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Jimin made his way through the cave, wanting to show his soulmate where they'll be staying until he can find their other soulmate. Tae might be able to leave, but Jimin cannot. So hopefully the human likes it there and is willing to stay with him. He really has no idea what he would do if he left. He rarely talks to any other humans. The village were he takes the girls has been kind enough to provide him food so he didn't have to live off of the bats that used to reside there. 

He doesn't require a lot, his demon nature won't let him die. He could literally never eat and he'd still live. Trust that, because he's tried to die in every way possible. He's apparently even fireproof. Learned that one the hard way. "Well, this is home."

Tae looked around in awe, there were so many books and paintings and just so much stuff. "Umm, so you can read?"

"Of course I can read," Jimin scoffed. 

The human was puttering around the cave looking and touching everything. "OMG," he squealed as he ran towards the bookcase full of colorful yarns, "you crochet?"

"Yeah, it gets cold in here and it's not like I can go hunting for fur." Jimin was trying hard not to roll his eyes.

The human fell down onto the ground, practically howling in laughter. "Oh God, this is too good. You are a demon that crochets little blankets for himself. I can't, please stop."

Adalind was in the cave and trying her hardest to find out where Tae was being kept. She needed to be quiet, all she had to defend herself and Tae was a big stick she found on the way there. Then she heard Tae yelling out to stop it and please don't. She took off running, screaming out a war cry as she burst into the room with the stick up in the air.

But what she saw wasn't at all what she was expecting, Tae was on the ground on his back holding his stomach as he practically roared with laughter. And the demon, the demon was standing there looking down at him like he wanted to simultaneously smack him and laugh with him. "What's going on?" She yelled.

Tae's head snapped to the side, "Adalind, what are you doing here?" He was screaming at her like she was the one in the wrong.

She aimed the stick at the demon, "I'll deal with you in a minute," before turning to Tae. "I should be asking you that. You stole my dress and decide to sacrifice yourself after telling me that you love me. What kind of asshole move is that anyway? Like damnit, Tae."

"Well in my defense, I was scared to tell you. I mean what girl would want to marry me when I like boys more? You are literally the only girl I've ever wanted in my life. I wasn't going to let you get tortured by your potential father. But get this, he's not your dad and he crochets Addy, like he legit makes himself little blankets because he gets cold."

Adalind turned to look at the demon, he was unnaturally beautiful. Like he looked more angel than demon. "Well if you are going to torture him, then you have to torture me as well."

Jimin was freaking the fuck out, his soulmate Tae's soulmate was his soulmate as well and like Tae he's never been attracted to girls before until he saw her. He blinked a few times trying to think of what to say, Tae chuckled from the floor. "Give him time, I don't think he gets to talk much to people so he's a little slow."

"I am not slow," Jimin yelled before taking a breath, "I'm not going to torture you, either of you. I've never tortured anyone in my life."

Adalind scoffed, "we've been sending maidens to you for a thousand years."

"And I've been sending them on their way to the village on the other side of the mountain where they're living happily with their new spouses and having loads of children. Don't believe me then tomorrow afternoon, I will take you to the other entrance where a man will be waiting with food and warmer clothes." Jimin sighed as he sat down on his couch, "why they send you girls in the middle of winter with nothing but a damn dress I never understood."

"Wait," Tae was sitting up, "so you are telling me that we send you a girl every year and you just pass her off to another village?"

"What am I supposed to do? I'm not about that torture life, never have been. They don't want to go back home to the people that will literally kill them for any little infraction so I send them to a much happier place. A place where they can get married and live out the rest of their lives. In turn, the village provides me with things I need. Not that they have to, I'd do it regardless because I'm not a bad person just because I'm a demon."

"So you aren't my father?" Adalind blurted out.

Jimin shook his head no and explained the story to her, letting her know that he was not her father and that both of her parents were dead. He wanted to tell them about the curse, but it was too soon. "You were right, she was your mom."

She looked at Tae, a tear was falling down her cheek. "I guess I was," she turned to look at Jimin, "so what's going to happen with us? Do we get sent to the village like the others? Will they even take Tae since he's not a girl?"

He absolutely did not want that, he needed them here if he was going to make them fall in love with him. But she gave him the perfect excuse, "I'm not sure, but I don't think so. You see they had a sickness go through their village years ago and a lot of the women didn't make it. Then, the woman that did survive never give birth to females. So there are more men then woman, the only female births come from the girls that I bring to them. So having another male and one that clearly isn't going to let the girl get married to someone else, doesn't seem like something that they would want."

Jimin stopped there, wanting them to draw their own conclusions, he wasn't lying per say, he just wasn't telling the entire truth. They would take both of them in, but odds are Tae wouldn't be allowed to be with Adalind, he'd be paired off with a widow most likely. "I'll be damned if they pair my soulmate off with some rando," Tae yelled, his deep voice bouncing around the cabin.

"About that, you keep calling me your soulmate. But soulmates aren't real."

Tae's entire body deflated, "but they are and I know that because you are mine."

"Tae," she whispered almost like she was speaking to a child.

"They are," Jimin's vice was barely above whisper, he cleared his throat needing them to understand. "Soulmates are very real. I should know, I have two somewhere out there."

"You have two soulmates," Tae's head was cocked to the side. "How do you know that?"

"Why do you think I'm here? I'm not living in a cave because I like the aesthetic, I was cursed. Cursed to never be able to leave this cave until I find my soulmates."

"Do you know anything about them?"

Jimin looked at the beautiful girl in front of him, "not other than I have two, one of each and I can't leave this cave until they fall in love with me."

"That sounds terrible," she sighed. "You've been in this cave for the entire time?"

"I stopped counting at 1,000 years, I can't die and trust me, I've tried. Nothing works, but the village, they bring me things so I get to at least talk to someone every once in a while."

"Wow, it got worse."

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