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"Oh, no. I forgot that females have those... is there anything you need for it? Is it extremely painful? I have some herbs around here. How long until yours comes? do they last long?"

"Jimin," she yelled while trying her hardest to not laugh. "I have a few weeks before it comes, they aren't that long and sometimes there is pain but rest usually takes care of it."

The demon looked at her as he blew out a breath, "okay, but you'll let me know if you need anything right? Anything at all. I promise I'll provide, for both of you. I can't leave the cave, but the village, they will get anything I need."

Her head cocked to the side a bit, "even if you didn't give them a sacrifice this year?"

He was blushing again, making Tae coo all over. "Yeah Jimin, will they still help even though you kept us?"

"Stop teasing me, okay?"

They finished out the rest of the evening, eating another time before Jimin watched them nod off on the couch. Their heads leaning against each other as they snored softly. Jimin picked them up and carried them to his room and laid them down on the bed and just like last night, they curled into each other seeking each other's warmth.

He started working on their clothes, he wanted to make sure they'd have a day set and a sleeping set before they woke up in the morning. 

Tae blinked his eyes open and just like yesterday he had a weight on his chest and his feet were burning up. Jimin was curled up in a ball at the end of the bed and beside him were two piles of clothes. Tae slowly sat up so he could reach out and grab them, ensuring that he didn't wake up his two sleeping companions.

He fluffed out the clothes to look at them, they were expertly made and it looked like they'd fit him too. Was there anything this demon couldn't do? "Jimin," he whispered as he gently shook the demon's shoulder, "hey wake up."

Jimin sat up, his hair all over the place as he rubbed his eyes, "y'kay?"

"Yeah, I'm great. Did you make us clothes?"

The demon blushed again as he nodded his head, just like Tae knew he would. "Yeah, you are bigger than I am, and while my clothes are baggy on me, they are too short on you and far too big for Addy. I want you two to be comfortable here, I want you to stay."

Tae reached out, his large fingers wrapping around Jimin's smaller wrist. "Trust me, we want to stay. It's so much better here than it was back home. No one here calls her demon spawn, or ignores her or calls her names when they think she can't hear. She can be happy here, if she just lets herself."

Jimin looked over at the still sleeping girl, her chest rising up and down slowly. "I want to make her happy?"

"Is it because we are your soulmates?"

Jimin wanted to flee, run, far far away. But he maintained his poker face, "I thought you didn't believe in soulmates?"

"I never said I didn't believe in them and if I made you believe that I'm sorry. I thoroughly believe that Addy is my soulmate, but I feel drawn to you too. So it makes sense, why you wanted us to stay here so badly."

"Would you be mad if you were?"

Tae chuckled a bit, a very deep chuckle that had Jimin tingling all over his body. "Why do you always avoid my questions?"

"Because I'm afraid to answer, I don't want to scare you two off."

"Jimin," he sighed a bit exasperated, "you are a demon, don't you think that would scare us off more than being your soulmates?"

His head dropped, his blonde hair falling over his eyes, he looked so young normally, but right now, right now he looked like he felt his age. "I just don't think she's ready to hear it."

Tae looked at where Jimin's eyes were at, they were fixed on Addy's sleeping form. "You are probably right there, but I'm not her."

His eyes flashed red before he shook his head and they went back to his normal light blue, "you already know the truth Taehyung."

The human shifted a little closer, his large palm gently caressing Jimin's cheek. His thumb brushed across it, then down to brush across his bottom lip. "Maybe I want to hear it. I have one soulmate that adamantly refuses that we are soulmates. And now I have another, maybe I want to hear him say it, say that he's my soulmate."

"I'm your soulmate and so is she. You were right Tae. You were always right," he whispered against Tae's thumb making the human grin so happily.

"We'll stay, I promise you."

Jimin sighed, it was all he'd ever wanted. But somehow it felt wrong, how could Tae make that promise for both of them? Because Jimin knew without a doubt that if Addy left, Tae would follow and he'd be unable to do anything about it.


They stayed that way, quiet and looking at each other for a long time, so long in fact that Addy woke up. "What's with all the sexual tension in the air?" Abby groaned around her yawn. They both jolted a bit, turning to look at her. Their eyes blinking slowly like owls, making her frown. "Okay I was kidding, but now not so much. Did you finally lose your virginity Tae?"

Tae snorted, "no, I promise when I do you will be there."

That made her snort a bit, "okay whatever you say."

"Breakfast, then we can get cleaned up?"

That became their routine, they'd wake up to Jimin passed out the foot of the bed, usually with something he'd made for them next to him. They'd eat and then get cleaned up. In the afternoons, Jimin would read to them or they'd play games. If Tae got too annoying, Addy would get mad and go hide in Jimin's room.

It was nice, Jimin had never spoken so much in his life. He'd never laughed as much either. His soulmates were always up to something. Tae was always curious and wanted to know about anything and everything. Addy, however, was more laid back, content to just watch the two of them. Only getting involved if it was something that really interested her.

Like when they went to see the waterfall, that was something she was really into. She sat on the shore as close to it as she could get without getting wet. She had her blanket wrapped around her since it was still really cold next to the water. Jimin asked Tae once why she liked it so much.

"It drowns out the voices," he told him.

"All her life she's heard that she wasn't worthy, those words became her inner voice. I think that's why she likes being around me so much. Because I'm loud. I drown out the voices just like the waterfall does."

Jimin turned to look at her, she looked more serene than he'd ever seen her. It had only been a month, but she looked so content to be sitting next to the waterfall, her head thrown back and her eyes closed. There was a very soft smile on her face, "I'm glad it makes her happy, I'm just worried about her being so cold."

"She has your blanket, I'm sure she's fine," he got a little closer. "We could go sit with her, you are like a personal space heater, if I'm being honest. We might have to kick you out of the bed in the summer because it'll be too hot."

Jimin's eyebrow went up as he scoffed, "you are going to kick me out of my own bed? That's just mean. What kind of soulmate are you anyway?"

"Come on Mr. Pouty Pants, let's go warm up our reluctant soulmate."

Jimin nodded his head as he was dragged over to the waterfall where Addy was sitting.

Our cute, little demonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ