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Bomi was annoyed. She sat down at her desk and stared at her half filled yet half empty essay.

The girl couldn't concentrate. Why? Because her brother next door was currently raging while he played some video game.

Because her dad was watching some overdramatic romance on the big TV in the living room so loudly that she was sure the whole neighbourhood could hear.

Because her mum was yelling at everyone in the house and telling them to be quiet, not knowing that she was the loudest herself.

The girl groaned and slammed her laptop shut. She had only started to work half an hour ago but had barely finished her thesis.

Just as she got up and packed her bag, ready to escape from her house, she realised that she hadn't even saved her work before closing her laptop.

What. The. Hell.

Bomi grabbed the nearest plushy to her, which happened to be a giant penguin, and squished it aggressively, letting all her anger go.

Maybe she even yelled during the process because when Bomi looked up, her brother was staring at her from the door.

"Yeah just a second" he spoke into his headset. "What's wrong with you? Can you shut up?" Her brother asked

Bomi rushed past him. "I'm going out, I'll be back after dinner."

No one in the house really paid her any attention.

It was weird. Bomi dedicated her life towards pleasing her family and being the perfect daughter. Always got the best grades, never got in trouble, had a good relationship with everyone.

Her ritualistic life had lead her to feeling unseen by everyone. She felt as if no one cared because they knew she would do the right thing all the time.

It was nice to have that sense of independence, but sometimes Bomi just wanted to commit arson so that maybe her parents would ask her what's wrong.

The girl left the house and admired the work around her. There was still hints of coolness in the air, seeing that winter had only just finished. But the spring breeze made itself known, comforting Bomi as she took off her Beenie.

The girl made her way to the local malls library. Hopefully it wouldn't be too full today. The girl never seemed to find a good spot there since all the nerds would claim their seats early in the morning.

Bomi caught the bus and made her way to the library, ready to fully immerse herself into her academics just for one day.


None of that happened. As soon as Bomi entered the mall, she was met with a crowd of people. Apparently, the mall was holding some event which happened to attract many people.

Including Bomis 'friends'.

And Sunghoon

Bomi ran into Sunghoon first, the annoyingly good looking boy smiled brightly when he saw her. "Hey, aren't you the girl that likes Teehyun?"

"It's Taehyun. Don't do this to me today Sunghoon."

"Do what? I missed you Bomi, I was wondering when out next date would be. You promised you'd pay, remember?"

Bomi turned around and walked the other way. This seemed to be a common occurrence for her now. Everytime she met Sunghoon, she would leave him mid conversation.

Sunghoon expected this and followed Bomi before she even knew what was happening.

"They're gonna do some fire performance today. Wanna watch with me?" Sunghoon asked, pulling out chocolate from his pocket and forcefully placing it in Bomis hand.

"I came to study today. Maybe some other time." Bomi replied, opening the chocolate and giving half to Sunghoon

Sunghoon didn't know there was a library at the mall. He was confused. "You'll study where?"

He followed Bomi to the library, which was located in the corner of the mall up an escalator.

Bomi smiled victoriously as she saw that the library was empty. "You don't wanna stick around for this, it'll be boring."

"It's fine, I could use some quiet."

The two entered the library and we're confused to hear that it was so loud.

Sunghoon looked to his left and saw four girls sitting together at a group table, laughing loudly, screaming and talking and eating.

The librarian walked passed Sunghoon and Bomi and gave them an understanding look. 'They're so annoying.' she seemed to say.

Sunghoon nudged Bomi and gestured to the girls. "You think we should go-"

"Bomi!" It was too late. One of the girls had already seen them

Bomi put on an awkward fake smile and whispered to Sunghoon. "Let's leave as soon as we can."

"Come here Bomi! Who's that?"

Seeing that the duo weren't moving, the four girls got up themselves and made their way to them.

"Is he your boyfriend?" One girl asked

"Isn't he from the cafe? You should thank us."

"Bomi's dating now, who would have thought."

"Hey guys, we were actually just leaving." Bomi smiled, pushing Sunghoon behind herself.

"Aww look at them. They don't really suit eachother, do they? There's an imbalance of...something." one of the girls assessed the duo. She looked at Sunghoon with heart eyes and then barely glanced at Bomi.

Sunghoon was pondering what they meant. Was it because Bomi was almost the same height as he was?

Bomi chose to ignore the backhanded comment. She didn't care that they thought Sunghoon was too good for her. Why would she? They weren't even dating.

The two were interrupted by the sound of a camera clicking. "I'm gonna send this to the groupchat, imagine what the boys will say."

Bomi sighed. The girl sent the photo to the groupchat before Sunghoon could even protest.

The four girls Infront of them each heard a 'ding' from their phones, signalling that the message had been sent.

Everyone except for Bomi got that notification.

"Your brother said that he's probably just a tutor or something. That sounds reasonable. There's no way you got a boyfriend before we all did." One of the girls laughed

Right. Bomi's brother was in the groupchat but she wasn't. Makes sense, right?

Sunghoon was confused. "Wait, why didn't Bomi get the notification?" He knew that her notifications weren't off, courtesy of the time he had seen her check her phone when txt updated.

The four girls looked awkwardly at eachother. "We have to get back to studying. It was nice seeing you Bomi! Text us!"

And just like that, Bomi grew even more feral inside.

.·°¯°·.¸.->Vanilla Latte<-.¸.·°¯°·.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن