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Strawberries. Everyone loves them. You love them, the sea lions beg for them, and even your colleagues steal them from your massive zip-lock bag in the lunchroom fridge, not bothering to hide their snacking from you.

"I just don't understand how she can live so far away yet still manage to breathe down my neck," you mutter, absentmindedly throwing Sam another piece of cut-up strawberry.

He catches it effortlessly with his mouth, and you lean your elbows on the slab of cement as you look down at them. The other sea lion, Ila, watches you with pleading eyes, and so you toss her a piece as well.

"I guess I shouldn't complain too much; without her, I wouldn't have gotten to know your pretty faces." Sam makes a sound you've come to recognize as pleased, and you almost think that he understands and appreciates your compliment.

You smile towards him, but that smile soon falters as a strange feeling creeps up your spine.

It's been a few weeks since you, undoubtedly thanks to your mother, landed the internship at Namjoon's lab, and you honestly couldn't be happier. When she mentioned that the handsome son of one of her colleagues had a spot open at his marine lab, you understandably jumped at the opportunity.

You didn't know the man, but apparently, you shared an interest in marine life even if he turned out to be a bit more successful, owning a highly regarded research and rehab center, and you... well, you enjoyed watching documentaries about the deep blue from the comfort of your couch.

Still, Namjoon prioritized your easy-going personality and your willingness to learn over actual experience and welcomed you with a warm smile. And you certainly don't regret applying!

It's a thousand times more interesting than you could've ever imagined, and the creatures kept in the large building fascinate you beyond belief.

Your duties include cleaning and assisting the keepers and scientists, and about once a week, give a class of visiting kids a tour of the place. It's not too long ago that you were cleared to hold the tour yourself, but it has quickly become one of your favorite things to do. Besides, it's pretty straightforward; show a few of the predetermined tanks and enclosures, stop by a lab, and inform the wide-eyed kids of the importance of keeping trash out of the oceans.

And although the days are long, you don't mind it, more often than not staying later than you need to. On top of everything, you've also made a few really good friends! Namjoon you don't see much of, but Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jimin already have their own designated place in your heart—Hoseok especially.

He's a scientist, like a real one, and he usually keeps himself busy in the lab lab, doing experiments and other things you assume scientists do. He even wears a fancy white lab coat.

Taehyung and Jimin are responsible for the animals' daily care, flexing their degrees in biology and zoology to feed them, make sure they're happy and healthy, and keep their homes clean.

They aren't the cuddliest, you have to admit, but there's always a sense of calm embracing you as you observe the fish through the glass. The same reason there's always fish tanks at the dentist, you guess.

And some creatures speak to you more than others. There are two sea otters and three seals, all of which were seized from neglecting civilians and which were either too old or not healthy enough to be let back out into the wild.

Some of them are pretty curious and fun to be around, but your favorite place in the entire building is by far by the sea lion's enclosure. Sam and Ila are retired entertainers who came to the lab from a marine theme park where they used to perform at shows. They're the most social out of the animals, having been raised and trained by humans.

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