chapter 19

139 15 3

Jarred Scot

My unexpected morning surprised from the parents of Christopher it made my word turned up side down. The feeling  of catch by act, embarrassing moment, but I can't  explain her first reaction before she give me a very soft smile of assurance that everything is fine, and there's nothing wrong.

When the woman left, I can't hold on letting my flaws on Christopher. I'm on the bridge of exploding my frustration, but looking at the man on my front who never get soft on his reaction. I rush on the shower room locking my self. In how many minutes my phone is ringing I end my shower to take the call of my ear, while drying and changing the new fresh clothes Christopher prepared for me, yes he really spoid me, from the first day we meet until now.

"Hello sir. "

"How are you lieutenant?"

" it was great sir, what I can help you?"

" I want you to report here at the head quarter before you leave. "

"Yes sir I report at your office before I headed to the mission."

"I know it was bit rude after you served and it almost take your life, to ask this in return of your leave of service, but we really need you on this."

Okay sir I understand the situation even I don't want it but it was so important also to be done at least I can give a justice to people who happened a victims of this group. "

"Thanks for your passion of work lieutenant, this is one of reason I count on you with this mission. "

"Okay sir, I be there tomorrow. "

The good bye I made, when the a pair of strong arms wrapped on my waistline. He buried his face on my neck like a child asking my warm.

"Hmmm... What happened Mr. Knight? Why to clinging in early in the morning? " I ask.

"If only I can stop you from leaving for this work I will do I'm to much afraid and worry about your safety, I can't help the anxiety I feel now. Baby please promise me a one thing. Please come home safely. " his words is like a heavy stone in my heart, it so hard to leave if I hold a promise knowing the kind of work I had, everything is uncertain.

"I can't promise of that, but I do my best to come home for you and Ace, and to my parents. " I feel the sharp object inside on my chest, but I want to give him a hope, a hope that I don't know how to fulfill. After that short conversation we proceed to the living room wear the Christopher's parents waited us.

"Hello everyone, and you little man. " Christopher greeted the three person seating at the couch.

"Hi sir, madam, good morning Ace how was your sleep? " I greeted them awkwardly, before the two old people answered me Ace as a machine talker answer me first.

"Mommy,  my sleep us great, what about you, you know daddy cry on his sleep, did you sleep while he is with you? " this little man with the adult mind is talking like a mother to her child's.

"Daddy is well behave last night. What about you young one are you behave this morning? "

"Sorry mommy I enter your room without knocking, I will not do it again."

"Okay now go to kitchen with your nanny, grab something for your Tommy, cause adult one had something to talk, okay. "

"Yes mommy..... Ms. Lyn let's go.... " he run on the kitchen.

"Wow, your great to a child, by the way I'm Adel but they use to call me Eden, mother of Christopher as you know, and this my husband Harold knight. " the woman on here early fifties introduced her self and her husband, I feel sorry on my negative thinking on the person's before I meet them personally.

"Nice meeting you sir madam. By the way I'm jarred Scot I know, you where family tree I came from. "

"Oh, this young man is so formal, call me dad and call my wife mom. But to be honest I'm quite stunned on your physical appearance, you really half of Bea, only not that same that your a man and she is a woman. Milan and Monica produces such a identical kids, like a real twin." The old man statement is showing how negative thinking I had, I was on way of answering him when chris start of talking.

"Thank you dad, so it means mom told you of what I told her last night? " this clever man is in another level of being prepared, yes I wad stunning of his actions but still it is quite early.

"Yes son, how can she hide it, it is important to talk, your happiness is our happiness as long as ace is never be affected with it. As what I see now it is a good result of your decision. And jarred son, thanks for letting him enjoy the mother care, even your not a woman. " the father said.

"Your welcome dad, now I can't think so much about my situation with your son. "

"We parents all we want us our children to be happy. I know your mothers can understand that to as we understand Christopher. "

Our conversation last about a hour, and done when they say their good bye so they can go to shopping, with the promise of meeting at the venue of ace birthday, right after the wonderful person me and Christopher spending our time together after the last call he take with regard on the event.

"Hey Christopher Knight please stop being clinging. " he wrap his arms on me and buried his face on my neck. He start on kissing that part of me.

I was dragging on my emotion, I feel it as my safest place of my life, his touch is like a cocaine on me, it bring me to high.

I never know how we end up on the room that I use to use. But it is to late to stopped, because my clear mind is eated by the desired of my soul, the worldly lust together the feeling of wanting to be one with him.

His hands is like a magic, that I never know how he take off my clothes, I was surprised when the coldness of the air coming from the AC is blowing on my skin. But who am I to care.

........... To be continue...............

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