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They got up, slowly kissing and touching all over each other. It was new and exciting and they couldn't wait for the three of them to fall into bed again.

"Maybe," Tae gasped after Jimin bit his neck slightly. "Maybe Addy will let us go at the same time, I want to feel you and her."

"That sounds great love, if she's down then so am I."

Tae clapped and pushed Jimin slightly as he took off running and giggling wildly. The demon shook his head, too used to the humans antics at this point. By the time he snapped back to attention he went to follow the human who was standing in the middle of their kitchen with tears streaming down his face, "baby what is it?"

"She left," was all Tae got out before he collapsed onto the floor and curled into a ball and sobbed his heart out. "She left us."

Jimin reached down and picked up the letter, Addy's beautiful script right there on the page for them.

'My Soulmates,

    I know you won't understand why I'm doing this and even if I explain you still won't get it. But I am doing this for you two. Tae is so in love with you, Jimin, and I see how you look at him. If you two left the cave you'd be killed, maybe even tortured before that. I can't let that happen. You can't be happy if you leave the cave. So I stopped myself from loving you and I'm sorry for that. But it was the only way, the only way I could make my two soulmates happy. You both are safe here. You can be who you are with no consequences and that's what I want for you two. I enjoyed our time together and thank you for showing me how great it can be. Don't stop touching each other, please. It will make me happy to know that you two can love each other freely. Don't come looking for me, Tae. I know you'll want too but Jimin can't leave the cave and you wouldn't abandon him after I have, would you? I could have loved you if I had allowed myself, but even with me as a buffer it never would have worked. The people would have hurt you two,and I can't have that. Be happy. Paint and make clothes and think of me with fond memories of our night together.


"She left us," Jimin repeated as he fell down next to his soulmate and wrapped his arms around the younger. "I-I don't even know what to say."

"Neither do I. Hold me please," Tae sobbed as he tried to get closer to Jimin.

Eagon was waiting for her when she walked out of the cave, "are you sure you want to do this?"

"It's the only way to save them," was all she could get out. If she thought about it too much she'd change her mind and that could not happen. People wouldn't understand their relationship, it wasn't natural in their eyes.

"The village wouldn't care. Jimin has saved us more than once with the sacrifices he brings."

She stopped walking, "there's no one in the village that wouldn't care that Tae and Jimin kiss each other in public? Tae is very clingy and affectionate and so is Jimin when he allows himself. They'd be able to walk down the street holding hands and loving each other? They'd be able to kiss me, hold my hand? We could have kids and they could both be dads, regardless if they are theirs biologically or not?"

Eagon frowned as he scratched the back of his head, "well no, but they wouldn't kill them, I don't think."

"And that's not enough, they deserve to be able to love each other. They are soulmates."

"But so are you, won't this break your heart? Leaving them?"

She palmed her stomach, "I have a feeling that I'll be distracted from my heartbreak," she whispered. Their night together was spent with them filling her up until they couldn't anymore. There was no way she wasn't pregnant, and she couldn't give birth in a cave. Couldn't raise a baby in a cave. It wouldn't be fair to the child and it wouldn't be fair to Jimin to leave him behind every time. Yes, he'd be able to leave if she allowed herself to love him. But that would just put them in the same predicament.

There was nowhere that was safe for them and Jimin has spent a thousand years in that cave, there was no way he'd willingly stay. Not when there was a child involved. He'd want to show the child the world, and learn everything together that he's missed in the past millennia. But that would just put Tae and Jimin in danger. She'd end up having to raise their child alone and that was only if they let her live. She couldn't risk it, not now. They would forget about her, they had each other and they can be happy there. Tae would stay, she ensured that.

"And you are sure you don't want to stay in this village?"

Addy shook her head. "No, I want to learn more about his curse. See if there is a way to break it without me falling in love with them. Maybe, maybe they'll be able to leave someday when the world isn't so judgemental."

"Addy," he sighed, "you and Tae are humans, Jimin can't die but you two can."

She nodded her head. "That's true, but I have a feeling that if Tae stays in that cave with him that he won't age. I healed, just as fast as Jimin does. But watch," she reached forward taking the knife from where it hung on Eagon's belt and slice the palm of her left hand. It wasn't a large slice, just enough to bleed and show she wasn't healing. "I cut my leg at the waterfall, it was bad. But as soon as I got out of the water it was already healing."

"How do you know it wasn't the water?"

"Like I didn't test the theory for months? Give me some credit, I don't do anything lightly. I'm a calculated person, it took me months to realize this was the greatest plan for them. They don't even know about the healing, but I'm sure they'll figure it out at some point. And once I die Jimin will be able to leave since his soulmate is already in love with him."

"You could have waited in the cave with them, waited for the world to catch up?"

Her head shook, "not with children being in the mix. What if we stop aging but they don't? I can't watch my children getting old and dying while I still look the same."

His shoulders dropped, "there's no talking you out of this?" Her head shook quickly. "Okay, in a few days, traders will be here. Odds are there will be some from the village that the witch came from, the one that cursed Jimin. You can go back with them, but my suggestion is to not tell them who you really are."

"Obviously," she snarked with an eye roll. "We'll just tell them that I'm the victim of sexual assault and need a place to hide before they find me and steal the baby." She frowned as she rubbed her stomach. "I don't like lying about them like that, but if it keeps the baby safe I will."

Eagon nodded his head as he made his way into the village, "we set you up in the same place as Lucy. She's very excited to see you, as is her mother."

Our cute, little demonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon