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The three friends strolled down the street, enjoying the afternoon of their glorious weekend.

Youngchan walked in the middle, holding a bag of chips that would occasionally be reached for by Bomi and Sunghoon

Sunghoon walked on the side, recording their afternoon so that he would have some content to post later on

Bomi walked on the other side, avoiding the camera as much as possible, so that people wouldn't find out her identity and attack her later on

"Today was a fun day guys, I hope I can do this again in the future. Bye!" Sunghoon quickly and awkwardly ended the video, eager to be present in the moment.

Youngchan scoffed and shook his head. "I don't know why you're trying to keep up the idol act."

Bomi laughed and shook her head to herself. For some unknown reason, Youngchan still didn't believe that Sunghoon was infact an idol.

It was extremely frsutrating and amusing at the same time.

"Be quiet Youngchan. Can we have our picnic now?" Sunghoon asked, setting down his backpack with all the food. "It's getting kind of heavy."

Bomi looked around the scenery and then nod her head. "Sure, this is a pretty place." The girl out down the picnic mat she had been carrying and started to roll it out.

Youngchan continued to stand there, eating his chips and telling the two what they should do.

"Can you help?"

"No. I always give you free vanilla lattes. This can be your repayment."

Bomi and Sunghoon set up the picnic area and then everyone sat down, ready to eat.

"Wait! I have to take a photo." Sunghoon stopped everyone from eating.

"Valid. I'll take one too."

Sunghoon meant to take a photo of all the food, the scenery and the overall vibes.

His camera however had other ideas. The boy ended up with over 10 photos of Bomi. In some, her hair was softly blowing in the wind. On others, she was laughing beautifully at whatever joke Youngchan told.

In the last one, Bomi was looking directly at the camera, smiling at Sunghoon

Flustered, the boy jerked his phone to the side and pretended as if he were capturing the sunset.

It seemed to work, because no one bat an eye at the boy, who was now going through all the photos that he took.

Youngchan and Bomi conversed as Sunghoons fingers eagerly swiped through his gallery, eventually landing on a particular photo of Bomi.

Wow, the word 'perfect' didn't do the girl any justice.

He seemed to be thinking quite deeply as he stared at the photo of the girl

Is this what it feels like to have a crush? Why am I so nervous?

He was interrupted by a nudge from Youngchan. "The real view is right Infront of you. Stop looking at her through your phone."

Blushing, Sunghoon put his phone into his pocket and joined the conversation.

Bomi noticed nothing off, Sunghoon was a weird boy afterall.

She did notice something strange in the far distance however.

"Wait, why are those girls string at us?"

Youngchan looked at the direction that Bomi was pointing in and raised his eyebrows. "They've been staring for a while."

Sunghoon also turned around, curious to see what his friends were talking about.

The girls in the distance seemed to widened their eyes and hit eachother in suprise. "It's him I told you!"

Sunghoon turned to Bomi, who gave him a knowing look.

"I think they have a staring problem, let's meet them out the back." Youngchan rolled his sleeves up and stood up.

Sunghoon pulled him back and gestured to Bomi, causing her to stand up as well.

The girls in the distance noticed their movements and seemed to start walking closer to them.

"Ok, on three we run."

"Why? Don't be scared, I've got you." Youngchan refused.

"One." Sunghoon grabbed Youngchans hand. The girls were walking faster now.

"Two." Bomi picked up the phones that were scattered on the blanket and put them in her bag, while the girls pulled out their cameras from a distance, ready to record.

"Three!" The trio ran, Youngchan being dragged behind the two.

The fangirls in the distance started running and screaming. "Sunghoon! I love you!"

"Please, just one photo!"

The trio ran faster and faster. It was as if they all mentally agreed that they would hide in Youngchans cafe.

"Why are they doing this? I'm gonna call the police!"

The fangirls didn't back down at Youngchans threat. Infact, they actually seemed to speed up.

"Sunghoon, I'm your fan!"

The trio ran past a corner, trying to get rid of the weird fans but it was no use

In a desperate attempt, Bomi spot a water hose that had been left on and picked it up, swiftly turned around and sprayed the girls with water

Screaming and soaking wet, the fans slowed down just to set up their appearances.

"I can't meet Sunghoon like this!"

Luckily, the friends were almost at the cafe.

They sped up one last time, Bomi swore her lungs were on fire and that she would never survive a zombie apocalypse like this.

In that moment, she vowed to get herself a gym membership.

Youngchan ushered the two into his cafe before shutting the door and locking it.

Bomi drew the blinds shut as she panted desperately for air

Sunghoon stood in the middle of the cafe, not knowing what to do

"Shh! They're close!"

The three friends gathered around the middle of the cafe and watched the shadows of the crazy fans.

"I swore they came this way..." One of the girls pouted

"This is all because of you! Why did you pull your camera out?"

"Now we'll never get to meet Sunghoon."

Youngchan, Bomi and Sunghoon held their breaths, waiting for the girls to leave.

"Better luck next time. They left their picnic stuff back there, let's go look around there."

The fans left, and the three friends let go of the breath they had been holding.

Youngchan turned to Sunghoon and slapped his shoulder.

"Wait, so you're Sunghoon from Enhypen? And you didn't even tell me?"

.·°¯°·.¸.->Vanilla Latte<-.¸.·°¯°·.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя