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"Get in loser!" Sunghoon pulled up to Youngchans house with Bomi in the passenger seat

Youngchan ran out of his house and plunged straight into the back seat.

"Hurry! Drive! I don't want my sister to see you."

Sunghoon complied with the strange request without asking any questions.

Bomi turned her body to face Youngchan, who was laying down across all three seats at the back, and laughed in his face.

"Does your sister still have an obsession over pretty boys?"

Youngchan covered his face and nod his head. "I'm doing this for your protection Hoon."

Sunghoon decided to backtrack a little. "Wait, Bomi, you think I'm a pretty boy?"

Bomi turned to the radio and turned up the song. "Youngchan, it's your favourite!"

"Bomi, I hate this song."

"Shhh, sing with me."


The trio arrived at the local carnival and admired the sight. It wasn't a bad turn out, especially since the event had been advertised to poorly and planned last minute

The ground was littered with rides, food stalls and free activities for kids.

"Should we eat something first?" Bomi asked, feeling her stomach rumble a little.

"I skipped dinner to be here. Ofcourse we should eat first." Sunghoon replied, putting an arm over Bomi and Youngchans shoulder as he lead the way to the nearest noodle stall

"Gosh." Youngchan shrugged off Sunghoons hand. "I'm not into you man. Stop Tryna make your move on me."

The three stopped walking and Sunghoon looked at Youngchan.

"What would your mum have to say about that?" Youngchan sneekily added

Sunghoon lunged at the barista only to be held back by Bomi. "Gosh, you're still mad over that?"

Sunghoon turned to Bomi to complain. "I just don't understand that joke. It makes no sense."

Bomi and Youngchan laughed. They could see how he didn't understand. Your mum jokes were the highest level of humour for those with taste

Sunghoon had missed out because he had  dedicated his whole life towards his career

It was only now that he decided to live a little

"Don't worry, Youngchan and I will teach you everything. Want a lesson right now?"

Sunghoon huffed and shook his head. Bomi ignored him and stood Infront of the boy.

"Oh? You have something on your shirt."

Sunghoon immedietly looked down and swore he saw Youngchan smirk. Bomi's finger, which was pointing at the 'stain' a second ago had now travelled all the way up to his chin, holding his gaze towards her.

"What's wrong?" Bomi asked, smiling at Sunghoon

Bomi felt weird. She should have been the one laughing at Sunghoon. So why did she feel so warm under his gaze? Why were her palms and feet sweating? Why was her heart beating a little faster?

It's because he's an attractive boy, it's a natural reaction.

Sunghoon himself wasn't in a better state than Bomi was. His cheeks felt oddly warm as Bomi held his gaze. Damn, did Bomi always look this pretty? Her eyelashes were so long and her smile was so inviting.

She's pretty.

The two were interrupted by the flash of a camera. Sunghoon and Bomi looked to their sides to see Youngchan with his phone out.

"Guys, that was cute and all but don't forget about me. I'm still here."

Bomi coughed a little and removed her hands from Sunghoons face. Sunghoon stepped back and took the lead to the noodle place.

"Let's eat noodles guys, I'm hungry."


The trio spent the night arguing with shopkeepers over how they should have won prizes but didn't because the games were rigged, pushing into lines for rides leaving kids crying to their parents and trying every food they could get their hands on.

They ended their night by racing to their car, which was parked at the back of the lot. So naturally, they got lost.

"Hey, maybe don't go there. It looks shady." Sunghoon told Bomi

"But I hear voices? Maybe they can tell us where to go." Bomi replied, cautiously proceeding

"Wait! I'll go first, just incase. You can follow me." Youngchan offered, putting Bomi and Sunghoon behind himself.

The three made their way to a place behind in building and were met with a small group of kids around their age.

Bomi was the first to recognise them. "Hey, let's leave before they see us."

Youngchan was the second. "Quietly walk the other way Hoon."

Sunghoon, did not notice. "Who are they?" He whispered.

Unluckily, one of the boys who was getting up from his seat heard him. "Who's there? Come out now."

Exposed, the trio froze.

"They won't do us any harm, let's just say hi." Youngchan suggested

"It'll be awkward, you up for that? It'll ruin tonight's mood." Bomi appealed

They didn't make a decision fast enough, one of the boys had already reached them.


Bomi turned around and faced her brother. "Hey."

The girls brother looked at the two boys she was with and scowled. "You're doing stuff like this now?"

"They're just friends. Don't get the wrong idea."

Her brother looked as if he almost believed her, until the other boys gathered around them.

"Isn't that the boy from the photo? From the groupchat? Damn Bomi, you'll go out with him but not me?"

"They're obviously together. Why else would they come somehwere so secluded?"

"You don't actually believe her, right? Rember what the girls said? Bomi's been hanging around these two alot lately."

Bomi's brother faced the girl once again. "I'm telling mum." Was all he said before he sat down once again.

Biting her lip frustratedly, Bomi gathered Sunghoon and Youngchan and walked the other way.

They found their car, but all excitement had ceased to exist.

"So...that was fun." Bomi joked, attempting to lighten the mood.

Youngchan looked at her worriedly. "Bomi, your mum is literally going to murder you. Sleep over at mine tonight."

Sunghoon looked confused once again. Youngchan noticed and filled the boy in.

Bomi's mum would follow her son to the end of the earth, she believed every word that came out of his mouth. They had a werid relationship

"Last time something like this happened, Bomi was grounded for three months. Seriously, all she did was go to uni and go home."

It was so dumb. The double standard for her brother who had plenty of girl friends, would often go to their houses and let them stay at his own. Bomi on the other hand couldn't even breathe the same air as her neighbour, who was by the way, a 14 year old.

"I'll sneak out tonight. Then we probably won't be able to hang for a while. So make the most of it."

"Ok!" Sunghoon clapped his hands. "Let's binge movies all night and eat junk." The three shook on their deal and went their separate ways.

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