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"I just can't believe it," Tae sighed from his seat at the counter.

Jimin stopped chopping the vegetables and looked at his soulmate, he sat the knife down, a small grin on his face. "Tae it's been over three months. How are you still surprised by it?"

"She's an elder's granddaughter. In the history of like EVER, no elder's family has ever been picked. It's always someone from the poor classes that gets picked for a sacrifice. But Stella was one of the highest ranking member's granddaughter. What is going on?"

"Tae," he giggled, "she explained that because the last year's sacrifice ran away they sent Lucy, then when the crops started to die because for some reason bugs are just a bit insane this year, and add in the drought, they thought that a higher class sacrifice would appease me."

"I know that," he grumbled, "I just don't understand their way of thinking. How does sacrificing girls fix anything? We still have the same issues."

Jimin stopped even trying to cook, Tae needed him more right now and lunch could wait since Addy was still at her waterfall. "It doesn't make sense, just like it didn't make sense that a witch cursed me because I didn't want to be with her. But Stella is much happier now, she got away from her abusive family and she's already engaged to someone."

Tae snorted a bit, "that was fast. But back to the witch. I still don't get why she cursed you, I mean yeah you are in the cave, but it's still possible for your soulmate to stumble upon you and find you. There are two villages near it with girls."

"That was the genius behind her plan, the only village at the time I was cursed, was the one I came from. She was from another village that was far away, like several weeks walk away. They came to trade and she fell in love instantly. I found out after that she also cursed the village. Remember when I said there was a sickness that made them not have girls?"

When the human nodded his head Jimin continued, "well she basically cursed them to not have girls, that way I couldn't find my soulmate. Some of them branched off and met up with more people and they started your village. One of the original founders had the book I was telling you about when they made the first soulmate and yup here we are."

"So you are telling me that that witch cursed you with a female soulmate, and then ensured the closest village to you wouldn't be able to have girls so you'd be stuck inside here for all of eternity since you can't die?"

Jimin nodded his head once, "that basically sums it up."

Tae got up and wrapped his arms around the smaller man. "I'm so so sorry Jimin, I'm so sorry it took us so long to get here." He gasped, "what if I wouldn't have come and then just died in our village? You would have been alone forever." Tears were starting to fall down his face making Jimin's heart hurt.

The demon wiped them off as fast as he could, but it was hard to keep up with how quickly they were falling. "That was her plan Tae Tae, she was a bitter woman that threw a tantrum because she didn't get her way."

"I can't wait for Addy to come around, I want to make love to you so badly," the human whispered against Jimin's neck.

Addy let the tears fall, she didn't have a lot of time left but she knew what she was going to have to do.

Everything was ready, she would leave the next morning before they woke up. But today, their one year mark, she was going to make it the best day they ever had. So she got up before the both of them and made her way to the kitchen. She wasn't the greatest cook, but she knew they would appreciate the effort.

And if she used salt instead of sugar, neither of her soulmates were going to own up to it and they ate it with so much enthusiasm it made her smile. "I want to go swimming, all three of us today. Can we do that?"

Both men paused, their spoons in mid-air as they looked at her for a bit. "Umm yeah sure of course." When Addy clapped and hopped away Tae looked at Jimin, "what are we going to swim in, our pajamas?"

"I have no idea, I've lived alone for longer than I can remember so I just go in the nude. Not sure she's ready for that."

So that's how Tae and Jimin found themselves standing at the edge of the largest hot spring as they watched their soulmate strip down to her undergarments. She turned around and looked at them with her fists on her hips. "What are you waiting for," she snapped her fingers at them, "strip."

Tae had never removed his clothes so fast in his life. He got down to the little shorts that covered his business before jumping into the hot spring with a massive grin on his face. Addy jumped in as well and then they both stared at Jimin who was a little shy. He's not ashamed of his body, quite the opposite, but these are his soulmates. So he stripped down to his bottoms and then climbed into the spring after them.

Addy looked at Tae with a mischievous smile, "since he was your first, I think it's only fair that he's mine." That was the only warning the two of them got before she wrapped her arms around Jimin's neck and crashed their lips together. She kissed him with everything she had, she needed him to know that she could love him if she'd let herself but that she was doing this FOR them.

She wanted them to be happy and they could be... if they stayed here, in the cave. Jimin's body was always warmer than theirs, but now it felt like it was practically on fire. But she was ready to drown in it, at least for today. After that she'll leave and they can be together and happy. That's all she wants, without her it's a possibility, holding them back from each other. If she stayed, she fall in love and they'd want to leave. Someone would not agree with their lifestyle and they'd die and it would be all her fault.

She felt a presence at her back and then lips on her neck, Tae's arms wrapped around the two of them pulling them all together as tightly as he could. Addy could feel how hard they both were. Not just their bodies, but their dicks as well. She had one at her back and one at her front. She needed more, but she didn't know how to ask for it. 

They pulled back, both of them gasping for breath as she leaned back into Tae more. "My turn," he whispered against her neck after biting her slightly and making her gasp. The next thing she knew they were switching places and Tae's lips were on hers. His kiss was more desperate, more forceful, but just as good. Jimin's hands were on her hips and Tae's were still around the two of them.

"Addy," Jimin groaned as he rocked into her.

"I want you, both of you," she moaned before going back to kissing Tae.

"Are you sure?"

Her head turned back to look at Jimin, "very, please don't make me wait. I'm finally ready and I want you both."

"That's all I needed to hear," Tae smirked as he picked Addy up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. "Come on Min, our soulmate needs us."

They wouldn't go all the way, not in the hot springs, but they would go all the way today. Tae was going to make damn sure of that. But he wanted to see her, all of her, so he slowly peeled her wet clothing away from her body as he looked at her with so much love and lust in his eyes.

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