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Bomi had started setting into her routine, which the girl was greatful for.

It consisted of waking up at the crack of dawn, accompanying the girls to the company, planning details for the girls debut, eating, more work, and then going home around 11.

Today was a particularly important day. Everyone sat around a giant table, discussing how to introduce the girls to the public.

"We've decided on the name New Jeans, you girls will have a retro image. We're not exactly sure on how to launch you off though..." Bomi relayed the details to the girls.

Grabbing an apple slice from the container that someone had brought, Bomi chewed on the fruit as she thought deeply.

The CEO wanted the girls to attract alot of attention. Everything else had been planned perfectly, everything but their introduction to the public.

"We could..." Hyein started, but stopped when everyone's eyes faced her. "Nevermind."

Minji shook her head encouragingly. "Go on, don't be shy."

"Well, why don't we just release the video with no promotions?"

Bomi blinked. "As in, just dropping the video with no warning? No teasers?"

Hyein nod her head as the members and staff thought, small smiles forming on their faces

Bomi finished her apple and clapped her hands. "I love it! That's so creative Hyein, it'll definately draw people's attention."

The members clapped their hands. "As expected of our genuine maknae!"

"Then, let's get excited for the 22nd of July, because it's all happening."


Bomi met Sunghoon later that night after work.

"Hey, shouldn't you have gone home by now? I'm sure I saw the rest of your team in their van."

Sunghoon nod his head and then took the spare seat next to Bomi. "I wanted to stay."


"Is there a problem with me staying?"

Bomi shook her head and then turned to face her computer screen again.

Yes, she had a job now. But she still had to finish her semester at Uni so that she could officially graduate.

Sunghoon peered over her shoulder and then turned to his phone, pulling out his airpods and connecting them.

"Want one?" He asked Bomi.

The girl didn't reply, seeing that she was too busy and focused with her work.

Sunghoon took the initiative to personally stick the device into Bomi's ear and then play a song.

It was Golden hour. The boy sighed and closed his eyes, listening to the music and smiling to himself.

"This song reminds me of you, you know? It's because you're the sun." He muttered under his breath, knowing that the girl next to him wouldn't pay attention to his words.

Sighing once again, he leaned his head onto Bomi's shoulders and rested it there.

He seemed to have finally grabbed the girls attention, because she saved her work and closed her laptop.

"Hard day?"

"Hard day."

The two sat in silence for a while, listening to the music and taking this time to relax.

"You know what always cheers me up? Vanilla lattes." Bomi spoke after being hit with an idea.

"There's probably no cafes open right now."

"We can DIY it, there's a few things we can pick up from the convenience store. You down?" Bomi stood up and stretched out her hand

Sunghoon smiled and took the girls hand, accepting her offer. "I'm down."


The duo ended up sitting on children's swings at the local park, with cups of 'lattes' in their hands.

Sunghoon took a sip and tried his best not to let his face break out in disgust. "Not bad"

It was way too bitter.

Bomi mirrored his actions and almost immedietly spat the drink back into the cup.
"What the hell was that?"

Sunghoon threw his head back and  chuckled attractively before handing the girl a napkin.

"Maybe we should stick to Youngchans drinks."

"Maybe we should."

A comfortable silence enveloped the duo once again. Bomi leaned her head onto the metal part of the swing and sighed.

"Such late nights are bad for our health."

Sunghoon nod his head in agreement. "I know. But it'll be fine if I spend them with you."

Bomi turned her head to the boy. "Why'd you stay behind?"

Sunghoon picked a stray string that was coming off of his jeans. "I had a fight with Jungwon. No one was listening to him during practice and he got mad at me because I was standing closest to him."

Bomi urged the boy to go on.

"I mean, I understand why he got mad. We should have listened to him. But why did he have to yell at me only? Everyone was in the wrong."

"So your reaction was to just not go home?"

Sunghoon chuckled and nod his head. "Yeah. I think I'll check into a hotel or something."

Weirded out, the girl shook her head. "What am I, a bucket of water? You can stay over at mine, we're friends afterall."

Sunghoon nod his head and that was the end of that conversation.

Or so he thought.

"At least message your members and tell them where you are."

"Later, I don't want to talk to them right now."

"They're probably worried."

"Yeah, I'll do it later."

"Are you sure?"

"Bomi." Sunghoon spoke annoyedly. She had never seen this side of him. "I said I'll do it later. Stop being like this."

Confused and a little hurt, Bomi spoke cautiously. "Being like what?"

"Acting like you know what's good for everyone. I'll message them later, so just drop it."

Extremely hurt at being the target of all his anger and frustration, Bomi looked ahead with a stern expression on her face.

She wasn't expecting to get into a tough situation like this with Sunghoon.

It did hurt, the girl kpet her expression neutral so that her eyes wouldn't well up with tears.

Not now. Hold it til you get home. Not here Bomi.

Sunghoon pinched the bridge of his nose and then took the cup of bitter coffee out of Bomi's hands before throwing it into the grass.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." He almost immedietly apologised.

Bomi wasn't going to reply. Even if she wanted to, she wouldn't get the chance to speak to the boy, because she found her time with Sunghoon being interrupted by a certain group of people.


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