"Jimin, can you open it for me, please?"

"Of course!"

He says 'of course,' but turns out that it isn't so 'of course.' Taehyung has really screwed it on there with his gigantic hands. Jimin tries multiple times, altering his grip on the bottle and its lid between each attempt. Your smirk only grows as his face gets redder and redder. So this is what karma is, huh?

"Hmm, maybe I should've asked fish boy?" you tease, leaning back against the closed door, arms crossing over your chest.

"If I can't open it, he won't be able to either," Jimin scoffs as he hands you the unopened bottle back, both looking and sounding irritated.

Jimin likes to tease you about everything, especially the siren. But that's all it's ever been, though; and you've never considered the reason being any other than wishing to fluster you.

But now that you think about it, maybe he is a little... jealous? Jimin has never made any advances towards you, never hinted at anything, so you seriously doubt he's into you in any way but platonically. If he's jealous, you assume it's due to the fact that the siren is still kept on the hush-hush, and he and Taehyung aren't really included. That, or he feels like the siren himself threatens his masculinity?

"I don't know; I think he might just be able to. He's very strong..." The look on Jimin's face reveals the realization of what you're about to suggest. And he doesn't like it one bit. "We'll just have to ask him, won't we?"

With the bottle in hand, a smirk on your face, and an annoyed Jimin behind you, you click yourself through the familiar door. You know very well that Jimin is far more scared of the siren than he'd ever let on. Fragile masculinity and all that. The only reason he's following you has to be a weird desire to watch the siren fail.

Said siren's head breaks the surface just as you step onto the platform, sharp eyes instantly locked on Jimin. You can't blame your colleague for choosing to remain on that last step, not with the way Jeongguk is glaring at him. Dark, eerily, still eyes, barely above the dark water.

Most times, when you look at Jeongguk's face in the cool-toned dimmed light, you see a boy. A man. It's easy to push his superhuman status to the back of your mind, especially considering that all you really see is his top half, the differences between you hidden in the depths.

But there are those times, almost exclusively when someone else joins you, that he looks every bit a sea creature. No matter how shy or friendly he can be, there's still that wild look to his eyes.

You picture it behind your closed eyelids, the dream you had the night after the incident when you were convinced he'd try to end you. In it, you went diving with your friends to check out some old shipwreck.

Not that you've ever been super into diving, quite the opposite as you actually have a mild case of thalassophobia. You're uncomfortable by the thought of large bodies of water, the darkness at the depths, the creepy silence underwater.

But there you were, hoping to explore the wreck and unravel its mysteries.

At the depths you've reached, few rays of light pierce through, and you eventually lose your friends somewhere in the dark. Maybe something is wrong with your oxygen tank?

Don't you feel a little... disorientated?

Somehow, you manage to find the wreck on your own, a grand ship that looks just what you imagine an old shipwreck to look like, brown wood that appears almost green when you shine your handheld flashlight at it. The circle of white light travels over its hull, illuminating stray particles of whatever as they float around you.

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