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A week into her job and Bomi was loving it.

She got to eat lunch with friends everyday, meet new people through work and build connections and didn't have to deal with the stress of all the toxic people in her life.

Today, Bomi made her way to a soup place nearby, alone. Everyone else had pre-existing plans and Sunghoon was running late.

One thing Bomi noticed was that the boy would almost never eat with his team. Sunghoon would always use his lunch break to catch up with Bomi

Bomi walked in and sat down at a table in the middle of the resteraunt, seeing that it was the only one available due to the lunch time rush hour.

Almost immedietly, she heard the fake and annoying laughter of her 'friends.'

Before their noticed Bomi's presence though, the girl had time to think to herself.

She only became friends with them because they were the only kids she was exposed to. She only became friends with them because they were her mum's friends children.

She was forced to be friends with them in a way and didn't want to keep that relationship anymore.

They had too many differences, and that was ok. What was not ok was the fact that Bomi kept pressuring herself into situations she felt uncomfortable in.

She had been living so well recently, this was her time to get rid of everything that was making her unhappy.

As expected, the girls didn't take much time in noticing Bomi's presence.

"Bomi? Is that you?" One girl laughed, gathering the rest of them and sitting down in Sunghoons seat without asking.

"Damn, I never thought I'd see you again. How do you look so good?"

"Yeah, I thought you'd be starving or something. Where do you even live?"

"I bet your sugar daddy treats you real good, doesn't he?"

All four girls laughed maniacally.

"How's your mum Bomi? Have you spoken to her yet? Or has she disowned you?"

That was the girls last straw. How dare they insult her infornt of her face and then make fun of her family relationships?

She didn't plan on doing so, but the comment hurt. And so Bomi found a tear drop falling from her eye. And then another. And another. Until the girl was bawling her eyes out in the middle of a busy resteraunt.

Everyone else that were eating their meals tried not to look at the girl without being too obvious, but it wasn't working.

"Hey, why are you crying?"

"Don't cry, we were just joking."

"Someone pull out Taehyuns abs, maybe she'll like that."

Ofcourse they'd try to downplay the situation.

"I just don't understand. Don't you guys get it? We're not friends. We have our differences and we just don't go well together. Can you please stop crossing the line?"

Bomi got up and pushed her chair in, leaving the four girls startled.

"We're not close, so don't try and act like we are." She left the stoor, wiping her tears and feeling as if a heavy burden had been lifted off her shoulders.

She left only to find Sunghoon standing outside. He had seen the whole thing unfold.

Bomi looked at him and then started to walk the opposite direction. Sunghoon followed her, not knowing what to say.

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