The Persuader

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Emmalyn visited my house in the morning time. She told me how she searched through every possible book that would discuss my power but there was nothing there. Rumors of my existence were only circled by mouth. It's odd...knowing that you don't exist to the general public.

But she was ecstatic to "discover" me. She began trying to test me- poking me with plenty of needles and draining me of my blood.

Thankfully, a quiet knock on my door interrupted her from her 5th needle.

"My apologies! I need to check who it is." I smiled before quietly muttering "thank Irene."

"I heard that!" She snarkily called out while compiling her equipment.

"Laurence! Hey!" I smile as I open the door.

"Hey! I really needed to...uh-" He trails off as he looks down at my attire.

Emmalyn came so early in the morning that I wasn't able to dress myself. I still had my silk gown and robe.

"Shit- sorry." I chuckle while blushing. I swiftly grab a cloak from my rack and wrap it around myself.

"Er-um m-my apologies Amai. I do not wish to rush you but I need to urgently speak with you...alone." He tells me eyeing Emmalyn behind me.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll go-just keep it pg! There's more serious things going on than your stupid love these tests! Oooo I can't wait to see your cells!" She scurries out of my front door grinning ear to ear at my blood samples.

"I should probably be worried." I giggle moving to allow him to come in.

"We guards usually keep an eye on her for that reason." He laughs along whilst entering my home. He takes a look around and smiles.

"What is it?" I join him.

"It's just" He smiles looking down at me. I immediately become flustered with the proximity and walk away wiping my face.

"What did you need? You said it was urgent?" I look into his bright blue eyes trying to figure it out.

"Ah yes. Lord Aphmau and I have come to a conclusion on the amulet. I'm here to escort you to the guards tower erm- after you dress that is."

"Oh, I'll hurry then." I smile to him. "I just picked some fresh tea plants and herbs. Help yourself to some tea if you'd like!"


"Thank you for meeting us." The lord spoke. "As of recent, we have discovered that Zane wishes to have the amulet."

My eyes widen. How important is this thing?

"We were hoping, if you'd accept, that we could hide the amulet on your plot. It's farther out from the village than anywhere else and you have a power of the divine Irene. It would be safest with you." Laurance chimes in.

"I accept. Of course I would." I furrow my brows. "Is there a catch or something?"

The Lord and Laurance exchange looks.

Laurance sighs. "You can't tell a soul. Only the people in this room know of this. Not even Garroth or Dante."

"Are they suspects in all of this?"

"They have both had their moments of acting strangely, yes, but this amulet holds a greater power than we can comprehend. We have to keep this hidden. If Zane is looking for it, I'm not sure I can trust anyone to die hiding it." Lord Aphmau shakes her head solemnly. You can tell this is all eating at her.

"Speaking of suspects. If either of you had witnessed something odd or unusual going on please report it to me or each other." Laurance spoke in an unsettling manner. Anger and stress almost radiated off of him.

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