darling'. Is she friendzoning me for him?"

Sunoo looked at his friend incredously. He grabbed his phone and started talking to the blank screen.

Sunghoon stared at his friend weirdly. "What are you doing?"

Sunoos phone unlocked itself, and Sunoo showed this to Sunghoon, acting like it was the answer to all of his problems.

"Communication is key. I couldn't have unlocked this phone if I didn't speak to it and tell it what I wanted."

"Sunoo, it's literally got facial recognition on it-"

"Communication is key." Sunghoon was interrupted by his friend once again. "Talk to Bomi. Maybe tell her how you feel. You'll get more out of that than tricking her co-worker."

Sunghoon looked at the boy. Even if he was weird, he now understood that talking to Bomi was something that would help his situation.

"Fine. I'll talk to her."

"Yes you will. Gosh, boys are so dumb."

Sunghoon rolled his eyes. "You're a boy too."

"No, you're a boy. I'm a man."

The two ended up bickering in the practice room until the rest of the members came and broke them apart.

.·°¯°·.¸.->Vanilla Latte<-.¸.·°¯°·.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz