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It took Tae nearly an hour before he got Jimin calmed down enough that he didn't want to murder the two men in front of him. Yoongi seemed thoroughly amused about the entire thing, even more when his husband showed up with Kook on his back and a grin on his face. "Babe, get this. This little one over here.." Jimin growled louder and yelled that they were the same fucking height, but Yoongi ignored him. "He still has some demon in him and he got all pissy about Joon and Jin seeing his soulmate naked like either one of them are interested in her."

"I swear I'm not, I only looked at what I had to to clean her."

"I'm a healer, I've seen more vaginas than any man in this village. Ones the same as the next when it concerns me if I'm being honest," Jin mumbled as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh my God," Addy yelled, she had had enough, "can we stop talking about my damn vagina. Like get over it." She huffed, she was trying to look mean but it wasn't really working when she had Kook and both girls in her lap giggling and smiling at everything and everyone. Jungkook was over the moon excited to see his Addy again. He had missed her so so much.

"Never go away again," Jungkook mumbled as he wrapped his arms around Addy's neck, "I missed you," he sobbed.

"I missed you too Baby, you might not be mine but I love you just as much as I love the girls." She looked up at Jin and Joon then to her soulmates, "well we can't leave here, clearly. Which is fine since you two will be safe here. But my house isn't big enough for all of us."

Joon cleared his throat as he stepped out from behind Jin's protection. The man might be bigger but he was a big ass teddy bear. "About that, remember when I said I wanted to talk to you later?" Jimin nodded his head once, but he was still glaring daggers at the man. "My parents gave me a house, wanting me to get married and have lots of kids. It's a massive house but I didn't want to get married. So I stayed in the little room in the back of the library and then Kook was born and Jin needed my help so I stayed here when he was little."

He chuckled a bit, "my parents are dead now, and according to my mother's best friend it's because I broke their hearts not giving them grandbabies. Anyway, I have zero intention of ever getting married and having kids. So I want to give the house to you guys. There are more rooms if you want more kids, it'll need a good cleaning, I haven't been inside in years."

"You are rambling," Jin mumbled as he patted the younger man on the back.

"Sorry," he sputtered out. "Anyway, it's yours."

"Joonie, we can't take your house from you."

"Addy, please. I don't want it, it just reminds me of all the pressure and expectations my parents had for me. I'm happy, I get to help my best friend raise the cutest little boy in the world and now I have two little girls to help raise."

She sighed, she knew that there was no talking him out of this, "you are sure?" Joon nodded quickly, his smile full out and his dimples on display. "Fine," she groaned out, "now can everyone leave so I can have some time with my girls and my soulmates?"

Jungkook started to whine, "I don't want to go," his little body getting ready to throw a tantrum. 

"You can stay Kookie, of course you can. I just want the bossy men to leave for a bit, they can go make us something to eat. How does that sound?"

The toddler turned and looked at Yoongi with his bunny grin on, "grumpy will make us cookies."

Said grumpy man stood up, "come on babe, the brat wants cookies and yours are his favorite."

"Yah, he can't have cookies, I haven't even started dinner yet," Jin yelled.

Yoongi shrugged a bit, "that sounds like a you problem. I have cookies to make so you better get on it."

Jungkook cheered and Yoongi smirked as he dragged his husband out of the room. "You want to stay here with all these annoying people?"

She looked at Tae, his face was all scrunched up and annoyed and it was adorable. Tae had always been great about making friends, a natural honestly. But whenever Addy was concerned he didn't like other people around. He didn't like to share her, which never was an issue since growing up everyone hated her existence. But now, she had friends, a family almost in a way and it was hard for Tae to handle that he wasn't the only one.

"Tae," she whispered as she reached out for him, "they are really good people I promise. They've done nothing but help me since the moment I got here."

"You mean since you ran away from us and then tried to make us forget you ever existed."

"I know," her voice cracked as the tears fall. "And I could never ever tell you just how sorry I am for that. But I had to, for them." She squeezed his hand, "please tell me you at least understand that?"

"I do, doesn't mean that I have to agree or forgive right now. I missed everything Addy. I missed seeing you get round, I missed their birth and the first few months of their life."

"Yeah," she yelled, "well I missed a lot of that as well."

Jimin wrapped his arms around her, rocking her back and forth while Kook tried to wipe her tears away. Tae had both girls in his lap and he looked seconds away from crying as well. "He knows, we know. We are here now, that's all that matters. From now one we'll face everything together, the five of us."

"I want more babies," Tae scoffed, "I want to be there for all of it."

Addy rolled her eyes, "yeah well the last time didn't go so great so let's wait a bit for that, yeah?"

"That's fine, but it didn't go so well because your body was protesting the fact that you left your two soulmates in a cave, without you." He leaned closer to where her face was, "that's why you woke up when we kissed you."

She rolled her eyes again as she pushed his smiling face back, "you've been reading too many fairy tales I swear."

"Maybe so, but it worked and that, I'll be holding over your head until I die," he mused.

 They got the babies fed and settled down for their nap, they cuddled on the small bed with Kook laying down on top of Jimin since he still refused to get too far from Addy. "I have a feeling that he's going to be spending a lot of time with us."

She hummed as she reached out to run her hands through the sleeping toddlers hair, "he would spend his days with me, or Yoongi, or Hobi or Joon. But he spent the most time with me once I got here. Even if it was his day with the others, he'd always run off and come check on me. He's a sweet boy and I wasn't lying, I do love him as much as the girls."

"Looks like we gained another kid Taehyung," Jimin chuckled.

"I think you are right, good thing I love kids."

They stayed in that bed, holding each other until Jin called them for dinner. Jimin picked the sleeping toddler up and carried him and Jisoo, while Tae had Taesoo in on arm and another around Addy to help her walk.

 "You let him sleep too long," Jin grumbled. "I'll never be able to get him down tonight."

Jimin shrugged a bit, "he can stay with us then, I don't mind. We'll have to be up for the girls anyway so what's one more."

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