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"What do you think you are doing?" Jin whispered very angrily as he stomped towards Jimin, "how dare you molest this sweet woman, do you even know what she's been through?"

Jimin let out a laugh with no emotions, "no I don't because she ran from me. And molest her? I'd never, does it look like I'd do something so heinous as I'm holding her hand and bawling into it? She's my everything, my soulmate."

Jin gasped, "you and Tae are the girls fathers aren't you?"

With a soft nod making Jin gasp and cover his mouth Jimin turned back to look at his soulmate, "surprised that you didn't put it together sooner. They do look exactly like the three of us."

"People see what they want to see, I only knew Addy so I only see her. But now that you pointed it out, I can see it. Why did she run? I never believed the story that was told to us. She didn't seem like a victim of abuse."

"How long do you have? It is the middle of the night?"

Jin shrugged, "the girls will be waking up soon to eat anyway, I'm used to it. Besides, injuries don't only happen during the day. I am the village healer, my hours have never been normal."

"Long time ago a witch fell in love with me, but I don't, well I didn't like women." He was too embarrassed to look Jin in the eyes, admitting that can get him killed. "She cursed me to become a demon and live my eternal life in a cave. Then she cursed the closest village to not have female descendants. It was already bad enough that as a gay man I now had a female soulmate that I had to get to fall in love with me. But there were no females near me."

He sighed as he wiped the tears away, Jin was letting him get it all out without too many questions and for that he's thankful. "Some hundred years or so later, I stopped counting after a while. But a new village had started and they had heard of me, they started to send maidens to my cave as a sacrifice. I took them through my mountain and gave them to the village I came from. Every year without fail a new maiden would show up scared and freezing being told that I would do horrible things to them to end winter."

"You don't have to tell me more if you don't want to."

"I need to," he sat up and looked straight into Jin's eyes, "I had no hope to ever meet my soulmates. I begged a witch to give me a male one as well that way I could only hope to have some sort of happy ending. But imagine my surprise when my soulmate mate showed up in a stolen dress telling me that he was there to save his soulmate. My heart stopped. Tae is so beautiful and funny and I was in love, but humans don't have soulmates."

"The only way to have a soulmate is for a witch to give you one and no one in this village has done that in longer than I can remember. The last one was," he stopped and gasped, "oh my god it was you wasn't it? The man that killed the witches mate?"

Jimin scoffed, "I have never in my very long life ever killed anyone. All I did was say I wasn't interested in being with her and she cursed me with a very long half life. Then Tae came and everything seemed brighter. Imagine my surprise when a few hours later Addy crashed into the cave with a stick held high as she screamed out a war cry."

"That sounds like Addy," Jin chuckled.

"She's always been so different from every other girl I've ever met. I was in love instantly, but she wanted nothing to do with either of us. Even Tae and she'd known him since he was a child. But then finally after a year, we were together. The next morning when we woke up in our bed alone, we found the note. Then Tae drank some wine and forgot everything about her, I think that was her plan. Make us forget her so we wouldn't come looking, she was protecting our babies from a life in a cave."

"I get that in a way, but why couldn't you three just be together?"

Jimin looked at Jin like he was crazy, "men being with men isn't punishable by death. What would happen to the girls if Tae and I were killed and most likely Addy as well for being with the two of us?"

Jin's head was cocked to the side, "it's not here. Here you can be with anyone as long as they are adults and consenting." He turned to look at Addy with his eyes wide, "oh you dumb little thing. You spent weeks in the mountain with him, how did you not realize that he was with a man too?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Addy kept going to the mountains and I thought she'd found Yoongi and just wanted to befriend the little recluse. Literally the only other person he lets near him is his husband Hobi. Hobi is the direct opposite, he is literal sunshine in human form and Yoongi hates everyone. He tolerates Jungkook whenever that little devil sneaks away from us. But Addy kept going to see him. I didn't question it because well they both need more friends. She was getting him to help her make that wine. I'm sorry I didn't catch it, if she would have just talked to me I would have told her."

"You didn't know," Jimin whispered.

"Yeah but still, I knew that the girls had different fathers. I heard her talking to her bears about them before the girls were born, how they had to make sure that the babies were always safe since their Daddies could be there. I just didn't think that you and Tae were together too, so I never even thought to tell her it's okay."

"Can we fix Tae's memory? And why won't she wake up?"

Jin sat down in the chair with a thud, "Yoongi definitely can, that's an easy fix. Now Addy, I'm not sure what's wrong. She bleed a lot but I fixed that and got it stopped. She passed out as soon as both girls were out and hasn't awoken since. It's almost like she doesn't want to and I don't know why."

"She's pretty," they both heard from behind them. Jimin whipped his head around to look at his other soulmate, "Jimin I've seen her before but how?" His head was starting to hurt and Jimin ran over to him to hold him and try and soothe him.

"Sshh it's okay, don't worry about it Tae. Let's get you back in bed, you need to rest my love."

Tae's eyes went wide as he looked at Jimin and then in Jin in fear, "don't fret, you won't be judged or punished here."

He bit his lip as he watched Jin, "I wasn't sure but when I saw you and Joon together I had hoped."

Jin started to sputter, his face going bright red as he tried to argue, "Joon and I are just best friends, nothing more."

"Best friends that touch a lot and sleep in the same bed as they raise three children together," Jimin scoffed with a small smirk on his face.

"Whatever," Jin grumbled as he stood up, "get back to bed, we'll talk more in the morning."

For the first time in a very long time, Jimin was hopeful, hopeful that he might actually get to be happy. He decided to that since it was okay, he was going to sleep in the same bed as his soulmate and hold him. Tae fell asleep quickly, his arms around Jimin tightly as he snored against his chest.

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